Spectromagic is getting way old.


Well-Known Member
Every time we visit MK we HAVE to stay for SpectroMagic and the fireworks. Now I've never seen MSEP so it might be nice to swap them for a while - but to do away with it NEVER !!!

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Videoteck said:
We WONT get the Tokyo parade i doubt that, first off Disney doesnt own tokyo disney so why would we even have the rights do take there ideas?
Tokyo Disneyland operates under license from The Walt Disney Company. Walt Disney Imagineering designed Dreamlights, so the other parks have as much a right as TDL for the parade. And, parade transfers have happened before. Fantillusion, which premeired in TDL was transferred to Disneyland Paris before TDL got Dreamlights. It could happen again.

And, for the record, I like Spectro, but wouldn't say no to an upgrade.


Well-Known Member
Lefty said:
Well if you've seen it enough times to think it's getting old, then you've seen it too many times.

The magic eventually fades if you abuse the term 'vacation'.

I honestly think that if you visit WDW more than an average of once every 2 years (going to different parks on visits doesn't count, obviously), then inevitably you're going to stop feeling the sparks and electricity that made it so special in the first place.

I lived there for 6 months, went to the parks all the time and never lost the sparks and electricity-I think it's all in the eyes of the beholder.

Having said that, I adore Spectro and much prefer it to MSEP. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I agree and Disagree. I love the parade i truly do and wont miss it while I am there, but I do think that they should have 2 separate night shows and make Spectro shown less often which makes it more magical.


New Member
This parade will never get old for me. I marched in the parade, with my high school band, in 1993 and 1995.

Just seeing my 5 year old's eyes widen last September when the parade started and her asking if there was more when it was done makes me love the parade even more.

Yes, it could use some updates in some places. Overall, I think that the parade hasn't lost it's charm..


Not old, just vintage.
Ok, so here is my $0.02...for whatever its worth. I love Spectro and much prefer it to MSEP. I agree that Spectro needs a good cleaning up and maybe a new or modified float or two. Nothing major, but just a little something to freshen it up. For example, toss the Gargolyles float. I dont know what they could put in instead but i would def be opposed to a Monsters Inc or other similarly movie themed float. So many people have no clue what that is supposed to be. In my mind it is beyond dated. It was dated from the first time I saw the parade back in 1991 and was left scratching my head at 6 years old as to why that float was in the parade. My mom had always said it was because the gargoyles tv show was new then and the put the float in as a promo for the show. I have no clue if this is correct or not but im sure ill hear about it if it isn't.

If, and this is a big if, Disney decided to do something about the nighttime parade situation I think the Tokyo parade would be nice. I wouldnt support it as a long term change but maybe just for a year or so to give Spectro some time off and a chance to catch its breath. (Similar to the swaping of MSEP and Spectro for a bit a few years back.) Ive seen some videos of the Tokyo parade and definetly think it would be great to be able to see it without the looong plane flight and passport. Ok, so maybe this was more like my $0.05 but im glad to get those ideas out in the open.


Active Member
Happy Birthday

SallyShine said:
How about the Electrical Water Parade? It is exactly the same as when I was a kid and I'm going to be 40 (she shudders) tomorrow!

Happy Birthday :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
GothMickey said:
I love SpectroMagic and the music that goes along with it.. Some of my favorite music in WDW....

That's the part I would miss most. I'm surprised that hasn't been raised yet. I do think many of the floats/dancers could use an upgrade or replacement. However, I think the music is timeless and very classic Disney. I also think new sequences would be a cool way to keep it classic and fresh at the same time.


Active Member
I love Specto and don't want it to change dramatically, a little updating and cleaning up would be nice. I also wouldn't mind if they swapped it out for a bit with the MSEP as I enjoyed that too.

I think Disney is a bit hesitant to create a new electrical parade ever since Light Tragic in DL. I saw the parade and I remember thinking, ehh, not something I need to see again, nothing spectacular. Now Spectro and MSEP I need to see them every time I come to disney.

