Spaceship Earth News...Emailing picture plus video

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Then go with your gut, and I'll go with mine.

I'd hardly consider this a "stellar" refurb. I'd say it was an adequate refurb. A stellar refurb would have included upgrading the omnimover track.

Why'd they ever take away the moonscape at 180? Only WDI knows.

Then you're not talking Disney, you're talking Six Flags. I would never expect them to leave a blank canvas, so to speak.

We never had the moonscape...It was partially installed in 1982 and forgotten about as it would have looked dated. We had been to the moon a decade before and I think it was decided to have the 180 Top be a trip through space to see our Spaceship Earth more in conjunction to what the narration said at that point. (Fragile, alive, a island in the great night is our Spaceship!...Our Spaceship Earth. )

As for the 6 Flags/Blank Canvas comment..And the descent NOW is a blank canvass...Light up Triangles certainly are no big help.I fully expect them to alter and improve it.


Well-Known Member
As long as she keeps her hands off my SSE boyfriend, the Paperboy! :lol:

Well you are very loyal, because it seems he has turned his back on you.

PS- still waiting for you to post in the "all epcot all the time" thread on my completed world of motion ideas. :veryconfu

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I'll have to check my POV's from '82 and on. I'm positive it was there at least on one of our trips.

From what researchers have done and found I don't think it ever existed. You might be remembering the Space Station that hovered in the back of the 180 Top with the Window Girl.

There was quite a large thread on this about a year or two ago.:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Its been promised that its not complete, I believe the story is (and someone correct me if Im wrong) that they ran out of money during the 07 refurb, so the descent was put on hold (and I think rethought a little due to all the complaints). So when Siemens coughs up the rest of the dough, they will move in without announcement, and finish it. Those black triangles were not added in there to remain black, there is more to come. Ive been losing hope too but, with the new statements from people here who have an awesome track record claiming work will be continued in the comings months, I do believe and feel a change is coming. And apparently with Tomorrows Child, in some form.


Well-Known Member
It may take time, but what kind of progress doesn't? :animwink:

I think of this as the continuation of a project with tons of heart and dedication to it. I am (as I have always been) confident that the team that started this refurbishment of Spaceship Earth will finish it--and will keep at it until they feel it is right.
I would like to believe you Adam but the interviews that I have seen of the Imagineers behind this refurb makes them seem like they all dropped-out of High School or they think we are dumb and they have to talk down to us. They even said the enhancement was done for kids. Apparently anyone over 5 is no longer considered a WDW guest. Kid's are smarter than the new narration gives them credit for. I first went on SSE 94 (in 99) when I was 9 and loved it.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
New feature: Search!:king:

Not being rude, but it's how I do most of my research.:lol:
I would like to believe you Adam but the interviews that I have seen of the Imagineers behind this refurb makes them seem like they all dropped-out of High School or they think we are dumb and they have to talk down to us. They even said the enhancement was done for kids. Apparently anyone over 5 is no longer considered a WDW guest. Kid's are smarter than the new narration gives them credit for.

The cartoon does look kinda "kid-ish"...But we all know what can fix that...Heh. That's about a child too.:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
New feature: Search!:king:

Not being rude, but it's how I do most of my research.:lol:

The cartoon does look kinda "kid-ish"...But we all know what can fix that...Heh. That's about a child too.:lookaroun
Take a look at the 2009 trip planning DVD. You would think the parks were designed exclusivley for kids.


Well-Known Member
New feature: Search!:king:

Not being rude, but it's how I do most of my research.:lol:

I'm a mod at theme park website, are you insinuating that I know nothing about searching? Ask Adam, he knows all too well how we make sure members search there.

And researching WDWMagic is hardly the end all, be all place for EPCOT information. Mind your elders as some of us made more trips to EPCOT in it's first ten years then you have in your lifetime.


Active Member
I would like to believe you Adam but the interviews that I have seen of the Imagineers behind this refurb makes them seem like they all dropped-out of High School or they think we are dumb and they have to talk down to us. They even said the enhancement was done for kids. Apparently anyone over 5 is no longer considered a WDW guest. Kid's are smarter than the new narration gives them credit for. I first went on SSE 94 (in 99) when I was 9 and loved it.

Interviews on film are far different than first-hand pitches. Though the angle for the company may have been to appeal to a larger audience, the overall intention was to update a classic with a strong message. While the new version has flaws (no version has been perfect in my opinion), it isn't the outright failure that some believe it to be.

Though I'm one of the few that sees changes like video emailing and added show pieces in the descent to be major, I can say that the end result (however long it takes) will likely appease all of those that feel that your attention is kept solely on your touchscreen for the entirety of the descent.

I'm a mod at theme park website, are you insinuating that I know nothing about searching? Ask Adam, he knows all too well how we make sure members search there.

And researching WDWMagic is hardly the end all, be all place for EPCOT information. Mind your elders as some of us made more trips to EPCOT in it's first ten years then you have in your lifetime.

I can back up Matt here when it comes to the Search feature. WDWMagic and the other forum of which Matt speaks are the only two forums I post on regularly, and really, I post on the latter more often these days... The search feature is known by most members there (and here I believe--I know I use it), so I have no complaints, but I can attest to Matt's familiarity with the forums and their functionality.


