Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Well-Known Member
If the toilets flush properly, then it is not a case of running water it is a case of either malfunctioning faucets or that new tech stuff where no one can figure out how it works. Probably a result of cut backs to save the planet from unnecessary water waste. It's not easy being Green.
That's exactly what it is. Eco bullshtuff.

If you want powerful running water, the bathrooms outside of Sanaa are glorious.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Plumping is important too. Don't let anyone tell you different. Toilets overflowing at the Beach Club! On e-bay tomorrow...waterlogged Mickey Plush for sale cheap!
and those weren't DVC room I might add. I received a knock on my door by staff telling me WiFi needed some tweaking. It took staff 20 minutes to arrive when I called about the plumbing. I sure hope MM+ can fix this, maybe there will be a RFID on the toilet.

I also hope they decided to through those towels away.


Well-Known Member
Off topic because I'm totally over the current back-and-forth discussion that never dies....

But I was here this morning. Before it even opened. I got here, and sat outside like a Cinderella-less orphan until it opened. With tail tucked, I withdraw any and all "pixie dust snorting" comments I may have made. (And no that's not me in the pic)

For the record, this is the third time I've parked, gone into the store dead set on buying that Dumbo plush, and left after the sticker shock hit me and took me for a loop. One day I'll do this task drunk so I can blame alcohol on letting me buy a plush at that price.

Ok, carry on with the nonstop NGE, FP+, NSA talk. I'll continue to skim until something interesting comes up.
Is that a Pink and Green?!

Big C 73

Well-Known Member
Me I wash my hands already while tinkling. Saves time and you don't need any water at all!

eeew...that was gross...some mod punish me..please...

This teaches kids to be more conservative by using natural resources wisely. If it doesn't come from you, don't use it. The only water you can use is that which comes out of you. I'm telling you the world is getting better everyday!


Resident Curmudgeon
This is the upper management spin of course in the WDW current cast magazine shared with me by a cast member.

A lot of puff praise to the cast is omitted but this is the one guest quote included.

"... Guest testing of MyMagic+ is under way.

MyMagic+ is the next generation of the Guest experience, and
with it we are taking another step forward to evolve “how” people
experience our parks by making it easier than ever before for Guests
to have the best possible Walt Disney World vacation.

Thanks to this summer’s testing period, we know that we are on
the right track. Thus far, Guests who tested MyMagic+ have
overwhelmingly indicated that using My Disney Experience, making
FastPass+ selections, and using MagicBands made their experience
even better. One of my favorite quotes came from a Disney Vacation
Club Member who said that MyMagic+ had “given me my vacation
back” because she could relax knowing that her family’s favorite
experiences were planned.... ."

"overwhelmingly" really? More spin than a ride on the teacups.

Where are the OSHA warnings and the guards to protect you against spinning press releases...
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Resident Curmudgeon
Because if you build a system to be read at range it will be better at that... And if you don't you have constraints. Sun pass uses a large antenna that must be relatively uninstructed.

Make the antenna a square cm or so and see how performance changes.

And nubs70 - the speed is really irrelevant to the radio side... That is more about how quickly they can process the transaction.

The delay in the radio side is dealing with em waves... Speed of light stuff

Antenna tech has improved greatly, Now the antenna could be physically smaller and with radio improvements the lower receiver noise figure will mean you need less return signal from RFID to reliably read. Hence readers which could be applied unobtrusively to light poles etc


Well-Known Member
This teaches kids to be more conservative by using natural resources wisely. If it doesn't come from you, don't use it. The only water you can use is that which comes out of you. I'm telling you the world is getting better everyday!
You do not consume water, you merely lease it.


