Spectromagic is getting way old.


Active Member
I love watching Spectro, especially with students who are at WDW for the first time. Priceless! I am creeped out by the white faced clown thingys. What movie, book, or Disney anything are they from?? Freaky looking devils:eek:

16 days until we are ºoºrlando bound with 27 teens on a school bus for 930 miles of smiles:hammer: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
It's not getting old to me. I love this parade. I hope it sticks around long enough to become a classic like the original Main Street Electrical Parade. I still love listening to the music for that.


The Scary as hell clown thingys, are ingeniously called Spectromen. The Create the music that Mickey turns into light with his Spectrball. Or so were lead to belive. When i first seen Spectro the Spectromen didnt make sense to me at all, but now I love them, its kinda like when you see them you know the Magic of Spectro is coming.


New Member
I do not think that SpectroMagic needs to be replaced. Look at my avatar, can you junk something that beautiful? Though I believe this, additions and fix ups would be great. The soundtrack and the premise is great, and they could build on that. They could add a Beauty and the Beast or Lion King section, and add on to the end of the parade with the newer characters. Some of the floats could be thrown out and reworked with todays better techno


New Member
I havn't seen Spectro since I was last there three years ago. Thing is, as with every trip I've ever taken there...usually I'll watch the evening parade once, and hit the attractions for the rest of the time during it. Be it Spectro or ELP...and it's hard to say, but I'd say I'm 50/50 on those parades. I love them both equally.

Although....dude, the V for Vendetta guy DID not need to be compared to the creepy clowns from Spectro...man, that's just eerie!


Active Member
DisneyWales said:
The Scary as hell clown thingys, are ingeniously called Spectromen. The Create the music that Mickey turns into light with his Spectrball. Or so were lead to belive. When i first seen Spectro the Spectromen didnt make sense to me at all, but now I love them, its kinda like when you see them you know the Magic of Spectro is coming.

I've never seen them featured on a Disney tee. Can't imagine why:lol:

16 days until we are ºoº bound


Active Member
I love Spectro, too. And I absolutely adore all the Fantasia references, but that could be because the movie is one of my all-time favs. I'm itching to get back in May and put my new camcorder to work. :)


Well-Known Member
Mystic said:
It's not getting old to me. I love this parade. I hope it sticks around long enough to become a classic like the original Main Street Electrical Parade. I still love listening to the music for that.

Oh I agree. Just the start of the spectromagic music and I get "that feeling" in my chest...like I feel just like a little kid again...Yeah and I cry....I'm such a mooshball.....I love listening to the soundtrack on my way home from work...
Are you kidding!!!!

Sorry but i disagree, when i watch my home footage of the parade or when I see it Live I still get chills! It is one of the most amazing parades they have. All the lights and music and Choreography that goes into is awesome. But that is just my opinion and that is why there are so many differant things to do at Disney because not everyone likes everything. Cant please everyone!


Well-Known Member
A friend gave me a CD of park music, including Spectromagic, which I had at the time never seen. Interestingly, whenever that music came on, I either tuned it out or skipped it altogether. It just seemed like a bunch of generic Disney "noise."

I finally got to see the parade live last year, and I must say I was hooked! The sounds, lights, and music were a perfect way to spend an evening at MK! Now, I *have* to listen to Spectromagic whenever I pop my friend's CD in!


Everytime I see it I can remember the first time as a kid, and when I see kids now-a-days watching it they have the same look. Change Nothing.


New Member
I've watched that parade since 1991 when I was in 1st grade (I was probably 6 or 7)...Now i'm 21 and I work in that parade. I love it to death, and granted I do think some of the floats could be maintained a little better but I still love it so much and it is my favorite.


Well-Known Member
It's not just my favorite parade, it's my ONLY parade - I avoid all the others like the plague. If it's not your thing, use it as quality ride time while everyone else is watching, like I do for all the other kid-magnet...er, parades.



Well-Known Member
I think Spectromagic is an amazing parade! It's my favourite parade and I love it! :-D Can't wait untill I see it again in a few months.

A "Ghost" Host

New Member
Connor002 said:
I disagree.
Perhaps it may interest you to know that there are people who aren't able to visit enough for it to get "old" to them. The majority of guest still find the parade a main attraction, and [at the moment] why mess will success?
I agree with the disagreement. This point is true, but also that the parade is a great idea and is beuatifully designed and choreographed. I guess its bound to happen that someone gets tired of it, but I see it almost every weekend and still love it.


New Member
I LOVE spectromagic. I look forward to it every time we visit. Although, the spectromen (green spinning guys) freak me out a bit. :lol:


New Member
Main Street Electrical Parade Is Far Better Then Spectromagic--when I Was A Kid That Was My Favorite Part Of Being In The Park At Night--loved The Music--spectro Is Ok By Msep Is The Tops--wish They Bring It Back For Good--for You Younger People You Dont Know What You Have Missed


New Member
Original Poster
wdwnj said:
Main Street Electrical Parade Is Far Better Then Spectromagic--when I Was A Kid That Was My Favorite Part Of Being In The Park At Night--loved The Music--spectro Is Ok By Msep Is The Tops--wish They Bring It Back For Good--for You Younger People You Dont Know What You Have Missed

Yes now we are turning this around, woot woot!

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