Spirited Musings:
Is there really a thread here on LotR coming to TPFKaTD-MGMS? I mean REALLY????!!!
Did we call DoA on Cars Land too soon? Yes, there seems to be life in the corpse unless someone is playing the set up game. We call this one 'developing'.
The OLC is not happy with WDI these days. Yes, that is why there will be no Cars Land in Tokyo (thankfully). The OLC isn't really happy with Disney at all, right now. They've been pushed hard on everything from One Disney to MM+/NGE and want no part of any of it since they run their parks to a standard Disney is simply unwilling, or more accurately incapable of doing.
I was not overly happy with the Emmys on Sunday (although CBS was). It was a dull boring affair and I almost thought they were doing so because I had to miss them for the first time since 2001. They got best drama and best comedy right (the biggies as I call them) and I was happy for Anna Gunn and Jim Parsons, but beyond that there were a whole lot of HUHS!!?!?? And the morbid focus on death and the tacky way it was done is all on my good friends at the Academy.
TV season started and I still am enjoying Sleepy Hollow and love Black List, but Spader would be great in an adult diaper commercial. Do not get what the hype beyond it being MARVEL!!!!!!!!! For Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. It wasn't bad, but wasn't particularly good either. Same could be said for the Goldbergs. I'll give them both a few more chances.
Back to WDW ... Just read @
KevinYee 's column on more for less at MNSSHP. Thought it was honest and straight forward. This is how Disney operates today and this is why guests attempt to lie, cheat and steal to even the playing field whether by stealing soda or privileges for the disabled or simply walking out of the Emporium without paying or even complaining about a perfectly fine meal to get it comped. Do I think it is right? Not at all. ... Do I think it is understandable? Absolutely. You screw folks enough and you have to expect that a portion of them are going to turn around and give it to you hard.
So, Iger's big sales job yesterday was Avatar and MAGIC bands. What another glorious decade of utter mediocrity WDW guests have to look forward to.
Is George Kalogridis still in hiding?
Sorry, gushing UNI fanbois but I do not believe that this is the best HHNs ever or that every house is fantastic. Honestly, the event got so repetitive that I skipped it in 2009, swore I wasn't sane for returning in 2010 and then had a great time in 2011. I can't really rate last year's event because I went during a four-hour monsoon. But I am looking forward to this year's event. It would be great if they could burn a Disney Lifestyler every night, though.
While not a fan of any NFL team, I must admit to enjoy seeing the Fins at 3-0, while teams such as the Steelers, Giants and Redskins are at the opposite end of the spectrum.
Disney absolutely is delusional in thinking that I'd ever pay $89 to stay at the when fanb....OK, no jokes. That rate is a joke all its own.
I heard my thread was temporarily turned into the of the moment stroller and ECV bashfest and I must say I approve. When at the Disney international parks you see almost no ECVs (and people in them have obvious issues and don't weigh 458 pounds) and far less strollers. When kids reach walking age, they walk. Very simply. They aren't coddled like American brats are. Unless a child has a REAL disability, there is no excuse for a child over the age of say 5 being pushed around all day except bad, lazy parents. Hey, you know who you are. They gave your children functioning legs so they could walk with them. Think about that when you see a child being pushed around because they can't walk and they never will.