Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Magenta Panther sits at his desk, sweating. This next post will be enough to keep them away from him, right? They'll let him sleep well if he keeps up with this, right?

He closes his eyes and swallows. They started appearing a couple years ago in his dreams. Ever since Disney bought them out. The felt monsters with deadened eyes. It's like waking up to find that it's still late at night. The confusion comes first as he finds he can't move. Then the dread as he realizes what that sleep paralysis means. They're coming. They're here.

The door opens as someone who's far too short to reach the enters the room. Sometimes it's the pig. Sometimes it's the bear. Sometimes the frog. A couple of times, it's twisted felt idols of the people that love him. It doesn't matter who it is. They never show him mercy.

He's turned around, his face pressed into the pillow as they reach into his back towards his spinal column. Flesh parts easily, painlessly. Until daybreak, he's the puppet. He wakes up screaming when the light touches his eyes. It's always still nighttime. He always has to bring himself back down to sleep. It happens every night, unless he pushes them away. Unless he makes another post talking about how the Muppet brand just isn't right for Disney and how their brand of humor is too crude for the parks and how their acquisition was so terrible.

He opens his eyes again, shivering as he double-checks the post and then hits reply. This has to be enough for today. It has to be enough.

Wow, you write fanfic? And about the Muppets? o_O Somehow that figures...:hilarious:

And so does your avatar... ;)

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Bravo, haha. For anyone questioning The Muppets acquisition... Look at the price tag. They got a good deal and they have likely made that money back already.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Well, that was fun. :joyfull:

Oh, and as to the Muppets' profitability:

The unit's revenue for the quarter was $1.6 billion. That was roughly the same as a year earlier but shy of the $1.8 billion analysts had expected. Disney said DVD and Blu-ray sales of "John Carter" and "The Muppets" fell short of last year's sales of "Tron: Legacy" and "Tangled."


Oh wow, John Carter! Well at least the puppets are in good compan...oh, wait...:joyfull:
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Well-Known Member
Did anyone else hear the way kewl story of what happened when a Burbank-based schmuck (we can use that here, right?) dropped his iPhone into the Three Cabelleros ride in EPCOT?

Ok. I'm impressed. Do you know him? My friend who works at Mexico said an idiot dropped his brand new I-phone in the flume at Mexico and completely ruined it, it would have been great to get some info off of it.


Premium Member
Engineering is a great degree too get don't get me wrong, but it is an extremely competitive field with many recent paradigm shifts that have made it much less of a solid bet. No where near like how it was 15, 20 years ago.

The value of an engineering degree is you've established you can do analytical, methodical, often high volume work. It's a mentality and capability that you can apply to virtually any field. Of all the people I know who went through school with me, only one is a PE. Every other one went into other fields almost immediately - not because of lack of work, but simply because their fundamentals allowed them to be adapted to almost any technical field if hiring didn't require an explicit knowledge base previously. Basically you had highly capable people that you can mold. That's why they go into tech. If you are starting a new space... no one has experience in that space.. so you need people with capabilities- not specific experience.


Well-Known Member
Graduated 6 or so years ago with an engineering degree in the middle of all the mess that went down. It was a good couple years of searching before things stabilized and sorted out. It is still that way, though to a lesser degree, today. If you want a degree where the people come begging for you to work for them, get into medical, specifically nursing. My other half graduated same time I did and had her choice of anywhere she wanted to work. Engineering is a great degree too get don't get me wrong, but it is an extremely competitive field with many recent paradigm shifts that have made it much less of a solid bet. No where near like how it was 15, 20 years ago.

I was just going by what a very good friend told me. I just texted him and he said it's still the same especially mechanical engineering. He's VP of human resources at a fortune 500 company that has their hands in about everything.
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Well-Known Member
And people are concerned that the same bad things being done to us right now outside Disney will soon be taking place IN Disney, where people go to escape all that stress. Info is trickling out that points to this.

it's going to cause stress if they keep track of data and statistics, etc. while you are there? If you have ever turned on your phone things are happening while you're there too


Well-Known Member
it's going to cause stress if they keep track of data and statistics, etc. while you are there? If you have ever turned on your phone things are happening while you're there too
We don't use phones a lot when there. Feeling watched, monitored, steered, and manipulated doesn't make for a relaxing vacation for me. Micro-managed. That's a good word for the feeling.


Premium Member
it's going to cause stress if they keep track of data and statistics, etc. while you are there? If you have ever turned on your phone things are happening while you're there too
I believe she was referring to the stress that comes with everyday life and part of all this tracking BS the Govt is doing is a factor in said stress. The more WDW becomes like the outside world, the less of an escape it is. Of course she is aware that data is collected if she uses her phone. If you had read any of her previous posts it is quite obvious she is not an idiot. Apologies @sweetpee_1993, Im not trying to speak for you but this man seems to get a rise out of defending the madness. @WDWDad13, you must be asleep at the wheel dude. It is one thing to be objective or play devils advocate but you must wake up to whats going on in the real world and understand that these issues WILL affect us all on some level and the fact that these INTRUSIONS are spilling into a place (WDW) where they have no business being is a very scary thing. "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" - Benjamin Franklin


Well-Known Member
When I need to spend hours planning every minute of a vacation just to be able to do basic things like ride a roller coaster or have dinner, then there is a problem. If I wanted to work, I would go to work and not take a vacation.

As someone stated so eloquently in the last thread, Disney seems to be doing everything possible to squeeze money out of their guests pockets (data mining, price increases) except the things that will work - amazing new attractions, quality show, and exemplary customer service. Woo us and wow us, Disney!

Right now, Disney reminds me of the star athlete from high school who gained 100 pounds but still thinks he's hot stuff and is coasting on his glory days. Sure, some girls (fan bois?) will still swoon at him, but most other people just think he's kind of pathetic.
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Well-Known Member
I believe she was referring to the stress that comes with everyday life and part of all this tracking BS the Govt is doing is a factor in said stress. The more WDW becomes like the outside world, the less of an escape it is. Of course she is aware that data is collected if she uses her phone. If you had read any of her previous posts it is quite obvious she is not an idiot. Apologies @sweetpee_1993, Im not trying to speak for you but this man seems to get a rise out of defending the madness. @WDWDad13, you must be asleep at the wheel dude. It is one thing to be objective or play devils advocate but you must wake up to whats going on in the real world and understand that these issues WILL affect us all on some level and the fact that these INTRUSIONS are spilling into a place (WDW) where they have no business being is a very scary thing. "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" - Benjamin Franklin


1- no one called her an "idiot"
2- I certainly haven't read all of her posts because I don't have enough time to read most of this junk
3 - I'm not an idiot either or asleep at the wheel
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