SpaceShip Earth Update. 2/4/06


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
So if you disagree with some changes and wish for certain things not to be changed, BUT you also are in favor of many changes and enjoy new attractions, does that automatically make you a purist and anti-change advocate? I find that most of the people that are labeled this way are mostly moderate.
Things are changing on this forum. The purists and anti-change advocates have started to lose favor. The vocal ones who always were "up in arms" about changes are the ones that I was referring to. But, you are correct about the moderates. I think most here have a moderate view or have only a couple of gripes about the loss of their favorite attraction, etc.


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
NOW we are getting somewhere. I personally do not like the wand and I WISH Disney would take it down, but I do not EXPECT them to do it or complain to them about it being up. And I personally think the majority of people against the wand feel the same way. It doesn't "ruin my trip" and it doesn't take anything away from the Disney experience. I just simply think SSE looked better without it.

Good post.
That's a perfectly good way to look at things and I wouldn't react to a post like that (well, other than to say that I like the wand). :D However, you have to admit that many are way out in left field about the wand (or similar situations). They post as if nobody else matters except them. That's what bugs me the most.


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
However, you have to admit that many are way out in left field about the wand (or similar situations). They post as if nobody else matters except them. That's what bugs me the most.

Sometimes that is true, but I also feel that sometimes people get criticized unfairly because their opinion doesn't go along with what the majority of "non fan" guests think. I think we, as fans, have a right to have a voice and a personal opinion and that Disney should try to please us, but we should see that we aren't the only people in the parks and we can't always have things OUR way.

I know that you say the boards have changed and that is true, but I hope that this place never comes to the point of where the non fan is ALWAYS right and us fans should always go along with what people who will possibly never come back to WDW think.


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
Sometimes that is true, but I also feel that sometimes people get criticized unfairly because their opinion doesn't go along with what the majority of "non fan" guests think. I think we, as fans, have a right to have a voice and a personal opinion and that Disney should try to please us, but we should see that we aren't the only people in the parks and we can't always have things OUR way.

I agree. But how much should the statistics be weighted? I'm betting that it's taken into account since almost every survey has the questions about how many times you visited and when you last visited. I'm sure they apply some type of weighted score so that there's some increase in the responses of returning guests.

dxwwf3 said:
I know that you say the boards have changed and that is true, but I hope that this place never comes to the point of where the non fan is ALWAYS right and us fans should always go along with what people who will possibly never come back to WDW think.

I wouldn't want that either. Both extremes are bad for the community. But somewhere in the middle is where things will be the best. Problem is that the far sides get upset when things swing closer to the middle or the opposite direction.


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
I agree. But how much should the statistics be weighted? I'm betting that it's taken into account since almost every survey has the questions about how many times you visited and when you last visited. I'm sure they apply some type of weighted score so that there's some increase in the responses of returning guests.

Oh I'm not even talking about surveys or anything. Just the general opinion of the board. But yes I do feel that "we" should have more clout in decisions because we are the ones that have to live with the changes :lol:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
marni1971 said:

In my dreams.
:lol: :sohappy:

wannab@dis: in no way (not that you accused me) am i a purist....... if they need me to come down there and drive one of the bulldozers my self, ill help in the cause to "fix" WoL...... man, ive never been so embarrased for an attraction. get CC out of there and bulldoze the rest. ive said it plenty of time.... that pavilion looks like a Richard Simmons video gone wrong. rehab please.

see..... no purist here. :D


Active Member
wannab@dis said:
ok, maybe "vast" was the wrong word. I know some don't like the wand, but I guess what bothers me more is that just because some don't like it, then they think WDW should automatically make a change. There are things that I would like to see changed, but I understand that I don't have all the statistics that WDW uses when making a decision. So, I'm probably in the minority.

Here's how I see it... If a majority of people didn't like something at the "world", you can be sure that WDW execs know it and will be doing something as quickly as possible to make a change. However, a vocal minority is not going to make a difference.

