Speed traps at WDW


mkt said:
Unfortunately, in this situation, OCSO Sector 6 (ie- WDW) is paid for by Disney. Their tools may be state issued, but the officers are on Disney payroll.

Actually Sector 6 works on a contract basis for OCSO.


For example, let's say a city does not have a Police Dept. It can go to the County Police and ask for law enforcement services in the form of a contract. Reedy Creek Improvement District and the OCSO worked out a contract for a specified number of deputies, detectives and supervisors to work in Sector 6.

The area will dictate the type of enforcement that will be needed. The area in question is mainly roadways so naturally you will have traffic enforcement as the number one priority. Yes, Disney is a private company but it does not "own" the OCSO deputies that work that Sector. Disney compensates OCSO for the deputies but the deputies still work for OCSO. They are not on Disney's payroll. The deputies can easily be transferred to one of the other Sectors or specialized units.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Disneydogs said:
Actually Sector 6 works on a contract basis for OCSO.


For example, let's say a city does not have a Police Dept. It can go to the County Police and ask for law enforcement services in the form of a contract. Reedy Creek Improvement District and the OCSO worked out a contract for a specified number of deputies, detectives and supervisors to work in Sector 6.

The area will dictate the type of enforcement that will be needed. The area in question is mainly roadways so naturally you will have traffic enforcement as the number one priority. Yes, Disney is a private company but it does not "own" the OCSO deputies that work that Sector. Disney compensates OCSO for the deputies but the deputies still work for OCSO. They are not on Disney's payroll. The deputies can easily be transferred to one of the other Sectors or specialized units.
Ahh... thank you for clarifying that for me. My big issue now is the deputies refusal to show me any proof that I was doing the speed he accused me of.


mkt said:
Ahh... thank you for clarifying that for me. My big issue now is the deputies refusal to show me any proof that I was doing the speed he accused me of.

Actually chalk that one up to the lawmakers. They're the ones that say proof doesn't have to be presented on the stop.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Disneydogs said:
Actually chalk that one up to the lawmakers. They're the ones that say proof doesn't have to be presented on the stop.
hmmm... V1 didn't go off, speedometer said 45 in a 45, witnesses say 45 in a 45.

I called BS on the cop, but I did that at the scene after he handed me a fine, claiming I was doing 57 in a 45.

V1 paid for the ticket, so that's the only reason I didn't pick an attorney and take this to court. The OCSO is seriously corrupt.


Ever notice how its usually the ones breaking the laws that are always screaming their rights are being violated.... yada, yada, yada :hammer: MKT, I don't think you are going to get much benefit of the doubt from anyone here. You've stated your V1 has saved your neck numerous times. Rather than change your behavior, you continue to do that which is against the law. You then cry foul when your little toy lets you down. Before you ask, yes I drive in excess of the speed limit at times. Everyone does. However, whining about it when you get caught is ridiculous.

I'm sure you know that you are not being convicted of anything at the time you are handed your citation. You have every right to have your case heard and decided by the courts.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
KevinFSU said:
Ever notice how its usually the ones breaking the laws that are always screaming their rights are being violated.... yada, yada, yada :hammer:
When my rights are being violated, I will scream. Whether or not I broke the law is of no importance. Rights are rights.

KevinFSU said:
MKT, I don't think you are going to get much benefit of the doubt from anyone here.
I've gotten PM's of support, so I know I have that benefit. It's just the forum Police Officers (literally) and a few selected forum prudes that seem to think that police never make mistakes, and that no corruption exists in police agencies. If they were right, then the LAPD, MDPD, and many other police agencies in the US could not be sued as criminal organizations under federal RICO statutes.

KevinFSU said:
You then cry foul when your little toy lets you down.

Yes I do, but then I remember that my ticket will be paid by V1 if I get one.

KevinFSU said:
Before you ask, yes I drive in excess of the speed limit at times. Everyone does. However, whining about it when you get caught is ridiculous.

I wasn't going to ask, but thank you for your candor in this statement. If you were fined for when you weren't breaking the law, then the deputy lies in court, and your cars black box readout isn't accepted in court, you'd be crying foul too. My V1 pays my fine, I'd rather let them take the financial burden than deal with our corrupt traffic deputies and good ole' boy judges.

KevinFSU said:
I'm sure you know that you are not being convicted of anything at the time you are handed your citation. You have every right to have your case heard and decided by the courts.
I've taken that right before, but read my previous statement. The only times I've ever won in court are when Windermere PD don't show up (and they are notorious for that). But they also tend to not pay attention to the nice letter that Jeb sent to police agencies nationwide and fine people for 1mph over the limit, and ticket people for faulty equipment for getting a flat tire. They're worse than OCSO, but at least they know when they have no chance of winning in court.


