Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...


Well-Known Member
True. Look at this thread and you can see the spectrum of mildly concerned to conspiracy filled paranoia. I think the average guest will probably not really care, but headlines about tracking people will enrage privacy advocates who never intend to step foot in any of the parks blowing it up into a big issue.
The headlines will scare away a lot of people who were considering a WDW vacation and decide to go somewhere else just because they don't want to deal with it. This is a vacation and it's supposed to be fun. If the headlines scare away 10% of WDW vacationers, it becomes a business disaster for TWDC. This is why TWDC needs to change the headline and regain the narrative, to get people thinking about something else.

MyMagic+ is being sold as "It solves all your vacation problems." That sounds great, just like a "Balanced Budget" sounds great. The devil is in the details. "OK Disney, what are you going to do to solve all my problems?" "OK, OK, well I like that and that. But that seems iffy and I really don't like that at all." Even if 80% of the public likes 80% of the changes, there still are going to be a lot of people turned off by the changes. Even without the headlines, if 10% of the people decide they just don't like MyMagic+ and stay away, that's another business disaster for TWDC.

I'll say it again. NextGen fails only if Disney tries to change too much too quickly. Disney needs to give the public time to warm up to all the changes.

Genie of the Lamp

Well-Known Member
Trader Sam's props/decor and Star Tours II.


Also mentions that he worked with developing BVS.

Edit: 1.Michel Den Dulk- Senior Concept Designer, main project contribution-Fantasy Faire
2.Josh Shipley-Creative Designer and Digital Show Production Designer, led presentation with Tony Baxter on WRE at 2011 D23 Expo
3.Zach Riddley-Creative Developer at WDI
4.Dylan Olsen-Designer Engineer at Disneyland, Project Engineer at WDI, main contribution- Buena Vista Street
5.Laura Youngskin-Assosciate Producer of WDI
6.Manuel Arredondo- Show Set Designer Assosciate
7.Vanessa Hunt-Founding Member of the Walt Disney Family Muesuem, primarily focuses her work in the Art Library of Imagineering in paticular Parks poster art.

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Pretty soon, Disney may have to be dealing with Senator Markey, not Rep. Markey. With the Democrats controlling the Senate, Disney better start kissing and making up with Markey.

P.S. To me, it also suggests not to expect anything dramatic until after the special election in June. If Markey's unhappy with Iger's letter, he'll be in a much better position to deal with it once he's in the Democratic-controlled Senate.

So . . . you're saying that just because Markey might become Mass.'s next senator, he'll continue some sort of war with Disney with the support, of course, of all the democrats in the Senate?

There are a lot of very melodramatic, neurotic politicians who take a stand just so they can say they're taking a stand. Look at Barney Frank, another Mass politician, didn't he illegally get his significant other out of having to pay parking tickets, and he never really has explained how he fell asleep at the wheel during the financial crisis even though he was on the committee that deals with that stuff, yet he continues to whine and scream at everybody! Typical rude person from Mass, Markey is emulating folks like Frank who love to whine about anything with false righteous anger.

The Kennedy's were as big time, politically, as Mass will get for the next century, IMHO. The 'hub' just has a deep seeded arrogance that they are somehow more cultured and civilized than the rest of the country . . . obviously Markey didn't do his homework if Iger told him that the answers to his questions could be found online.

It will be fun to watch Markey try to get other dems to jump on the "let's get Disney!" bandwagon like he's crazy or something.


Well-Known Member
So . . . you're saying that just because Markey might become Mass.'s next senator, he'll continue some sort of war with Disney with the support, of course, of all the democrats in the Senate?

There are a lot of very melodramatic, neurotic politicians who take a stand just so they can say they're taking a stand. Look at Barney Frank, another Mass politician, didn't he illegally get his significant other out of having to pay parking tickets, and he never really has explained how he fell asleep at the wheel during the financial crisis even though he was on the committee that deals with that stuff, yet he continues to whine and scream at everybody! Typical rude person from Mass, Markey is emulating folks like Frank who love to whine about anything with false righteous anger.

