Spaceship Earth News...Emailing picture plus video


Well-Known Member
I think I'm the only one who LOVES the blue lights and I don't hate the video screens in the descent.

I LOVE the blue lights, and I wish there were more of them. The empty space does bother me a little, but I actually focus on the touch screens for the most part.

I also like listening to M narrate:cool:


Well-Known Member
I'm all for 07 SSE until after you pass the blue lights. That is a fantastic effect. I can even live with the dumbed down narration. But after you pass the blue lights, you might as well close your eyes and think about what you are going to do next in the park. The only time I look at the touch screens is when I press "English".


I think I'm the only one who LOVES the blue lights and I don't hate the video screens in the descent.
No,, too. I dig the screens. I cackle like an idiot watching my goofy head on that animation. Great stuff. Much more entertaining to me than just "Ooohhh, look....colored neon and stuff...."

But I do expect more from WDI. And leaving the descent with so much empty space is similar to what was done in Imagination 2.0 and 3.0.
Yeah, but as I see it, what happened to Imagination was done on purpose. They actually thought they were doing good work there.:shrug:
With SSE, they did a great job on the way up, but kinda had the rug pulled out from under them with much of the descent.

I am now wondering if Lee suffers from a head injury or just bad taste?
Likely a little of both. :lol:
I'd just rather be over riding Jungle Cruise.:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Hey's things these days with you? :wave:Good I hope! We are going to be staying at Pop from the 14th to the 24th of March. Can't wait! Only 60 more days from today, but who's counting (says the guy who has been counting since 772 days out)! :ROFLOL:

All is well here.i will just miss you when you come down.I am staying Feb28-Mar11 at my dad's in Davenport. I am glad I don't have to wait 772 days between visits.Dear god that would suck! :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
No,, too. I dig the screens. I cackle like an idiot watching my goofy head on that animation. Great stuff. Much more entertaining to me than just "Ooohhh, look....colored neon and stuff...."

I wish you could cackle all you want the post show.

Personally, I would rather stare at the black walls than watch that video again. And that's what I have to do now because there is nothing worthwhile in that descent to me. The music in the 94 descent was a thousand times more entertaining than anything beyond the blue lights now. I guess some people do like it, but to me the SSE descent now is really the only other thing at WDW that is Stitch's Great Escape-level bad.


Well-Known Member
I'd just rather be over riding Jungle Cruise.:shrug:

I really want to like this attraction, but I keep getting a bad skipper.:( I keep hoping to hit it at the right time, but I never do. I've yet to see one of the many AC patrons/JC CM's actually at the attraction.


Well-Known Member
I wish you could cackle all you want the post show.

Personally, I would rather stare at the black walls than watch that video again. And that's what I have to do now because there is nothing worthwhile in that descent to me. The music in the 94 descent was a thousand times more entertaining than anything beyond the blue lights now. I guess some people do like it, but to me the SSE descent now is really the only other thing at WDW that is Stitch's Great Escape-level bad.

All Perfectly said. :wave:..........and like Lee said WDI did have the rug pulled form under them regarding the descent, but I never thought that would happen with SE and Im very dissapointed with WDI and Siemens both. Sorry but I am. Sure the ride is great until the blue lights, I love the Dench narration even though the script is dumbed down, but once you start going backwords im ready to get off the ride. BUT, still more to be done and coming soon.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I'm a mod at theme park website, are you insinuating that I know nothing about searching? Ask Adam, he knows all too well how we make sure members search there.

And researching WDWMagic is hardly the end all, be all place for EPCOT information. Mind your elders as some of us made more trips to EPCOT in it's first ten years then you have in your lifetime.
You most likely have!:lol:

And no, wasn't was a joke.:eek: Sorry if it came across rude.
And as for research, I use far more than WDWMagic...;):wave:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, sure....go ahead and spend all your time over at Alvey's joint.
We'll hold down the fort here.:lookaroun Or not....


Adam posting over at the Alvey's joint, brought me over here. Not sure it's a fair trade though. :lol:

You most likely have!:lol:

And no, wasn't was a joke.:eek: Sorry if it came across rude.
And as for research, I use far more than WDWMagic...;):wave:

None taken. Just remember that 90% of the internet is , and the other 10% is worthless. :lol:

I'm kidding of course! :p


For those who haven't heard it, the new narration & score is part of the playlist on Radio Buena Vista (link below). The old one is still in the rotation, too, and if this thread is any indication of the sentiments, it will stay there!

We rode SSE in December with our 5-year-old. He loved it. SSE has always been a favorite of mine, and I thought overall the changes were good, and gave it more re-ride value. Of course, for me that's once every year or two...I don't think attractions are designed for people who ride 20 times a year and are inspecting the ceilings while the video is playing (though I probably would be one of those if I could!).

