Before Merf was killed off the wdwmagic show, he videotaped the SSE decent in March 2007 and posted the video online. There has been more progress made in the decent than what his video shows.
Here is a link to it
Now I am not using the youtube version, I'm using a quicktime version thats brighter so I can see more than what the youtube version shows.
Points of interest:
Opening shot is of the then newly installed and wdwmagic dubbed "angler bulbs" strings of blue lights not there in december that humoursely reminded us of the angler fish. This is the scene right past the worm tunnel of infinite blue lights. Basically the lights slightly go on into this scene and quickly "fade" away. This scene is where the gas clouds scene was in the 1994 version.
When I saw this scene in January 07, there were no blue bulbs, and all there was was some thin stretched out and stapled black star curtains.
By the 12th second of the film we are heading down where the old pepper's ghost effect was, where we saw people talking on videophones. There were star curtains in this scene as well, but they seem to be turned off when Merf filmed the ride in March 07. Perhaps the Milky Way didn't pay it's electricity bill?
At 1:09 in my quicktime version (very hard to see in the youtube version) we see a pattern of blue triangles however Merf is already in the area just about to pass where the floating model of SSE used to be. He has his lens zoomed to where this blue triangle is. He zooms out to reveal a weird pattern of blue triangles. These blue triangles are where glitter city used to be. He did take a flash photo of this location at some point, and revealed all of glitter city gone, all the way to the soundproof panneled walls, and these triangles installed in its place.
From then on Merf pans around the final corridor, once home to a floating SSE model and fiber optics, and as of March 07 home to blue triangles above everyone (More were later installed) and at the very end some twinkling blue and white lights.