Account Suspended
I would like to believe you Adam but the interviews that I have seen of the Imagineers behind this refurb makes them seem like they all dropped-out of High School or they think we are dumb and they have to talk down to us. They even said the enhancement was done for kids. Apparently anyone over 5 is no longer considered a WDW guest. Kid's are smarter than the new narration gives them credit for. I first went on SSE 94 (in 99) when I was 9 and loved it.

I wish there were more forum posters like you who tell it like it is. They have dumbed down the ride theres no way to beat around the bush.

The ONLY redeeming qualities of this refurb are:

1- Some new fluid moving AA's and refreshed old AA's (though several AA's have been removed from the ride and will never return :(

2-The new Mammoth/Caveman projection is great

3-Computer Lab with Audio Animatronics replaced static "internet wonder" mall display. Although whats up with the wierd outfit on the black lady :veryconfu

But the score, narration, ending were all dumbed down to appeal to hicks. Why would disney dumb it down? To encourage people to stay stupid instead of learning and broadening their minds??

I have no problem with Epcot Center refreshing attractions and changing up the attraction roster but don't dumb down the park with cartoons, neutered attractions, and brainless thrills. The park must encourage and stand for Science, Technology, Innovation, the arts, world culture, and a better Tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
I wish there were more forum posters like you who tell it like it is. They have dumbed down the ride theres no way to beat around the bush.

The ONLY redeeming qualities of this refurb are:

1- Some new fluid moving AA's and refreshed old AA's (though several AA's have been removed from the ride and will never return :(

2-The new Mammoth/Caveman projection is great

3-Computer Lab with Audio Animatronics replaced static "internet wonder" mall display. Although whats up with the wierd outfit on the black lady :veryconfu

But the score, narration, ending were all dumbed down to appeal to hicks. Why would disney dumb it down? To encourage people to stay stupid instead of learning and broadening their minds??

I have no problem with Epcot Center refreshing attractions and changing up the attraction roster but don't dumb down the park with cartoons, neutered attractions, and brainless thrills. The park must encourage and stand for Science, Technology, Innovation, the arts, world culture, and a better Tomorrow!
I think personaly the ride has never looked better. My big problems are
1. the narration. It makes me feel like I am being talked down too and makes me think Disney thinks I am stupid.
2.The removal of the chariot and adding of random props in the Roman Scene.
3.The covered up statue.
4.The fact that they put the African-American Woman in a go-go dancer outfit in the computer scene. Besides the un-intentional sexist and racist image this portrays. It also presents a potentialy damaging revisionist history.
5.The descent for obvious reasons. As for the AA's that were removed They did not really remove that much.
SSE was the first Disney ride I ever rode and holds a special place in my heart. When I watched the interview with Pam Fisher on the planning DVD I felt sick to my stomach.


Well-Known Member
I can back up Matt here when it comes to the Search feature. WDWMagic and the other forum of which Matt speaks are the only two forums I post on regularly, and really, I post on the latter more often these days... The search feature is known by most members there (and here I believe--I know I use it), so I have no complaints, but I can attest to Matt's familiarity with the forums and their functionality.

Gracias, dude.

Keep up the good work! ;)


I would rather have a heart attack then ride SSE 07.
They have dumbed down the ride theres no way to beat around the bush.
Maybe it's just me...
But, I like SSE now far better than I ever did before.
I find it superior in every way, maybe because I have no emotional or sentimental ties to any of the previous versions, all of which I rode many, many times.

Keep up the good work WDI, says me. (Yes, I have told some of them that directly. They kinda appreciate that sort of thing.)

But then, that's me...someone for whom Epcot is my 4th favorite WDW park.:shrug:

The park must encourage and stand for Science, Technology, Innovation, the arts, world culture, and a better Tomorrow!

Dang...where's my flame retardent suit? Must have misplaced it after I had to use it when I said Adv. Club > Epcot.:D


WDWMagic and the other forum of which Matt speaks are the only two forums I post on regularly, and really, I post on the latter more often these days...
Yeah, sure....go ahead and spend all your time over at Alvey's joint.
We'll hold down the fort here.:lookaroun Or not....



Well-Known Member
Maybe it's just me...
But, I like SSE now far better than I ever did before.
I find it superior in every way, maybe because I have no emotional or sentimental ties to any of the previous versions, all of which I rode many, many times.

Keep up the good work WDI, says me. (Yes, I have told some of them that directly. They kinda appreciate that sort of thing.)

I am a bit ambivalent about the current SSE. It certainly isn't terrible. I like the new AAs, Dench is decent, I think I'm the only one who LOVES the blue lights and I don't hate the video screens in the descent.

But I do expect more from WDI. And leaving the descent with so much empty space is similar to what was done in Imagination 2.0 and 3.0.

I've enjoyed every version of SSE. The first two were likely the 'purest' ... but this one is good and may be better if they ever complete it.

But then, that's me...someone for whom Epcot is my 4th favorite WDW park.:shrug:



I am now wondering if Lee suffers from a head injury or just bad taste?:wave:

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