Speed traps at WDW


Well-Known Member
Coastercameron said:
I still dont understand how OCS can enforce speed laws on the roads within Disney property. Traffic laws only apply to public roads. Not to mention speed trapping in general is a bunch of crap. Speed doesn't kill, wreckless driving, and not letting road conditions dictate do. Most freeway speed limits, except in the VERY most congested areas of the country could easily be 10-20mph higher with few problems.... /soapbox
Some of the roads on Disney property are public roads. There is a PDF map at the RCID website that will show you all of the roads on the property and which belong to WDW, and which belong to RCID. That said there was an article in the Orlando Sentinel a year or so ago that stated it was Disney who requested more police on the roads to catch speeders. They knew they had a real problem with speeding CM's.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
bsandersjr said:
True, but with the money Disney pumps into that state...............
Thast doesn't mean a thing, OCS doesn't give a damn, they just enforce the law... and doing their job...

I really don't see this whole fuzz...

I've seen them everywhere... Osceola Pkwy, World Dr. Vista Dr., everywhere...


Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
I've seen them everywhere... Osceola Pkwy, World Dr. Vista Dr., everywhere...

Yep. I got pulled over (although I know I was not speeding) on Epcot Center Drive about two months ago. I didn't get a ticket though, she let me go.


New Member
Original Poster
peter11435 said:
Yep. I got pulled over (although I know I was not speeding) on Epcot Center Drive about two months ago. I didn't get a ticket though, she let me go.
If you were not speeding then why were you pulled over?


Well-Known Member
WDW FAN 4 LIFE said:
If you were not speeding then why were you pulled over?
Well I know I was going the speed limit because about 30 seconds before I was pulled over I saw another cop on the road and told the person I was with that you have to be very careful on Disney roads because there are lots of speed traps. I even looked to make sure I was going the speed limit which in that area was 50. Next thing I knew I was being pulled over. She said I was going 67 but there is no way that was true. She either didn't know how to use the radar gun, or got the wrong car. Luckily I was nice and so was she.

Party Elevator

New Member
Heres an idea buy a valentine one radar detector like i got. Then you can do 95 down world drive and when the thing beeps you bring it to 45 real quick.:sohappy:


New Member
For the record I have seen disney vechicles pulled over before, and have heard that buses have been stopped as well. I have also seen state owned vechicle on disney property stoped. OCS Doesn't care who owns the vehicle they will stop you if your speeding. They have cut back on the number of speed traps, and shifted more to Clock one stop one start over.


New Member
Party Elevator said:
Heres an idea buy a valentine one radar detector like i got. Then you can do 95 down world drive and when the thing beeps you bring it to 45 real quick.:sohappy:
You must have a reaction time faster than the speed of light. Are you Chuck Norris?
Orange County

Anyone pulled over on Disney Property deserves to be pulled over. For the most part, you will only be given a warning and told to slow down. The majority of traffic that goes past the posts on Osceola Parkway (by the World Drive turnoff and Wide World of Sports entrance) is going ten miles over the speed limit (55mph in a 45mph) and no one is stopped. I was pulled over doing 60mph and was given a warning.

Granted the limits are low compared to similat "public" roads, but public roads don't have the same lost tourist to late cast member ratio and are thus safer.

I've seen locals and tourists due some ridiculous things and I would be all for banning cars from WDW and making people ride bikes. Even then, they'd be doing wheelies and jumps so you can't win!



Well-Known Member
Speed traps set up are not just on disney property.. Near the rest area on I-4 coming from Tampa.. (Yes I slowed down when i saw the first flashing lights about half a mile ahead.. (I was going 80 in a 70 zone.. xD) but here's the kicker... not one, two or three, but seven FHP cars, (3 unmarked) on the side each had a car pulled over....

Orange/oceola might patrol disney, but FHP will catch you on I-4.. unless you have good reaction time... (FYI, if you are on a multi-lane road, and someone is pulled over, get out of the lane closest to them... it's a state law passed a few years ago...)


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Here's my qualms with OCSO in WDW.

If the OSCO Deputies are working for Disney at the time of the citation, they would be working as private contractors. Legally, they shouldn't be allowed to give you a STATE ISSUED CITATION when working for a private company.

I know that several police agencies have been succesfully taken to court over this, I'm just surprised no one has tried it against the OCSO and Czar Kevin Beary.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Party Elevator said:
Heres an idea buy a valentine one radar detector like i got. Then you can do 95 down world drive and when the thing beeps you bring it to 45 real quick.:sohappy:
I have one, and still got knicked twice in WDW.

Thank goodness for the V1 promise... they paid for my ticket. I'm trying to get them for my rise in insurance costs as well


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Woody13 said:
You must have a reaction time faster than the speed of light. Are you Chuck Norris?
proper braking if the arrow is in front of you can slow you down quickly. The V1 has been repeatedly proven as the best radar detector, and saved my neck many times. The two WDW citations were flukes- everyone was getting stopped for something, and when the officer says "I have you clocked at XXX speed, but I'm only gonna cite you for XX speed" means to me "You looked like you were going fast, but I really didn't clock you, so I'm going to give you the lowest fine and hope you don't take it to court."

My radar detector didn't chirp one bit, and I have witnesses in my car who can attest to the legality of my speed. But when it comes down to court or having someone else pay the ticket, I'll take the free money.


New Member
I do not see how unless it is the Disney police are pulling you over. It is private property. I do not know unless Disney gave them ok. Heck 200.00 is alot of money they could be dinner or one hotel night. I guess we will be watching our speed.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Disney gave them the OK to pull people over, heck WDW built an OCSO Sheriff's substation near Downtown Disney.

My problem is if they're on WDW payroll, they shouldn't be handing out STATE ISSUED citations.

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