Well-Known Member
Here's my problem with that, and its really my biggest issue with the whole system...
Typically, I don't plan my trips to WDW very far in advance. Usually inside of a month. If FP is phased out (which I don't believe has been stated officially), what is to prevent the uber-planners from booking all the FP+ before I even book my trip?
Say I decide to go down next week....what is he likelihood I'm gonna be stuck in Standby city for my whole trip, even if I wear the band and allow myself to be mined?
I think many share your concerns, but I also think they are keeping this in mind while building the new system(s).
I'm pretty sure they know that not everybody will want to plan out their trip in this way, and so far ahead. They understand that some will buy their tickets and begin planning their trip for a year from now, and that some will buy tickets for next month, next week, or even tomorrow and choose to do very little planning. But, I promise you, they know this already (or they should), and will make provisions for it in the new system. How do I know this? Well, in truth, I don't really, but based on deductive reasoning (plus Disney's history with how they treat guests), and reading of the patents they've filed, I know one of their primary objectives in this is to improve the guest experience and reduce the amount of time they have to wait in lines. So, in order to meet that, they must have a full understanding (input variables) of when guests plan their trips, or even IF they choose to plan, and then figure all of that into the formula for availability and scheduling (output). If they don't do it on the first round (v1/beta), they (and smart guests) will quickly learn that the system can be gamed and advanced FP+s can be obtained, leaving none for the day, thus leading to a LOT of unhappy guests left standing in long lines, which more or less negates the whole purpose of the system. Make sense? Or am I being too rational and maybe maybe a bit naive?
BTW: If you can't tell, I'm a software developer...