Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Well-Known Member
I'm caught up in this turning tide....Past AP holder and didn't renew this year...wife wants to take the family down for a few days and hit up MNSSHP (2 young boys and we had a blast at last year's party)...We are both early 30's - I grew up going to WDW every year, my wife did not and doesn't feel the nostalgia I do for the parks.

We didn't want to make the 7 hour drive down just for MNSSHP - so we called to get pricing on a few nights w/ 2 day park hoppers at both WDW and Uni. These are the prices:

3 nights at All Star Music w/ 2 day park hopper: $965.00 (plus the $200+ for MNSSHP)
3 nights at Portofino Bay w/ 2 day p2p tickets: approx. $985.00

Guess who won? I'll gladly pay the extra $20 for a nicer hotel, a new attraction (haven't been on transformers yet) and Unlimited Express Pass....

I love seeing posts like this!


Well-Known Member
I don't buy that. It was a secondary attraction at DCA, why would they consider it to be a primary attraction in Florida?
Because they are cheap and don't give much consideration to the parks several thousand miles away in the swamp? WDW seems to largely be an afterthought. "Let's give Disneyland A, B, C, and D to drive up attendance. A and B will be great and C and D will add capacity. Oh, give WDW an order of C and some new toilets, too."


Active Member
I don't buy that. It was a secondary attraction at DCA, why would they consider it to be a primary attraction in Florida?

It's clear they did because it is one of the two attractions NFL opened with and anchored as a weenie in the back of the space

The facade and the queue make it out to be more substantial than what it is


Well-Known Member
Animation, yes. Music, no.

You can't even name the song! I'l bet you can name at least 3 songs from Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin AND Little Mermaid.

On a side note: if you get a chance to play Disney Infinity with the two Tangled environmental Power Discs on, you'll be floored. It's absolutely breathtaking.

"I See the Light" was the first Disney animation song that brought me back to when Howard Ashman was alive. I think it could stand alongside "Beauty and the Beast" - it has some structural similarities there too. I was so disappointed that it didn't win Best Original Song that year.

Edit: Oops, Empress Lilly beat me to this. Still I would love to see "Mother Knows Best" in a Broadway version some day.
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rael ramone

Well-Known Member
Why is it Ricky's responsibility to try and improve Disney?

Here's a way to look at this:

If there is something that would make a visit personally better for your family, something that they could change that would make it more enjoyable? Safer? Cleaner? More affordable? You'd like to see it happen - even if the experience in the parks overall is still overwhelmingly positive for you. Because not only would you have an even better time, but making something better means they aren't allowing it go get worse (sounds wierd to type that, but doing nothing about a problem usually doesn't result a problem staying static - it tends to get worse).

With access to an audience who wants to learn about WDW... while keeping the overall tone positive, working in some constructive critisism. Encourage guests to enjoy the parks, either as a first timer or as a repeat. But put a bug in their ear that it can be a little better and if they make that improvement the second trip will be better than the first. And that there are ways that a guest can express their desire for something to be improved so the 2nd trip is better than the 1st.

And if others who provide a 'overwhelmingly positive' view on the net get on the act and do the same (esp. if it's co-ordinated around something specific, like say, cleanliness), that's a huge incentive for them to act on it...

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Would it change your view if msnbc was taking payola from the current administration (or fox from the other side) and not disclosing it?

The tonga toast analogy although funny is an opinion. The deficiencies I mentioned before are referring to the undeniable ones ( broken lights, broken attractions, broken show).
If you can't see the difference our debate ( one I'm enjoying) is as broken as our beloved resort.

I've been quietly following this interesting (albeit somewhat ridiculous) debate from the sidelines, but this post has drawn me in.

I'm not stating a side either way in this (because, really...), but you can't possibly sit there and compare Walt Disney World giving a free meal to somebody running a fan blog to a major news outlet accepting bribes from a presidential administration.

That's like comparing apples to seahorses.


Active Member
I've been quietly following this interesting (albeit somewhat ridiculous) debate from the sidelines, but this post has drawn me in.

I'm not stating a side either way in this (because, really...), but you can't possibly sit there and compare Walt Disney World giving a free meal to somebody running a fan blog to a major news outlet accepting bribes from a presidential administration.

That's like comparing apples to seahorses.
Thank you for posting this.

It seems like that kind of sound, level-headed, common sense reasoning isn't generally welcome here. Or at least this thread anyway


Well-Known Member
I've been quietly following this interesting (albeit somewhat ridiculous) debate from the sidelines, but this post has drawn me in.

I'm not stating a side either way in this (because, really...), but you can't possibly sit there and compare Walt Disney World giving a free meal to somebody running a fan blog to a major news outlet accepting bribes from a presidential administration.

That's like comparing apples to seahorses.
Agreed. Some people take our discussions of themed amusement parks to extremes. Just tread lightly around here being so well reasoned. That's about as welcome around here as stating you actually LIKE some of New Fantasyland. Bite your tongue!
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Well-Known Member
I've been quietly following this interesting (albeit somewhat ridiculous) debate from the sidelines, but this post has drawn me in.

I'm not stating a side either way in this (because, really...), but you can't possibly sit there and compare Walt Disney World giving a free meal to somebody running a fan blog to a major news outlet accepting bribes from a presidential administration.

That's like comparing apples to seahorses.
Most of the debates on most forums are somewhat ridiculous.
The analogy albeit an extreme example and far fetched is most certainly apples to apples.

An informative outlet taking pay in exchange for a positive spin.

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Agreed. Some people take our discussions of themed amusement parks to extremes. Just tread lightly around here being so well reasoned.

I mean, it's nothing new to me. I've been active on here for over twelve years now (you and I actually used to talk quite a bit on AIM, not to point out how old we're all getting)... but recently it seems that the irrational thought train appears to have not only arrived, but permanently parked itself right outside our gates.

