Space Mountian


New Member
It always feels like the left side (assuming you mean left coming from where the line forks into 2) to be longer. But yeah, I need a support bra when I ride that sucka. If they hooked it up something like Rockin' Rollercoaster I'd be satisfied.


Well-Known Member
Lee said:
My bad.
I was typing in a hurry and put "beta" like an idiot. :hammer:

No, you are right too.

But as for now...they are called just A and B. Why do you think my location is Tower B?

No one runs around Alphaen or Betaen or Omegaen anymore.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Lynx04 said:
I second!!!!!!

I am all for a complete gutting and new track and experience put in. The ride is out dated and so much more could be done with todays tech to make the ride so much more enjoyable.
I second second! Gut that beast and build a new coaster. And for any imaginers reading this I have just 2 words for you on the next space mountain.....LAUNCH IT!


Well-Known Member
Do you think Space Mountain has to be in rockets? How about an inverter styled to jetpacks? :lookaroun

Or a Vekoma Booster Bike, themed like Space Fighters....


If they do happen to announce that they are going to "gut" space mountain and give it a new track, I'm sure people will start complaining that it will be too similar to RnRC. People will say "no! wait! I can go to MGM for that! Space Mountain needs to stay the way it is because it's so unique!! They don't make them like that anymore! My son/daughter LOVES it the way it is!"

It's one of those situations where no matter what they do, people are going to be mad. If they keep it the same, people want change. If they change it, people want it to be kept the same. I guess we'll have to see how they like the new Disneyland version. I'm sure the guest response to that will be huge as to whether the WDW version ever gets changed. My 2 cents..hehe.


space mountain

Hey there

Big space mountain fan here, Just wanted too put in my 2 cents...

I definatley think space mountain should be renovated. My Idea would be too Leave one of the existing tracks exactly the same (ride system, rockets everything) and then put in a completely new modern ride that would weave through everything else... Of course this would be expensive , but dreams dont have a price tag do they.

And not to insult anybody, but im wondering do large or pleasntly plump people have a more painfull ride on space mountains cool little rockets? Because there always way to fun for me.....


New Member
It would be nice to see alittle update in the future on Space Mountain. I agree that alot will depend on what happens with updates on the other Space Mountain and how people like the ride after the rehabs.

I think part of the rough ride makes it feel as if you are doing more then 28 or 29 mph on the ride. (I believe that is the posted top speed). If they do rehab the ride, it should still keep the balance to be tame enough for kids and new coaster riders and still give you alittle thill for adults and others that love coasters. For alot of people, Space Mountain is the first coaster they go on. I would like to see it updated, add in a launch at the beginning, but keep out any loops. (I love loops and everything, but its nice to have a ride for everyone that will give a thill.) I love the turns, dips, and drops of the current ride to keep some thill.

BG Rugger

New Member
With Space Mountain being my favorite ride I say LEAVE IT ALONE!!! Space Mountain is a true classic and you dont want to ruin the experience. I know theres other Space Mountain fanatics out there. Rally 'round the cause!!! Keep it the way it is!!!


New Member
I love SM just the way it is. Perhaps a smoother track but I am a coaster wimp and SM is about as daring as I get. I love being able to go to a theme park and be able to go on all the rides.

FYI . . . as one of those pleasantly plump people (no offense taken by the way) I don' t think the seats are too terrible! :animwink:


New Member
Before you go hoping for a DL-sytle update of SM, let's see how it turns out. Just remember the lesson learned from the Rocket Rods.

If the WDW version is updated to the extent DL's is, be prepared for the ride to be closed for 2 years. They can't exactly get a crane in an enclosed building, so the construction is very, VERY slow. Maybe WDW's version would allow them to remove some or all of the roof to make the construction go faster, but a lot of comments have been made regarding the DL update that the original Space Mountain could have been built several times over within the timeframe of this update, which is not even scheduled to be complete until a year from now.

