dont want to turn this into an avatar thread but if 3D was "the only" reason for success of avatar how come it set home sale records for Blue Ray/DVD? could it be maybe a lot of people liked the movie?I've spoken with some former colleagues in the media and there has been a LOT of talk about what's going to happen with the Avatar sequels because more data (and the studios love data, polling, surveying, it's patently absurd) is showing that the massive earnings of the film go hand in hand with the modern 3D craze that occurred when Avatar was being released. As you mentioned in the Entertainment Weekly piece and there are many others out there lately, the 3D gimmick is falling as fast as the proverbial lead balloon.
It's very much expected that as 3D continues to cool, Avatar will lose the largest factor that drove a grand scale of audiences to the theaters for the film. The belief is that the 3D (I have not seen the film) was so ground breaking that many who watched the first film would be willing to fork over the extra two to five bucks to see it in 3D, but the question is the larger audience as a whole and whether a film like Avatar is more of a one and done film vs. a studio franchise film.
Dissecting the film business and what can or might happen can go on all day and is pretty entertaining by itself. 2015 is going to be fascinating year for movies because it's the year that will either allow the studios to continue with the absurd "tent-pole" model and oddly loading too many films into too short of a period actually adversely hitting box office results or will yield a completely different business model, make that the classic business model of the film business because the gamble on $400 million dollar films with marketing and associated worldwide costs simply don't pan out.
To me, personally, latching onto Avatar for Animal Kingdom reminds of American Idol at the Studios, getting a property after it has peaked, but the Mouse has always been quite good at misreading trends and then keeping properties way beyond their popularity shelf life.
again i apologize for this derail