Not to mention the paranoia and outright nastiness that seems to plague nearly every thread anymore.
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Well-Known Member
I think they genuinely positioned little Mermaid to be that anchor. After seeing videos of it though, I have to wonder why...
FLE has been a really strange misstep. Compared to the Fantasyland that Tony Baxter spearheaded for Disneyland, it's been kind of all over the place thematically as well.

Maybe it's a "Too many cooks in the kitchen" leadership by committee problem

Arrogance. They thought they could turn food and retail into an attraction without anything of substance around them. Even the mine train - the ultimate heart of this project - was a last-minute add-on when someone realized their fans might be dumb... but not that dumb.

Imagine if the mine train hadn't been added - imagine the debacle we'd be looking at right now, a fully opened "largest expansion in MK history" with absolutely nothing worth doing.


Well-Known Member
Well you could always try to get me banned again. That is always good for some chuckles. :hilarious:

Are you saying that you have been banned or that you think I tried to get you banned? Cause if it's the former, I will point and laugh. If it's the latter, I will point and laugh harder as I have never done such a thing.


Well-Known Member
Because Ricky could care less about how people define what type of reporter/blogger/or whatever category you put him in. This topic was brought to my attention by a friend so I thought I'd check it out. He doesn't need me to defend him, but of course I didn't like him being called a , so I didn't want to sit quiet.

Well, if the stilettos fit....


Well-Known Member
I probably should have stayed there my last time in Montreal. ...I stayed in a Crowne Plaza that had seen much better days.
Many of the hotels in Montreal were built for Expo 67 and the Olympics in 76. Since that time the French speaking people have managed to push most of the strong economic sources out of Quebec and they are now centered in Toronto, Ont. Since the destination mantra has fallen from Montreal (which is a great city, btw) everything is aging. It's hard to imagine that many of the subways trains built for Expo 67 are still in operation. How many people know that the casino out in the St. Lawrence is actually the 1967 Worlds Fair France Pavilion that was shaky and creaky at best, back then. It's been there for 46 years and was designed to last for 1.

It is a relatively safe and clean city, however, there are many people, like myself, that still remember mail boxes blowing up, and political assassinations along with the fact that you could be ignored for extremely long periods of time just because you spoke only English, hasn't completely erased itself from our memory banks. I haven't been there for many years and now that I live in North Carolina, I truly doubt that I would have any reason to return, but, they do have the best Smoked Meat Sandwiches in the world. I used to drive up there just for that.
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Well-Known Member
I mean, it's nothing new to me. I've been active on here for over twelve years now (you and I actually used to talk quite a bit on AIM, not to point out how old we're all getting)... but recently it seems that the irrational thought train appears to have not only arrived, but permanently parked itself right outside our gates.

Not to mention the paranoia and outright nastiness that seems to plague nearly every thread anymore.

so, i think you're debating two separate issues: your perceived sense of paranoia in this thread and the actual issue of disney controlling its message.

here's a more accurate analogy than the political bribe (this is why stringers on political campaigns cover the exact same stories in an identical tone -- an issue recently depicted rather effectively on "the newsroom"): imagine if the administration threatened to take away credentials from a white house reporter if he/she reported a negative story. in short, they took away access to something integral to do their job.

it's not so much about the free stuff, it's access. sure, access to the gift cards and discounts, but also access to A) WDW-related events that other blogs (their competitors) will still get, and B) a feeling of "community" (watch the cali grill video. i was dorky in HS too, and there's a subconscious sense of "belonging" being leverage here for sure).

i also find the "paranoia" argument very, very tired. listen, i personally find this thread to be extremely useful to understand the inner workings of TWDC: the business. some people choose not to experience disney that way, and that's fine. but playing the paranoia card is essentially sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "LALALA NOT LISTENING!"

agree, disagree, but i know for sure that a few people in this thread a very well-adjusted, highly-respected professionals in their careers. sometimes, certain elements of truth may be uncomfortable, but not everyone who disagrees wears a tinfoil hat.


Well-Known Member
Or... why would anyone think professional journalists are the only category of people that should be given access or special perks?

I had a good long laugh at the bloggers in that video just like everyone else. But this is where I think the anti-blogger argument is going a bit too far.

If Disney wants to give perks to bloggers in addition to or instead of journalists, that's their perogative. They apparently think it will buy them good coverage (which it does) and for some reason, they value it enough to think that coverage is worth the freebies. We can debate their decision to treat mere bloggers with such reverence (while not so subtly mocking them to their faces) but ultimately, it's their stuff. They can give it away to whomever they please.

Personally, I blog. I have yet to get a freebie because I have yet to be offered one. I don't seek them out and I don't think my content is likely to inspire anyone to ask me to shill for them. If anyone offered my a free trip/meal/trinket, you're darn right I'd accept it. I'd make sure to put that info front and center if I wrote about the experience on my blog. Presumably, that is where some of these guys might be falling down. But they are bloggers. If you have any real exepctation of professionalism from the blogosphere, that's on you.

*NOTE to any Disney Social Media people who may be reading this: I will shill for you like nobody's buisness. I regularly get about 5,000 hits a day. Granted, most of that is to see pictures of Fat Val Kilmer or to find out what happened to Bridget Fonda. But, we should talk. That's gotta be worth lunch at BoG, doncha think?

Sorry. Lost my train of thought there for a second. The point I was trying to make is I think we are being a bit hard on bloggers who are doing what most anyone else would do in their place. No surprise that Disney bloggers are a nerdy bunch who don't exercise enough and are likely to embarass themselves when exposed to alcoholic beverages. It's okay to point and laugh. But let's not demonize these guys. Disney is at fault here.
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