Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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I've done 3 DVC stays since the introduction of RFID technology and had problems getting into my room during all 3 stays.

I had a similar problem with a magnetic strip card during my most recent hotel stay in London.

New technology doesn't mean better technology. :)

Oh, c'mon ... So what if the iPhone still can't be counted on to reliably make and receive phone calls. All the kewl kids have had them since what? 2006? And Siri can direct me to the nearest place I can get a wax or tell me the difference between varieties of plums while I am driving the kids to soccer practice so it must be improving the world.


Well-Known Member
Oh, c'mon ... So what if the iPhone still can't be counted on to reliably make and receive phone calls. All the kewl kids have had them since what? 2006? And Siri can direct me to the nearest place I can get a wax or tell me the difference between varieties of plums while I am driving the kids to soccer practice so it must be improving the world.

wow... I think I actually agree with you on this one... I have an iPhone from my employer but if I had to purchase a personal device from my own $'s... I honestly don't think I'd go with the iCostWayTooMuchMoney or the iHaveTooManyApps


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Agreed, and this has been my issue with the Dining Reservation system from the beginning ... some people like spontinaety and just like to flow while they are on vacation. Planning my attraction schedule 180 days in advance borders on lunicy ... not everyone in the world views their vacations as an Excel file ... I for one simply don't get the need to plan every, single, minute aspect of my vacation ... it holds no value to me whatsoever.

Then WDW is no longer for you ... Or you need to visit the Spirited way and look for every loophole and nickel and dime Disney as it does unto you. Unfortunately, soda thievery will no longer be possible.


Premium Member
No one ever said our government acts intelligently. And Disney is very good at controlling people while on its property. The better question would be why in the world wouldn't the government be interested and intrigued by the possibilities of what Disney is attempting?

If this is all that matters.. why on earth does the secret entities need to be involved in the front-end of this with partners/vendors/etc as you have inferred? Sit back and learn from their experiences... not be a contractor paid to figure it out. Your postulations do not line up. If the government is to 'learn' from the NGE experiment... why would they be the entities HIRED to make it work?

Who is the cart and who is the horse? Your posts infer the government is BOTH.


Well-Known Member
Then WDW is no longer for you ... Or you need to visit the Spirited way and look for every loophole and nickel and dime Disney as it does unto you. Unfortunately, soda thievery will no longer be possible.

I saved a bundle after I stopped drinking pop altogether. I simply ordered a glass of water with my meals and saved $2.50 per...the water was filtered through the fountain drink machine and cost Disney nothing (except the cup, for which I would have gladly paid $.10). I've been doing this for years. Not to be cheap, per se, but because I generally avoid bottled water, and I don't like sugary beverages.

This past May, I ordered a glass of water at Casey's and when I went to take a sip, found that it was lukewarm tap water instead (easily identified by the sulfur taste...well, anyone can taste the difference between water from the tab on a soda fountain versus the tap). I'm not sure if this was a mistake by the CM or a concerted effort by WDW to force people to buy bottled water, but it was disappointing.


Well-Known Member
Anyone catch the segment on 60 Minutes last night?

I am far from a "Big Brother" is gonna' getcha' type of person
but I found this www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50153673n a bit unnerving.

It outlines just how far advanced facial recognition has become.

I DID see that and was going to post how it immediately reminded me of NGE. Especially the part where they showed the clip from Minority Report and the ads being thrown at him in the Mall.


Well-Known Member
When you add 'by itself' you change the discussion and few would disagree with you. But remove that little addition and you get back to the real point - 'it takes a village...' - infrastructure included.

Right, but then you have to look at things like DVC as infrastructure... by themselves the bookkeepers look at them as a great investment because the ROI happens quickly. However, it doesn't happen quickly if there's nothing in the parks to drive guests to visit.

It's why I think assessing the ROI on new attractions is probably assessed poorly right now, and is largely why we haven't seen as much of a new attraction investment as we would like.


Well-Known Member
I DID see that and was going to post how it immediately reminded me of NGE. Especially the part where they showed the clip from Minority Report and the ads being thrown at him in the Mall.

The camera in the eye of the mannequin...no words.


Well-Known Member
Because FP+ is more about letting people make reservations for any of the key attractions, rather than those that have large waits.
So is regular Fastpass. They can have the intention be whatever they arbitrarily decide. The intention will ultimately be how guests use it. They'll use it as a time savings, and that will be on the highest demand attractions.

I use FP on Toy Story Mania and Peter Pan's Flight, not because they're the best attractions, but because the necessitate it as a time savings over better attractions like Tower of Terror, Haunted Mansion or Pirates of the Caribbean.


Well-Known Member
I always make sure to watch for the green "Thank You" light in the 25 MPH lanes. In the full speed lanes I don't think there's a way to know if the toll was successful.
A letter in the mail 3-4 weeks later… But seriously, why don't the car transponders have some sort of letting you know you have paid in the full speed lanes. As a side note, a highway with thru tolls I drive on regularly has less cops looking for speeders. I guess those discreet thru toll speeding fines must be making some serious cash.

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
A letter in the mail 3-4 weeks later… But seriously, why don't the car transponders have some sort of letting you know you have paid in the full speed lanes. As a side note, a highway with thru tolls I drive on regularly has less cops looking for speeders. I guess those discreet thru toll speeding fines must be making some serious cash.
The SunPass mini is a passive RFID that has adhesive on it and it sticks to your windshield. It doesn't have a battery or any lights. Mine has always worked perfectly. Matt mentioned that he sometimes had one in this glove box. These things are made so that they only work if they are mounted on glass.

They also make a transponder box that can be transferred between vehicles and it runs on a battery and has indicator lights.

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