Well-Known Member
mkt said:
I've taken that right before, but read my previous statement. The only times I've ever won in court are when Windermere PD don't show up

Consider me a forum prude -- someone who has had previous appearances in traffic court should know better than to break the law in a setting where you endanger people, protected animals, and international guests and visitors. Ticket or no ticket, slow down and obey the law.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I remember hearing one time that if you got a ticket at WDW that the fine is basically double what it would be elsewhere in Florida. The reason being that WDW got their cut out of the fines.

I really don't think that this is true, but it does make me wonder where this rumour originated, as alot of rumours are based on some semblance of fact.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
If you're stopped at WDW, one of the questions the officer will ask if is if you're a Cast Member. I was told that would double your fine and cause your management to be reported if you are.


Active Member
My opinion on this issue is as follows:

Ya don't want a ticket, or fine?
Don't speed.

If the speed limits were followed, there would not be a discussion here.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
mkt said:
If you're stopped at WDW, one of the questions the officer will ask if is if you're a Cast Member. I was told that would double your fine and cause your management to be reported if you are.
Thanks. :wave: That explains where that rumour came from.

River Roost

mkt said:
If you're stopped at WDW, one of the questions the officer will ask if is if you're a Cast Member. I was told that would double your fine and cause your management to be reported if you are.

It just happens that everyone was pulled over that were speeding down that stretch of sidewalk. And that's Profiling. And we all know Profiling is wrong.:rolleyes: - Ron White


mkt said:
When my rights are being violated, I will scream. Whether or not I broke the law is of no importance. Rights are rights.

What United States Constitutional or Florida Constitutional rights are you referring to?

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
If you were speeding it's because you woke up late and were trying not to be late for work, simply advice, get up alittle earlier and that won't happen, DUH!!!


Beta Return
My Two Cents

I guess I'll chime in, since it seems to be the fad. If what Rob is saying is fact, and I have no reason to doubt him, then YES, I too would be pretty upset with the situation. It's one thing to get caught speeding when you ARE speeding - you just have to accept that, and if your Radar Detector company is kind enough to pay the bill, then great. However, if you're NOT speeding, and you still get pulled over - that's BS.

I do believe that there are LOTS of great police officers out there (in fact, I know many right here in Avon, Indiana, and on the Hendricks County Sheriff Dept) - but there are lots of corrupt cops and even entire departments.Many are in law enforcement because they actually care. Many are in it because it gives them that feeling of power over people they never would have had power over otherwise.

I speed. I speed a LOT. However, I'm a safe driver. I don't speed through neighborhoods, or along curvy 2-lane roads. I speed on interstates and vast expanses of state and federal highways. Tonight, I drove home from Lafayette, IN along I-65, going between 80 and 90 most of the way. If I thought my speed would have put anyone else in danger, then I wouldn't have sped.

Speed may not directly kill, but it is a MAJOR factor in the chances of dying. Yes, even if you're safe, you can hit a patch of ice and the higher your speed, the less time you have to react - period. Not even the best driver can overcome black ice without luck. And sure, you can hit a utility pole at 15 or 80 - and COULD die either way. However, your chances of dying are much higher at 80, due to forces. And again, even the best driver can be driven off the road by another motorist or a deer - no matter how "safe" of a driver they think they are. And most people would consider a rear-ending a pretty minor accident. Not true if the car in violation (the one rear-ending the other) is going 50mph - that can be fatal for either driver, even the front, who was simply sitting at an intersection waiting to turn left. The rear-ending at 10mph would simply cause some whiplash, if that.

My point: take responsibility for your own actions. If you were speeding, you were breaking the law - PERIOD. Accept it, pay the fine, move on - you were WRONG. If you weren't speeding - well, you just got the short end of the stick called "the cop is always right". Bummer. Just don't complain when you think you're on "private property" and laws shouldn't apply. Parking lots are private property, but if you're in a wreck, all the road laws apply in deciding who's at fault - why wouldn't they on private roads (not saying that the roads in question are private or not).


mkt said:
If you're stopped at WDW, one of the questions the officer will ask if is if you're a Cast Member. I was told that would double your fine and cause your management to be reported if you are.

Are you and Oliver Stone making a movie in Disney this year?


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
peter11435 said:
Yep. I got pulled over (although I know I was not speeding) on Epcot Center Drive about two months ago. I didn't get a ticket though, she let me go.

You sly dog, you! :drevil: :D


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Disneydogs said:
Are you and Oliver Stone making a movie in Disney this year?
nah... I don't drink and drive, and don't carry hashish on me

True Knowledge

New Member
Disney gave them the OK to pull people over, heck WDW built an OCSO Sheriff's substation near Downtown Disney.

My problem is if they're on WDW payroll, they shouldn't be handing out STATE ISSUED citations.
I thought they were contracted out by RCID or something along those lines.

edit-- oppps, quite the bump ^_^


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
I thought they were contracted out by RCID or something along those lines.
To the best of my knowledge, they're contracted out to WDW... given that Al Weiss was the person who requested their presence.

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