Well-Known Member
Yet I get accused of deliberate thread derailment when I bring up Hilton's customer relationship management system. ;)

The difference is that circling the drain and going down the toilet are potentially on topic for a NGE discussion... :)


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I just came back from WDW. So in a nutshell...my opinions

New park entry system: Works much better, they don't have to constantly rescan my pass like they did the old one, finally plastic for APs, but why couldn't they send the AP's the new passes? I mean, it only took five minutes to convert, but still. Overall, much faster and I don't miss the turnstyles. I also have figured out I don't need to take my pass out of the sleeve to get in. I call this the lazy method
New touch-to-pay system: Works well for room keys, not for credit cards. If I used my Disney Visa, I'd have to scan it 2-3 times on various occasions.
Fastpass+: Although I was not a tester, lines seemed to move even more slowly and I hate the concept. Buzz Lightyear seemed to be more whacked out that usual.
Door entry: I have far less trouble with it as well than the old ones. I also have the lazy method for the door where the key does not come out of the purse.
New mugs: Had not fully rolled out at the resorts, but got to test at the water parks. The nice thing was they let us exchange our old mugs for a lower price and they let you reactivate for a lower price. I'm hoping this becomes the case at the resorts so I don't accumulate a collection of mugs. The problem is the machines don't always work. It seems unless you have it placed perfectly, it won't dispense your drink. The lockout time is 3 minutes as previously reported.

Yeti still broken on Everest (of course). It's a shame because my uncle could barely even see him. "Was he always there?":banghead:

Hollywood Studios needs an update. I vote Star Wars Land over Carsland (of course). I like Carsland (yes I've been), but I want WDW to have Star Wars Land.


Well-Known Member
I was at the AKL between Sunday and Thursday of last week. Not only did we get magic bands, but I was offered the chance to book fastpass+ attractions before we arrived. I said to myself, "what the hell!" and booked attractions that matched whatever park we anticipated being in due to already booked ADRs. Here are my comments:

New park entry system: OMG! What a MASSIVE improvement over the turnstiles. Nothing es me off than some geriatric having trouble with the finger scanner/turnstile...all the while holding up 20 people on line. This solves this problem perfectly. Several times throughout this trip, this actual problem (some old self-absorbed hag having trouble remembering which finger she used when she first used her ticket) presented itself. And each and every time, the next person inline simply bypassed her and moved on. What a great idea and I don't see the downside.

Fastpass+: ok, I haven't seen the issues that others are claiming here. Each one of our fastpass+ reservations worked perfectly as intended. I was able to even make changes mid-day. Now, I'm going to get flogged here...but once you swallow the completely nasty, bitter pill of having to pre-plan your vacation, these things are a godsend. I have to respectfully disagree with @Lee here. I truly resent having to march into a park and do the fast pass zigzag from one end to another. While it doesn't take 45 minutes to traverse the park, the time you have to wait ruins your chances of getting good fast pass times the later in the day it gets. Each day of our trip, I was able to book fastpass+'s every hour, on the hour, from 9 to 1. On monday, during a fairly busy mk day, we got through splash, big thunder, potc, Peter pan, haunted mansion, mermaid, small world, pooh, cop and buzz....all before 1pm, thanks to fp+'s at splash, big thunder, Peter Pan and buzz. No need to zig zag back and forth...just progress through the park in land order. I also noticed that my feet hurt a whole lot less at the end of all this. It was, arguably, the easiest busy Mk day I've ever had.

Now, for the bad....I strongly suspect that this will change when this goes live. I will likely have to pre plan these fp+'s, not 3 days out, but 60 days out. Ive already said i resent preplanning my days like this. Moreover, I strongly suspect I might not be able to get fp+s in successive order when this thing is live. Also, I noticed some other negatives. The attractions that don't need fp? Like potc? In my opinion, the queue is ruined, I had never waited as long as I have to ride pirates. ed me off to no end. Putting a fp queue on this ride, just to provide the choice to fp+ hopefuls, is a travesty.

No problems with door entries, didn't have rapid fill active at AKL yet...and you conspiracy theorists thinking disney is restricting water pressure need to go back to your Y2K survival guides.....

At the end of the day, the magic bands were not as bad as I anticipated......but I'm still trying to figure out why this crap cost them $3B clams.


Well-Known Member
Antenna tech has improved greatly, Now the antenna could be physically smaller and with radio improvements the lower receiver noise figure will mean you need less return signal from RFID to reliably read. Hence readers which could be applied unobtrusively to light poles etc

Have you ever gone through a SunPass lane with the SunPass in your glove box?


