Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
Disclosed? Who was I supposed to disclose anything to, Flynn? When friends that were/are working at the company are wining and dining me based upon my friendship, and with nothing in return from me other than my friendship, what would that have to do with anything?

When say Michael Eisner bought me a drink because of who I am and who he is, ....nah ...

Nice try at at a low blow. Try again.

I'd love to meet him and just talk business, movies, sports, anything. That would be pretty damn cool.


Well-Known Member
Bummer, I was hoping he would try to push it and leave the video up.
While Disney is private property, it is open to the general public AND allows photography/videography on its property. Therefore, there is no violation of any law (although I DO admit that I am not familiar enough with FL law so maybe there is a prohibition in general).

As for the blogger issue, it's not relevant whether or not they are professional journalists or consider themselves to be. The issue is: are the freebies distorting their critique of Disney, and is their outreach significant enough for Disney to continually feed into the blogosphere. If these bloggers have never uttered a negative word about something at Disney, then most assuredly the freebies have tainted their opinion. It is just not probable that something has NOT disappointed them. And I think WDW1974's point is that these people only do this for the freebies, and reading their blogs is useless because they tow the company line. It's one thing to be a fan of something, but if you offer no real criticism, then you aren't a fan, just a corporate shill with nothing to offer.


Premium Member
Not my thread, so don't see how it's my glass house.

But it also applies to this site.. just because someone reports on happens and changes in the parks.. that doesn't mean they are trying to label themselves a journalist. This site doesn't.. and it's the top 'news' site for WDW. So unless you think WDWMagic itself is oxymoronic... that's the glass house we're sitting in :)


Premium Member
While Disney is private property, it is open to the general public AND allows photography/videography on its property. Therefore, there is no violation of any law (although I DO admit that I am not familiar enough with FL law so maybe there is a prohibition in general).

The only legal issue is PhotoDave's right to publicity and controlling the use of his personal likeness and image. Disney technically has a claim there too with Lotso.. but that's easily argued away based on the usage. The unnecessary publishing of PhotoDave and his friend would be harder to defend under the news/commentary angles.

If these bloggers have never uttered a negative word about something at Disney, then most assuredly the freebies have tainted their opinion

Does that logic apply to any 'sunshine only' posters here on WDWMagic too? if someone has not spoken negatively against Disney we are to assume that opinion exists because of freebies?


Well-Known Member
The Orlando Sentinel's article is titled Universal may add thousands of hotel rooms. This should be the most frightening quote for corporate Disney:

Burke told analysts that NBCUniversal wants to position the Universal theme parks as "a family destination in and of itself, and not an add-on destination for somebody that spends three or four days somewhere else."​

Universal is going for the jugular while corporate Disney plays with a $2B wristband designed to squeeze a few more percent out of their already grossly overcharged "guests".

Burbank has no clue about the pending train wreck in Orlando. At least they can count on an Avatar Land and a value engineered Star Wars Land to save the day.:rolleyes:

In about 5-to-7 years. :banghead:


Well-Known Member
Oh, and I love this tidbit from today's Bank of America Merrill Lynch investor's call:

"The thing that we’re most excited about, what really transformed our park in Orlando was opening Harry Potter, which happened a few years ago. We’re opening a second Harry Potter attraction in Orlando, which I think is one of the most creative ideas I’ve ever seen in the theme park business. The first attraction is in one of our gates – it’s called Islands of Adventure. The second attraction is in the other gate and the way you get from one gate to the second gate is you take a train, and the train is the Hogwarts Express, and so the actual transition or the movement from one gate to another gate is part of the attraction which has never been done before and it’s a wonderful, creative idea. That opens next spring."​

Diagon Alley next spring!

And how long is it going to end up taking Disney to build a value engineered kiddie coaster in Orlando? :banghead:
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Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
Since when did Universal ever build original rides? Lost Continent was the closest they ever got, and all of that is still based on stories most people are familiar with.

500 million a year and at least one new attraction every year? That sounds like some amazing stuff to me.

I just hope it's not like early 00s Disney definition of "new attraction every year" you know? Aladin magic spinner, Dino-Rama, a watered down space pavilion, BAH, a temporary isreali simulator, etc. isn't anything to be thrilled about but the fact that there spending 500 mil means I hope the Uni stuff is substantially better quality and not 3D movies and spinners.


Well-Known Member
I just hope it's not like early 00s Disney definition of "new attraction every year" you know? Aladin magic spinner, Dino-Rama, a watered down space pavilion, BAH, a temporary isreali simulator, etc. isn't anything to be thrilled about but the fact that there spending 500 mil means I hope the Uni stuff is substantially better quality and not 3D movies and spinners.

And if they do that you can bet plenty of us here will call them on it, just as we call Disney on what they're doing now. Or rather, what they're not doing now.
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Well-Known Member
Universal: Two parks. New attractions every year.

Disney: Four parks. Can't manage new attractions every year.

If Comcast is serious, this is how the tide turns. Younger demographic who doesn't feel nostalgia for WDW feels no loyalty to the Mouse's brand.

Other company starts offering better offerings at competitive prices.

Former industry leader piddles away money on vanity projects, management arrogance, and thinks it can maintain its industry dominance by controlling the message online.



Resident Curmudgeon
While Disney is private property, it is open to the general public AND allows photography/videography on its property. Therefore, there is no violation of any law (although I DO admit that I am not familiar enough with FL law so maybe there is a prohibition in general).

It's not the photography that's an issue, It's the use of peoples images for commercial gain, If you are in public I can photograph you to my hearts content as long as it's either for news gathering or personal use.

The moment I SELL your image to a third party I need your consent to do so. The paparazzi operate in a legal grey area - they sell their take to 'news' organizations, However if they video'ed some celebs in flagrante delicto and sold the films for inclusion in the next 'Celebs Gone Wild' DVD they would be liable for civil damages for unauthorized use of their image, The 'blogger' selling DVD's is in the same place.
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