I certainly understand and agree with the expectation of Disney quality, but personally I didn't even notice those problems. There were some stretches that seemed a little bland, and the animated chariot was VERY noticeably absent and missed! I kept waiting for it to come around the corner and it didn't. :(


Well-Known Member
I don't think attractions are designed for people who ride 20 times a year and are inspecting the ceilings while the video is playing (though I probably would be one of those if I could!).

That's precisely the point I'm trying to drive home. Are the fanboys the only ones noticing this? And if they are, is there really anything going on, or are we all just thinking it is, because we see a curtain moved?

That's all I'm saying. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I can agree that the general visitor to the parks at WDW only visit maybe once a year or less but they do sell Annual Passes so should cater for the regulars as well, Spaceship Earth is the flagship attraction at Epcot, so in my opinion should completely appeal to both groups in the best way possible.

I rode with some friends that hadn't visited since early 2000 and from no influence from me at all, pointed out the state of some of the curtains during the descent. They made a point of saying they looked just chucked up.

That being said they thoroughly enjoyed their future.


Account Suspended
Maybe it's just me...
But, I like SSE now far better than I ever did before.
I find it superior in every way, maybe because I have no emotional or sentimental ties to any of the previous versions, all of which I rode many, many times.

I have no emotion over disney rides. I wouldnt even flinch if tehy bulldozed SSE Geodome and all to make way for a BETTER attraction.

Why exactly do you feel SSE is "far better" now? Is it the the way hip, ultra kewl touch screens or perhaps the cringe worthy dialogue?

and I really dont understand why you went :snore:. Disney shouldn't encoruage people to be scientists? Are you content with an obese, xenophobic, uneducated America? I don't believe you are and I think Disney should be part of the solution not the problem.

I agree the rides shouldn't be boring but they need to be inspiring. They need to be so good they inspire kids to research science, space exploration, gene therapy, fuel technologies, the environment, etc.


Well-Known Member
and I really dont understand why you went :snore:. Disney shouldn't encoruage people to be scientists? Are you content with an obese, xenophobic, uneducated America? I don't believe you are and I think Disney should be part of the solution not the problem.
No, it's really not Disney's job at all. It's like you getting mad that the back of your ceral box doesn't help you get a college degree. You don't have to be part of the solution to not be part of the problem.

I agree the rides shouldn't be boring but they need to be inspiring. They need to be so good they inspire kids to research science, space exploration, gene therapy, fuel technologies, the environment, etc.
Inspiration is in the eye of the beholder. What inspires you and me are two different things. Therefore, just because you don't think it is inspiring doesn't mean it's not.


Is it the the way hip, ultra kewl touch screens or perhaps the cringe worthy dialogue?
I like all of the above, and don't find the dialog "cringe worthy".

and I really dont understand why you went :snore:. Disney shouldn't encoruage people to be scientists? Are you content with an obese, xenophobic, uneducated America? I don't believe you are and I think Disney should be part of the solution not the problem.

I agree the rides shouldn't be boring but they need to be inspiring.
That's the thing. I have no interest in being inspired or educated in a theme park. At all. No thanks.
Entertain me. That's all I want. If a ride can do that, and maybe have some sort of inspiring or educational message to those who like that sort of thing, fine.
Again...this is just me. Can't speak for others, I just like what I like. Give me Soarin' or Test Track over Universe of Energy every day.

They need to be so good they inspire kids to research science, space exploration, gene therapy, fuel technologies, the environment, etc
That is where the :snore: comes in. No thanks, I'll pass on all that stuff.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Adam posting over at the Alvey's joint, brought me over here. Not sure it's a fair trade though. :lol:

None taken. Just remember that 90% of the internet is , and the other 10% is worthless. :lol:

I'm kidding of course! :p
:ROFLOL: Well played!
I have no emotion over disney rides. I wouldnt even flinch if tehy bulldozed SSE Geodome and all to make way for a BETTER attraction.

Why exactly do you feel SSE is "far better" now? Is it the the way hip, ultra kewl touch screens or perhaps the cringe worthy dialogue?

and I really dont understand why you went :snore:. Disney shouldn't encoruage people to be scientists? Are you content with an obese, xenophobic, uneducated America? I don't believe you are and I think Disney should be part of the solution not the problem.

I agree the rides shouldn't be boring but they need to be inspiring. They need to be so good they inspire kids to research science, space exploration, gene therapy, fuel technologies, the environment, etc.

Yeah, that's thinking "Disney"!:lol:

It's a theme park, not a correctional facility.

But...Entertain, Inform, Inspire is all a big part of it.;)

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