The Visionary Soul
Well-Known Member
Okay, so I just read what Jimmy Hilly said in his most recent Avatar themed article. What Jimmy had to say is actually quite accurate this time... that isn't all that surprising. Because honestly, it's all a rehash of him stating the obvious. The only thing I don't believe entirely from that piece is that Lord of the Rings stuff. I've mentioned that Universal is doing Lord of the Rings, and that's still the plan from what I've heard. This whole "WDI trying to get New Line just to put pressure on James Cameron... the greatest pioneer" well, I don't believe that part of the story one bit.@WDW1974 , Lee, @TheVisionarySoul .... so, I know I shouldn't take Jim Hill seriously by any stretch of the imagination, but he almost sounds like he knows something in regards to the DAK projects in his latest article (not sure if I can link here?) ....
Particularly, the interesting little nibbles of information regarding the Tree of Life (and nets currently surrounding it) and how the leaves all need to be switched out. I'm assuming the structure itself at this point will be 'fixed' so the damn thing doesn't fall apart more and crash onto the pavement. Have you heard anything about this?
Also, the SW ideas he posted are similar to the ones you've shared recently and I was wondering if there has been any more details at to what would flesh out a re-do of TL. Would it be a simple re-skin of the current land with a small SW area or would SW encompass more of the current land?
And will the same happen to TL in the Magic Kingdom, or will SW be contained to DHS only?
Any idiot can tell you that Steve's Wonderfully Marketable World of Watercolors (or anything like it) can't go into the Discovery River. It doesn't have a cement bottom, or a filtration system. And if you tried to install one, it would be prohibitively expensive.
I will say this: You should not walk under the Tree of Life right now. Wood pillars and rope netting aren't going to stop a tree branch from falling, actually, I take that back. It would stop a normal tree branch. What it won't stop is a fake tree branch made of hand crafted cement and hardened steel from falling on you. The idea that Disney thinks it's okay for a temporary solution to do this still eludes me. Almost as much as how Universal thinks they can still run Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit and not kill someone eventually. My point is that anyone who knows the condition of The Tree of
I'm not ready to talk about what I know regarding Star Wars. There are still too many concepts in competition with each other to speak about what will win out. Maybe Sprit or Lee can help you there, they would probably know more than me, and/or be more willing to speak about the concepts being thrown around in Glendale.