Yes - I'm defending Carnival..

You should have been a painter or something and not a reporter/PR person.. because your deductive reasoning is poor.
Ah, unlike Beetlejuice you don't even have to call three times ... oh, and I'm quite good at what I do, but thanks for the advice.
As for the reports of pulling up wrong info.. I've only heard of one myself (the DIS report) but such a 'risk' is not unique to MM+ at all - Disney was at risk of doing this since they started doing online profiles and reservations from the start. Why issues now? Dunno. Is the risk widespread? Impossible to say without knowing what 'wires crossed' for this person.
Well, maybe instead of trying to do some work defending the Carnival Corp's rep, you could have researched this issues since it seems that NGE is nearer and dearer to you. There was a thread started either on this board or on General in the last 2-3 days that had people talking about similar issues. It was rather short when I last looked (only about two pages).
I don't care whether the risk is unique to MM+. That is corporate backpedaling if I ever heard it. The issue is that Disney has been telling people that the security of their info is the biggest concern and that privacy is fine in the hands of Mickey. And folks like yourself have chimed in with the same tired tune. Now, the system isn't even up and they're playing 'swap your MAGICal information with a new buddy that our computers picked for you!'
Again, you're like the guy behind the curtain saying ''nothing to look at here, stay away!''
Many of the ADR/etc type reports so far I've seen when they resolve them they find out their previous data was 'dirty' and incomplete or inaccurate. Like I described before.. they could be facing an uphill battle if they are dealing with crappy, inconsistent data from poorly written systems that preceded it. Add to that any stupidity they might have injected with the new system.. and let the chaos begin. What would be interesting is to find someone who works the reservations lines and find out what Disney is feeding them in terms of status of the problems. Are their new problems growing? Or is it just when dirty data appears.. clean it up.
So, are you saying the problem is the old systems? Or 'dirty' data? ... More to the point, isn't it Disney's responsibility to get it right from the start when handling people's private info? Or, like Carnival, is this just a $#it happens deal? It's nobody's fault?
Who has been saying it here? I've only heard jokes and poking.. not anyone saying its happened to them (tho I haven't been reading closely lately.. I'm asking for references to them). And it doesn't speak to their security protocols at all - that's another misunderstanding on your part.
Right. Safeguarding private information doesn't have anything to do with security. This is simply Brenda Smith of 234 NE Crabtree Court in Alexandria, VA's list of ADRs for her 8-night stay at the Poly on May 7th (complete with her phone number, children's names, activities planned, any other folks she linked to, CC info etc)
Seriously, Flynn, I've always respected your PoV even when I disagreed. But you talking on this subject is just something I can't take seriously. You're better off defending Carnival.