I've never really gotten the "Fragmented" argument for this script. In fact...It flows MUCH better than any of the past ones, seeing that it continuously mentions how each scene relates to the future. The old scripts just gave a description to each scene. Dumbed down? Only two lines, for me (ABC & Taxes) and the intonation and inflection is off. The rest of it is fine, and just as good as Irons, IMHO.
And granted, the story of "Creating the Future One Step At Time" IS heavily slanted on Communication, but it HAS changed from it. It's evident in the presentation of the old scenes, the new ones, and the narration. Just listen to the opening.
SSE isn't as bad as it originally once was. They tweaked the hell out of that thing, and if the damn descent had something besides some cheesy screens, I really would have no problems. It's a EPCOT Center attraction in Epcot'09 and with a Epcot'09 feel to it. And a Epcot ending, if that makes any sense. The soul of this attraction is still VERY alive and well....It's just "unfinished."
And again...It could have been MUCH, much worse.