From a money standpoint, don't great nighttime parades make sense? It cuts the lines at the rides, keeps the people on property past the supper hour, and probably results in plenty of merch sales. In sum: Shorter lines, longer stays, more food sales, and more merch sales. I know a separate nighttime parade is pricey to develop and run, requiring extra performers and crowd control every night, but isn't that a big part of the Disney magic that brings people in and keeps them there?
Here are some poll questions:
1. If not for the nighttime parade, would you leave earlier?
2. If not for nighttime parades and shows, would you visit the parks as often?
3. How many turkey legs, dole whips, popcorns, frozen fruit bars, etc , , , have you eaten while sitting on a curb waiting for a nighttime parade at Disney?
4. How many souvenirs have you bought because of parades, like light sticks, sweatshirts, music CDs, directly because of the nighttime parades?
5. Does anyone who does NOT feel nostalgic about seeing the Electric Light parade think that it beats Spectromagic? (I ask this because most of the people who prefer the Electric Light parade seem to have first seen it as a kid.)