The Kennedy's were as big time, politically, as Mass will get for the next century, IMHO. The 'hub' just has a deep seeded arrogance that they are somehow more cultured and civilized than the rest of the country . . . obviously Markey didn't do his homework if Iger told him that the answers to his questions could be found online.

It will be fun to watch Markey try to get other dems to jump on the "let's get Disney!" bandwagon like he's crazy or something.
I guess I am a typical rude person from MA. At least I am cultured, and civilized.


Well-Known Member
I may be in the minority but I always thought EMH were overkill in the summer. When it started, it was only done during the lighter seasons when the parks closed earlier. It made sense to have options for guests on property after all the parks closed by 9:00. Keeping the MK open until 3:00am on a regular basis in the summer always seemed crazy. 9:00 to midnight or 1:00am always seemed sufficient. If they got rid of it at peak park times, I wouldn't be upset. It is more needed in off-peak times. Those are the times I will miss it.
I totally agree, till midnight is all I need. I would never be able to stay till 2 or 3 am now... But it's nice every once in a while you know? The off seasons are definitely the most beneficial times to have them so I understand scaling back but completely getting rid of them might be doing a disservice in the long run. I always thought they were a great opportunity for the adults who want run of the parks without too many kids around, and even better for the teenagers who are in their 'too-cool-for anyone-to-actually-see-me-enjoying-Disney" phase!


Well-Known Member
The headlines will scare away a lot of people who were considering a WDW vacation and decide to go somewhere else just because they don't want to deal with it. This is a vacation and it's supposed to be fun. If the headlines scare away 10% of WDW vacationers, it becomes a business disaster for TWDC. This is why TWDC needs to change the headline and regain the narrative, to get people thinking about something else.

MyMagic+ is being sold as "It solves all your vacation problems." That sounds great, just like a "Balanced Budget" sounds great. The devil is in the details. "OK Disney, what are you going to do to solve all my problems?" "OK, OK, well I like that and that. But that seems iffy and I really don't like that at all." Even if 80% of the public likes 80% of the changes, there still are going to be a lot of people turned off by the changes. Even without the headlines, if 10% of the people decide they just don't like MyMagic+ and stay away, that's another business disaster for TWDC.

I'll say it again. NextGen fails only if Disney tries to change too much too quickly. Disney needs to give the public time to warm up to all the changes.

I would disagree.

The whole program is opt-in, 99.9% of vacationers planning trips to WDW won't even think about MyMagic+ when it comes to deciding to go, IMHO. If people want to ride the rides, then they will come. You assume that the people who don't want to wear the MagicBand will abort their vacation in terror of RFID! No way, parents ask kids if they want to go to Wally World, they say yes and they go.

Not sure what the rate of change has to do with NextGen, new services will be offered, some families will love them. Pretty much end of story.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure Barney Frank has a spouse, but don't let get in the way of your non-sequitor rant.

I forgot he got married, I don't live in Mass, thank goodness, so I can be excused for not keeping up with all of the changes. Still doesn't change the fact that there is a Mass personality in politics that goes beyond being assertive and crosses over into rudeness and showboating and making a big fuss about issues that aren't that big a deal.

Ted Kennedy was a great politician, and cared a lot about people . . . the current crop of Mass politicians have this bitterness/arrogance that the rest of the world hasn't caught up to them/doesn't understand them, and they make mountains out of molehills. On a rudeness comparision, the folks in New York are downright hospitable when compared to people in Mass.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I forgot he got married, I don't live in Mass, thank goodness, so I can be excused for not keeping up with all of the changes. Still doesn't change the fact that there is a Mass personality in politics that goes beyond being assertive and crosses over into rudeness and showboating and making a big fuss about issues that aren't that big a deal.

I don't live in MA, either, but let's not make this political--which is what you did.


Well-Known Member
So . . . you're saying that just because Markey might become Mass.'s next senator, he'll continue some sort of war with Disney with the support, of course, of all the democrats in the Senate?
What I wrote earlier is here:


Markey's going to do whatever is in his best political interest to do. However, no matter what you think or Markey or Disney, it's doesn't do a company any good having a Federal politician angry at them.