As for potentially launching the new SM with a LIM, I've heard it can't work because of overheating issues. The sheer volume of cars that would have to be launched per hour would burn out the LIM - which is why you really only see launch-style coasters with longer (i.e. fewer) trains. But I'm sure the imagineers are doing whatever possible to overcome this, because it would make the most sense thematically.


trdisneyfan said:
As for potentially launching the new SM with a LIM, I've heard it can't work because of overheating issues.

True to some extent, but there is also the issue of the Disneyland track's layout preventing any sort of fast launch.


trdisneyfan said:
As for potentially launching the new SM with a LIM, I've heard it can't work because of overheating issues. The sheer volume of cars that would have to be launched per hour would burn out the LIM - which is why you really only see launch-style coasters with longer (i.e. fewer) trains. But I'm sure the imagineers are doing whatever possible to overcome this, because it would make the most sense thematically.

Premier Rides did a pretty good job of launching trains pretty rapidly and repeatedly with Mummy. It can be done.


New Member
Why fix whats not broken? Space Mt. is doing just fine. To update it just like every flash in the pan ride design that comes out would not do it justice. Space has 13 trains on operation at a time and if there was a launch, we would lose OHRC (operational hourly ride count) or something. Does everyone want the great ride we already have? Or one that makes more guests have to wait longer because of less coasters on track? Magic Kingdom's Space is the original. Why mess with the track? Doesnt everyone boast that Disneyland's Pirates of the Carribbean is sooo much better than WDW and DL's the original. Can't we have an original attraction that shouldn't have to be matched to its three "lesser" cousins?:)


New Member
trdisneyfan said:
Before you go hoping for a DL-sytle update of SM, let's see how it turns out. Just remember the lesson learned from the Rocket Rods.

If the WDW version is updated to the extent DL's is, be prepared for the ride to be closed for 2 years. They can't exactly get a crane in an enclosed building, so the construction is very, VERY slow. Maybe WDW's version would allow them to remove some or all of the roof to make the construction go faster, but a lot of comments have been made regarding the DL update that the original Space Mountain could have been built several times over within the timeframe of this update, which is not even scheduled to be complete until a year from now.

As for potentially launching the new SM with a LIM, I've heard it can't work because of overheating issues. The sheer volume of cars that would have to be launched per hour would burn out the LIM - which is why you really only see launch-style coasters with longer (i.e. fewer) trains. But I'm sure the imagineers are doing whatever possible to overcome this, because it would make the most sense thematically.
But if you have premier do it, there wouldn't be as many trains but there would be more seats per train, instead of 6 seats per train there could be 16 or up to 32 depending on how many cars they want to add.


Why mess with the track?

Because its old, rough, and Disney can do better.
That's reason enough right there.

Doesnt everyone boast that Disneyland's Pirates of the Carribbean is sooo much better than WDW and DL's the original.

Bad comparison. DL's is twice as long, in a better setting, and has a real story, as opposed to the Cliff Notes version WDW got. Nothing to do with which came first.

Can't we have an original attraction that shouldn't have to be matched to its three "lesser" cousins?

Lesser??? :veryconfu
Paris' amazing mountain is "lesser"?
Disneyland and Hong Kong's updated, smoother, more effects laden mountains are "lesser"?

Simple fact: WDW's Space Mountain is without a doubt the "lesser" of all the mountains worldwide, with the possible exception of Tokyo.


New Member
Lee said:
Bad comparison. DL's is twice as long, in a better setting, and has a real story, as opposed to the Cliff Notes version WDW got. Nothing to do with which came first.
I know this is a bit off topic but WDW's POTC is the biggest let down of all the disney attractions that were cloned. Everytime I ride it I come off shaking my head and thinking, "why". I don't think the could have dumb down POTC any more even if they tried, well they could have made us walk through it.

Sorry, I had to get that off my chest, I feel much better now.

Where were we? aaahhhh yes, Space Mountain.


Well-Known Member
Lee said:
Because its old, rough, and Disney can do better.
That's reason enough right there.

I still want to know where people think being strapped to a rocket would be a smooth ride.

But I mean really, trying to compair WDW's Space to Paris is like the apple and oranges. Sept for in this example the only thing they share is the name.

And I happen to think WDW space looks WAY better then anyone elses.

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