Listen, I was the one who made the first post on this thread expressing displeasure over the wand. I actually don't like it and not because it wasn't a part of the original design. I don't like it because because it is my personal opinion that I think it is tacky and that I think that SSE has a classier look without it. Forgive me for thinking so and then saying so. And, I'm no purist either. There are some things that I'd like to see preserved because I like them (ie., I wish they could repaint the Body Wars mural somewhere else when they demolish WoL because it contains my favorite hidden mickey and please spice up El Rio del Tiempo!). At the same time, I like fresh new ideas and I especially like it when they improve on an old idea. But, when I don't like something, I don't expect Disney to jump at changing it for my sake, even if I express my displeasure on a discussion board. Just because I'm in the "supposed" vocal minority doesn't mean I don't have the right to be vocal. :zipit: :zipit: :zipit: :zipit:


Active Member
The fact of the matter is that the hand/wand/eyesore is only able to stand on it's own for roughly ten years. It was built as a TEMPORARY addition to Spaceship Earth for the Millenium Celebration. This has been well documented in Company publishings at the time. They only built what they needed, they only needed it for about two years, so they built it with enough leeway so that they wouldn't have to worry about it collapsing until well after it'd be taken down. If it was ever thought to be permanent, the entire structure would look completely different. Considering that they will have to take the thing down before late 2009, it would make sense to me that they might be thinking, "Why not take it down for EPCOT's 25th Anniversary?" Now, the current strong rumor is that this will happen, that Spaceship Earth, indeed the entire Main Entrance Plaza, will be restored to a more vintage, original EPCOT look and feel, which would include taking the hand down, and redesigning/removing Leave a Legacy. On a side note, I think it would be an optimal time to return Guest Relations to the former Earth Station/Global Neighborhood area. With all of this updating going on anyways, and new sponsors for Innoventions coming in all the time (whether they have anything to do with Science & Technology or not), I'm sure Siemens wouldn't have anything against being associated with Guest Relations in their post-show. They could certainly use the space for more exhibits at Innoventions. As a former Innoventions Cast Member, I know that Guest Relations would be a lot easier to find for people there, especially being at the exit of the attraction that people ride first thing in the morning.


Well-Known Member
ImagineerMMC said:
The fact of the matter is that the hand/wand/eyesore is only able to stand on it's own for roughly ten years. It was built as a TEMPORARY addition to Spaceship Earth for the Millenium Celebration. This has been well documented in Company publishings at the time. They only built what they needed, they only needed it for about two years, so they built it with enough leeway so that they wouldn't have to worry about it collapsing until well after it'd be taken down. If it was ever thought to be permanent, the entire structure would look completely different. Considering that they will have to take the thing down before late 2009, it would make sense to me that they might be thinking, "Why not take it down for EPCOT's 25th Anniversary?" Now, the current strong rumor is that this will happen, that Spaceship Earth, indeed the entire Main Entrance Plaza, will be restored to a more vintage, original EPCOT look and feel, which would include taking the hand down, and redesigning/removing Leave a Legacy. On a side note, I think it would be an optimal time to return Guest Relations to the former Earth Station/Global Neighborhood area. With all of this updating going on anyways, and new sponsors for Innoventions coming in all the time (whether they have anything to do with Science & Technology or not), I'm sure Siemens wouldn't have anything against being associated with Guest Relations in their post-show. They could certainly use the space for more exhibits at Innoventions. As a former Innoventions Cast Member, I know that Guest Relations would be a lot easier to find for people there, especially being at the exit of the attraction that people ride first thing in the morning.

Ugh...yeah....let's return to 1982...because that is progress.:rolleyes:

Mickey's Birthdayland was only supposed to be up for a year or 2....and is still around....almost 20 years later.


Well-Known Member
ImagineerMMC said:
... and redesigning/removing Leave a Legacy ...

Correct me if I'm wrong... doesn't the paperwork you sign/agree/whatever "guarantee" that the tiles will be around for something like 30 years?


Well-Known Member
brkgnews said:
Correct me if I'm wrong... doesn't the paperwork you sign/agree/whatever "guarantee" that the tiles will be around for something like 30 years?
Yes. But I don't think they guarentee where.


Well-Known Member
ImagineerMMC said:
The fact of the matter is that the hand/wand/eyesore is only able to stand on it's own for roughly ten years. It was built as a TEMPORARY addition to Spaceship Earth for the Millenium Celebration. This has been well documented in Company publishings at the time. They only built what they needed, they only needed it for about two years, so they built it with enough leeway so that they wouldn't have to worry about it collapsing until well after it'd be taken down. If it was ever thought to be permanent, the entire structure would look completely different.

Exactly how would they "build" it so that it would be permanent versus temporary? It's a steel structure with a concrete base that is designed to withstand hurricane force winds. I'm just not buying the hypothesis that it was built to be temporary. Concrete doesn't just lose its strength after 10 years nor does steel just quit supporting after 10 years. Giving your hypothesis the benefit of a doubt, the materials used for the reflective surfaces *may* have a lifetime of 10 years, but it looks basically the same now as it did years ago.

