I was at the AKL between Sunday and Thursday of last week. Not only did we get magic bands, but I was offered the chance to book fastpass+ attractions before we arrived. I said to myself, "what the hell!" and booked attractions that matched whatever park we anticipated being in due to already booked ADRs. Here are my comments:
New park entry system: OMG! What a MASSIVE improvement over the turnstiles. Nothing es me off than some geriatric having trouble with the finger scanner/turnstile...all the while holding up 20 people on line. This solves this problem perfectly. Several times throughout this trip, this actual problem (some old self-absorbed hag having trouble remembering which finger she used when she first used her ticket) presented itself. And each and every time, the next person inline simply bypassed her and moved on. What a great idea and I don't see the downside.
Fastpass+: ok, I haven't seen the issues that others are claiming here. Each one of our fastpass+ reservations worked perfectly as intended. I was able to even make changes mid-day. Now, I'm going to get flogged here...but once you swallow the completely nasty, bitter pill of having to pre-plan your vacation, these things are a godsend. I have to respectfully disagree with @
Lee here. I truly resent having to march into a park and do the fast pass zigzag from one end to another. While it doesn't take 45 minutes to traverse the park, the time you have to wait ruins your chances of getting good fast pass times the later in the day it gets. Each day of our trip, I was able to book fastpass+'s every hour, on the hour, from 9 to 1. On monday, during a fairly busy mk day, we got through splash, big thunder, potc, Peter pan, haunted mansion, mermaid, small world, pooh, cop and buzz....all before 1pm, thanks to fp+'s at splash, big thunder, Peter Pan and buzz. No need to zig zag back and forth...just progress through the park in land order. I also noticed that my feet hurt a whole lot less at the end of all this. It was, arguably, the easiest busy Mk day I've ever had.
Now, for the bad....I strongly suspect that this will change when this goes live. I will likely have to pre plan these fp+'s, not 3 days out, but 60 days out. Ive already said i resent preplanning my days like this. Moreover, I strongly suspect I might not be able to get fp+s in successive order when this thing is live. Also, I noticed some other negatives. The attractions that don't need fp? Like potc? In my opinion, the queue is ruined, I had never waited as long as I have to ride pirates. ed me off to no end. Putting a fp queue on this ride, just to provide the choice to fp+ hopefuls, is a travesty.
No problems with door entries, didn't have rapid fill active at AKL yet...and you conspiracy theorists thinking disney is restricting water pressure need to go back to your Y2K survival guides.....
At the end of the day, the magic bands were not as bad as I anticipated......but I'm still trying to figure out why this crap cost them $3B clams.