I forget where, but I recently saw a comment by someone saying that it would be awesome if they added the Brava Centauri Space Music to 180-top at Spaceship Earth for the redo. I have a feeling they wouldn't go with something "old," but it would sure sound as awesome as ever.
It got me thinking- we all see how Epcot's going in a new direction with attractions like GotG roller coaster, Ratatouille, and Frozen- and yet it is obvious that to a degree, Disney has taken into account classic Epcot nostalgia (Epcot Forever, retro entrance features coming soon) I know this is basically fantasizing, but what if in this SE refurb, they inject some classic Epcot nostalgia and even pay homage to previous attractions. It'd be cool if they incorporated a Horizons-esque home of the future scene, or something from Universe of Energy or World of Motion (it wouldn't have to necessarily be entire scenes that change the overall theme of SE though). Regardless, it'll be interesting to see if they continue with the "basically the same just a refresh" or go quite different with this refurb. One thing's for sure, I hope they add some physical scenes to the descent area and get rid of those ridiculous curtains.