Despite what you might have heard opinioned, it's not true that any publicity is good publicity. Markey's letter got some headlines. If Iger responds calmly, the headlines go away after the next news cycle. Instead, Iger throws it back in Markey's face. News outlets are going to perk up. "We might have an interesting story brewing here." Markey's not going to like Iger's cover letter. What's he going to do? "Thank you Iger for publicly insulting me and my staff."

Iger could have made the public forget the whole thing with the usual corporate P.R. drivel, something Disney normally is very good at. Instead, he provokes Markey. I'll say it again. Iger and his Legal Dept. should have counted to 10 before sending that cover letter.


Well-Known Member
I don't live in MA, either, but let's not make this political--which is what you did.

It's not one political party or another, there is just this attitude problem that some people in the northeast have which boils down to rudeness and arrogance and an inability to believe that others don't see through the big fussy show they're putting on.


Well-Known Member
Markey's going to do whatever is in his best political interest to do. However, no matter what you think or Markey or Disney, it's doesn't do a company any good having a Federal politician angry at them.

But why is Markey "angry" with Disney? I don't think Iger was rude to him, but pointed out that the answers to his questions could be found online. Some of the politicians in the House and Senate are certifiable, but many are friends of Disney, like those from states surrounding Florida, CA, and others. Iger might run for political office, so maybe its Markey who should worry about not offending him.

Seriously . . . world hunger, Syria, the economy, AIDS . . . a lot of important issues, and attacking Disney in a blatant maneuver to look tough, though sadly for Markey, without doing his homework, doesn't seem like a bright idea. His false "outrage" stems from the fact that Markey will do what is in his political interest.


The whole program is opt-in, 99.9% of vacationers planning trips to WDW won't even think about MyMagic+ when it comes to deciding to go, IMHO. If people want to ride the rides, then they will come. You assume that the people who don't want to wear the MagicBand will abort their vacation in terror of RFID! No way, parents ask kids if they want to go to Wally World, they say yes and they go.
I don't think RFID will necessarily scare too many folks off.
An equally big concern...

Dad: Want to go to Disney World.
Kid: Yes!

(Fast-forward a couple months...)
*Dad bangs his head on his desk*

Kid: What's wrong, dad?
Dad: I can't get our ADRs and FP+ days and times to match up! Plus, I'm still trying to figure out how to get this whole MyDisneyMagicExperience+ to work right. How 'bout from now on we just go to Universal instead? It's much less complicated.
Kid: Cool. I'd rather ride Potter than Mermaid any day!


Well-Known Member
That makes no sense. Do you mean to tell me Disney just spent $1.5B on its way to $2B so they can not advertise it?

Maybe some will be drawn in because of the program. Advertising is tricky, a lot of it is subliminal . . . I think primarily families go because they want to go to Disney World and ride the rides and have a good vacation. Maybe NextGen will encourage them to return as I'm thinking you have to experience it to see the value?


Well-Known Member
What I wrote earlier is here:


Markey's going to do whatever is in his best political interest to do. However, no matter what you think or Markey or Disney, it's doesn't do a company any good having a Federal politician angry at them.

Despite what you might have heard opinioned, it's not true that any publicity is good publicity. Markey's letter got some headlines. If Iger responds calmly, the headlines go away after the next news cycle. Instead, Iger throws it back in Markey's face. News outlets are going to perk up. "We might have an interesting story brewing here." Markey's not going to like Iger's cover letter. What's he going to do? "Thank you Iger for publicly insulting me and my staff."

Iger could have made the public forget the whole thing with the usual corporate P.R. drivel, something Disney normally is very good at. Instead, he provokes Markey. I'll say it again. Iger and his Legal Dept. should have counted to 10 before sending that cover letter.
Agreed. Sometimes it's not about what you say, but how you say it. I don't think Iger gave very much substance anyway, but the hostility and defensiveness evident in his response will suggest to a lot of people that Disney has something to hide. That's just my take on it - as you said, I think a calmer, more generically 'corporate' response would've worked better in this situation than what Iger actually released.

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