Premium Member
I was at the AKL between Sunday and Thursday of last week. Not only did we get magic bands, but I was offered the chance to book fastpass+ attractions before we arrived. I said to myself, "what the hell!" and booked attractions that matched whatever park we anticipated being in due to already booked ADRs. Here are my comments:

New park entry system: OMG! What a MASSIVE improvement over the turnstiles. Nothing es me off than some geriatric having trouble with the finger scanner/turnstile...all the while holding up 20 people on line. This solves this problem perfectly. Several times throughout this trip, this actual problem (some old self-absorbed hag having trouble remembering which finger she used when she first used her ticket) presented itself. And each and every time, the next person inline simply bypassed her and moved on. What a great idea and I don't see the downside.

Fastpass+: ok, I haven't seen the issues that others are claiming here. Each one of our fastpass+ reservations worked perfectly as intended. I was able to even make changes mid-day. Now, I'm going to get flogged here...but once you swallow the completely nasty, bitter pill of having to pre-plan your vacation, these things are a godsend. I have to respectfully disagree with @Lee here. I truly resent having to march into a park and do the fast pass zigzag from one end to another. While it doesn't take 45 minutes to traverse the park, the time you have to wait ruins your chances of getting good fast pass times the later in the day it gets. Each day of our trip, I was able to book fastpass+'s every hour, on the hour, from 9 to 1. On monday, during a fairly busy mk day, we got through splash, big thunder, potc, Peter pan, haunted mansion, mermaid, small world, pooh, cop and buzz....all before 1pm, thanks to fp+'s at splash, big thunder, Peter Pan and buzz. No need to zig zag back and forth...just progress through the park in land order. I also noticed that my feet hurt a whole lot less at the end of all this. It was, arguably, the easiest busy Mk day I've ever had.

Now, for the bad....I strongly suspect that this will change when this goes live. I will likely have to pre plan these fp+'s, not 3 days out, but 60 days out. Ive already said i resent preplanning my days like this. Moreover, I strongly suspect I might not be able to get fp+s in successive order when this thing is live. Also, I noticed some other negatives. The attractions that don't need fp? Like potc? In my opinion, the queue is ruined, I had never waited as long as I have to ride pirates. ed me off to no end. Putting a fp queue on this ride, just to provide the choice to fp+ hopefuls, is a travesty.

No problems with door entries, didn't have rapid fill active at AKL yet...and you conspiracy theorists thinking disney is restricting water pressure need to go back to your Y2K survival guides.....

At the end of the day, the magic bands were not as bad as I anticipated......but I'm still trying to figure out why this crap cost them $3B clams.
Thanks for the update. About how long was the line for POTC? To me longer standby lines are the biggest perceived negative of FP+.

Since you were off enjoying yourself at the world instead of hanging around here, the latest news on the $3B number is that its been pretty much debunked as an exaggeration. Not trying to open that can of worms again, but the consensus seemed to be the actual spend is somewhere around the budget of $1.2 billion already but people are estimating that number could go up since all of the spend is not complete yet. Still an insanely large number that is difficult to comprehend.


Well-Known Member
At the end of the day, the magic bands were not as bad as I anticipated......but I'm still trying to figure out why this crap cost them $3B clams.

Behind the scenes costs. Contractors writing code & databases. That sort of thing.

And anyone who could find a way to get their project paid for thru NextGen.


Well-Known Member
I'll give you that. I just seriously doubt that the government is using WDW P&R to test out some type of new sinister people-tracking technology.

That doesn't explain how IQT is involved in this project.

And frankly, the government tracking me doesnt concern me as much as a private corporation doing it.

I go to Disney to escape that, not be a part of an industrial engineering science project and then having bit of my shopping likes/preferences marketed back to me or that information sold to a third party.


Well-Known Member
Fixed that. Also, you don't "write" a Database, you design one...

I'm just curious if its the Palantir people. Because that would actually be exactly what they need to do exactly what it appears for them to be doing.

Yes... I'm accusing Disney of both Data Mining and then half-assing the way they're likely going about it.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't explain how IQT is involved in this project.

And frankly, the government tracking me doesnt concern me as much as a private corporation doing it.

I go to Disney to escape that, not be a part of an industrial engineering science project and then having bit of my shopping likes/preferences marketed back to me or that information sold to a third party.
I can hardly wait until Disney sells the fact that I spend too much time in the restrooms and I start getting phone calls from FiberOne and Activia.
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