ImagineerMMC said:
Considering that they will have to take the thing down before late 2009, it would make sense to me that they might be thinking, "Why not take it down for EPCOT's 25th Anniversary?" Now, the current strong rumor is that this will happen, that Spaceship Earth, indeed the entire Main Entrance Plaza, will be restored to a more vintage, original EPCOT look and feel, which would include taking the hand down, and redesigning/removing Leave a Legacy.

Strong rumor? Nothing conclusive or fact based has been shown, so it's still only a rumor. In fact, it's been said that it would be down by now and it's still there.

As far as Leave a Legacy goes, I seem to remember that one of the original designers of SSE designed the architecture of Leave a Legacy to complement the architect of SSE. If my memory is correct, then removing LaL would be a detriment to the overall SSE look.

ImagineerMMC said:
On a side note, I think it would be an optimal time to return Guest Relations to the former Earth Station/Global Neighborhood area. With all of this updating going on anyways, and new sponsors for Innoventions coming in all the time (whether they have anything to do with Science & Technology or not), I'm sure Siemens wouldn't have anything against being associated with Guest Relations in their post-show. They could certainly use the space for more exhibits at Innoventions. As a former Innoventions Cast Member, I know that Guest Relations would be a lot easier to find for people there, especially being at the exit of the attraction that people ride first thing in the morning.

I think that would be a bad idea. Guest relations makes more sense outside of an attraction where it is now. It's easily found and would not mingle with the flow of guests leaving SSE.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
Ugh...yeah....let's return to 1982...because that is progress.:rolleyes:

But what if it happens, and it's done well, and regular guests enjoy it just as much as fans of 80's Epcot? I just don't see any negatives if that happened.

Granted it's just a rumor that is unlikely, but there's nothing wrong with honoring the past in advancing to the future.


Park History nut
Premium Member
wannab@dis said:
As far as Leave a Legacy goes, I seem to remember that one of the original designers of SSE designed the architecture of Leave a Legacy to complement the architect of SSE. If my memory is correct, then removing LaL would be a detriment to the overall SSE look..

LAL seems more designed on DLP and DLCs Tomorrowland / Discoveryland entrance theming - plus the fact SSE`s north support pylons were painted to match the rockwork seems to say they didn`t exactly match. SSE got by fine without LAL infront of it - I can`t see how removing LAL would be detrimental to the overall SSE look.

Unless it would focus attention more on the wand :lol:


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't bother me one way or the other. The main thing that I don't want to see is a move backwards. This quest for Epcot 1985 is ludicrous.


Well-Known Member
Me of all people do not want the quest from Epcot circa 1985!!!

What these people are saying is, it would be quite nice to see again rows of flowers and other plants leading up to Spaceship Earth, for Epcot's entrance has got to be the most bland of all the 4 theme park's entrances. How can that even be an opinion? :drevil:

By taking down the wand, and removing the stars, and repainting the support plylons, you wouldn't necesserily move backwards, but move forwards so Spaceship Earth can continue to amaze as the world's first geodesicsphere, surrounded by rows of plants in a welcoming entrance that would be TIMELESS.

Sure the color scheme, and pink concrete is pretty outdated, but having nature and man made objects work together couldn't be a problem.

Having Guest Relations in a whole NEW Earth Station would be proper, since Seimens is supposed to have an exhbit in Innoventions, just like AT&t did with Communicore since the Earth Station was there from 1982-1994.

Leave a legacy would just be remolded to fit a new form if the entrance was changed. Rather than having rows and rows of monoliths, it would probably slabs running parallel with the new rows of flowers leading to Spaceship Earth if they were to redo it all. :slurp:


Well-Known Member

You just totally contradicted yourself... you say you don't want it to be like it was in the 80's and then you go and describe things as they were 15 years ago (with LaL as flowerbeds) :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
My opinion on the wand isn't based on some 'purist' philosophy...many people will try to make that claim when someone bashes the wand. But plain and simple, it is my opinion, that it just doesn't look good on that ball.

I love the hat over at The Studios. And since that park isn't exactly the most organized of the bunch, I feel it fits in with the different blends of themes you'll find in that park.

SSE could have a wand over it...just something that looked better and fit with the overall nature and feel of the park. What they have now is ugly. Sure people take pictures of it...what else are you going to do? Walk right by the massive geodesicsphere as if it didn't exist?

Of course, all this is just MY opinion. ;)


Well-Known Member
objr said:
My opinion on the wand isn't based on some 'purist' philosophy...many people will try to make that claim when someone bashes the wand. But plain and simple, it is my opinion, that it just doesn't look good on that ball.


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