The Gargoyles are not from the TV show. That is Chernobog from the Night on Bald Mountain scene of Fantasia.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Connor002 said:
I disagree.
Perhaps it may interest you to know that there are people who aren't able to visit enough for it to get "old" to them.

Myself included!! Although I do have to say Fantillusion is far superior, and works well with its show stops on an MK parade route (unlike Light Magic did - showing a night time parade can have stops and be succsessful)


New Member
The first time I saw this parade I was just happened to be catching it as I was comming off Splash Mountain. I loved what I had seen of the parade. I thought it was great. So next time I was at the MK I staked out a spot early to see it. After seeing the parade all together I didn't care for it too much. I think it's all because of those creepy Spectromagic men in the begining that come flying at you on those ping pong ball looking things. Once I saw those guys the whole parade took on a different effect for me and it kind of turned me off to the parade. So IMO I think the parade would benefit if they took out the Spectromagic Men. But I'm sure somepeople would disagree. Just my $0.02


Well-Known Member
Don't stop the music

I love Spectromagic, especially the music. Of course, the little "Under the Sea" interlude doesn't fit, but so be it.

In any event, update a few things, but keep the fanfare and stately remainder of the music intact. Every good day that goes by has a little:

Bum . . . da da da dum . . dut dahhh dah.

That's it. All I need is my turkey drumstick and popcorn.


New Member
loriwdunn said:
I was devasted when the electrical parade was gone, spectromagic is an alright replacement; however, I am sure they could do better.
Spectromagic is more than a worthy replacement... ever see Light Magic, the first MSEP replacement? I did... and trust me... Spectromagic is just fantastic, especially compared to the horrible mess called Light Magic.


Although I do like the Spectromagic music, I think I liked the MSEP music better. It seemed more playful and original. Spectro's music sounds more like Disney's other parade music to me, so it's not as special IMO.

Regarding the overall parade itself, since we only make it to WDW every two or three years, Spectro is still pretty fresh to me. We still make it a point to see it at least once during our vacations.

I definitely agree, though, the white faced clown guys are too freaky! I wouldn't be disappointed to see them go!


Not old, just vintage.
shoppingnut said:
The Gargoyles are not from the TV show. That is Chernobog from the Night on Bald Mountain scene of Fantasia.

See this is why you shouldn't listen to your parents...
I am oficially embarassed. :eek: :eek: :eek: Ive been living with that crazy mixed up notion about the "Gargoyles" for 15 years now. It all makes sense now. :hammer: As I got older I always had this sneaking suspicion that what my mom had told me wasnt right (kind of like the truth about the tooth fairy and co.) but i had no reason to doubt the information. Thank you for straightening me out. If I had given it 5 seconds thought I would have realized that it was Chernabog....Ive only seen Fantasia about 20 times. :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: Doink.


Every time we visit MK we HAVE to stay for SpectroMagic and the fireworks. Now I've never seen MSEP so it might be nice to swap them for a while - but to do away with it NEVER !!!

I think a periodic swap is a great idea. Maybe even some kind of rotation among the parks. I would love to see MSEP again, and I don't think I'll be making it to DCA anytime soon.



I Love spectromagic, it is my favourite part of the Magic Kingdom, i will not go to the Mk on a day Spectro is not running. I wish they would add a few extra floats and maybe think about modifing the under the sea seaction as it really breaks the flow of the parade.

I was thinking of going to DLRP next month for the weekend, however they are not ruinning Fantillusion, so i told them that unless they were running Fantillusion i will not be coming. I feel the same with Spectro, its Timeless and pure WDW magic at its best. Why fix something that isnt broke. Its needs some TLC, but not too much, its fantasic how it is.

However the same could be said for Fantasmic, i love it, however that too could use a change or two, something to give it a fresh perspective. However to someone who has never been before its still fresh and new. And to people who come back every few years, it brings back all there memories. Night shows are the heart of WDW for me, without them WDW would just be a Very Very good Theme Park, with them its the most magical place I know. Anyway sorry for the mini rant thats just kinda came out of me....:veryconfu

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