Space Mountian


AEfx said:
I think you put it exactly right - they need to update the coaster itself to be worth of the title Space Mountain.

Exactly what I've been saying for a few years now. The name Space Mountain used to mean something. When you heard the name you thought of the ultimate themed coaster experience, the most E of all the e-tickets.

Now it's just an old, rickety coaster that shows its age worse than any other Disney coaster, including the 45-year old Matterhorn which has at least been upgraded over the years.

We don't know what is going on inside Disneyland's coaster, but I can bet it won't be the uncomfortable jumble Space Mountain is right now.
Oh yes, we do know what is going on.
1. They have kept the same layout, but replaced every piece of track with a newly engineered design to take the curves more smoothly and quickly.
2. They have new rockets, with built in speakers (with, possibly, two soundtracks.).
3. The queue area has been redesigned (so I'm told) by the team that did the queue for Mission:Space.
4. They are adding a TON of new effects to the building.
5. They have designed a new lighting package for the exterior.

Seems to me, WDW's Space deserves at least the same treatment as it's younger, smaller brother.


Premium Member
Lee said:
Now it's just an old, rickety coaster that shows its age worse than any other Disney coaster, including the 45-year old Matterhorn which has at least been upgraded over the years.

And that it is.... :sohappy:

I even find the Matterhorn to provide a smoother ride.


Well-Known Member
regarding upgrading Space Mountain--I didn't hear any real complaints regarding the upgrade to DL's Space Mountain that was completed in 1998. I loved it, they just did a poor job of it so it started failing quickly, leading them to do a more complete job of fixing it now--the ride they made in 1998 was great, just not properly funded.


New Member
AEfx said:
you'll see that it's just a mouse coaster that most carnival-type parks are even phasing out.

if you wanna see a wild mouse. you can ride primeval whirl.:) space mountain has its charm. just like the cyclone at coney island.

all space mountain needs is a cosmetic makeover( ie: things around the track area. give us the cool laser effect that disneyland had. it needs a good dusting. and some paint. and the brakes at unload need some windexing. just a squeaky clean rehab. i will volunteer to do it. i will clean all the dust off the red tails of the rocket trains.

but IF they were to tear out the track, they better make it exactly like the track already is. maybe a new main lift. that doesnt break down when i try to reset it :(


Well-Known Member
zone15int said:
but IF they were to tear out the track, they better make it exactly like the track already is. maybe a new main lift. that doesnt break down when i try to reset it :(

don't hit jog and run at the same time :hammer:


but for real, I would give my time too to fix her up.


New Member
Why is it that every topic about Space Mountain becomes a debate of upgrading or keeping the ride the same. There is no point in upgrading and I still don't know why people complain about roughness. In my 50 plus times (probably 100) riding this ride, I have never experience roughness. All I could see being done for this manifacent ride is if it got the Disneyland treatment as in the exact same ride being rebuilt. But of course WDW does not need it because they did not retrofit their trains with speakers.


Account Suspended
zone15int said:
space mountain has its charm. just like the cyclone at coney island.

I think this statement actually supports the point that many have been making. The Coney Island Cyclone is a classic that has remained virtually unchanged. When I first rode it, I was let down because I had heard that it still stood up against roller coasters of today. It doesn't. People like it because of the nostalgia. When I think of Space Mountain, I think sleek, state of the art design. I don't think "historical landmark".


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't complain either way, I love Space Mountain the way it is, but a new theme/coaster really wouldn't bother me.
What about a new queue/preshow? It has such potential, but it's so bland :(
(Except for the end-queue, which I really like)


Well-Known Member
DarkMeasures said:
Why is it that every topic about Space Mountain becomes a debate of upgrading or keeping the ride the same. There is no point in upgrading and I still don't know why people complain about roughness. In my 50 plus times (probably 100) riding this ride, I have never experience roughness. All I could see being done for this manifacent ride is if it got the Disneyland treatment as in the exact same ride being rebuilt. But of course WDW does not need it because they did not retrofit their trains with speakers.
LOL, because your "manifiacent" ride is getting very creaky in it's old age. Nostalgia is great, but you must be one solid individual to not feel the vibrations of this rickety old coaster.

And thanks for the negative rep, DarkMeasures - I'll be sure to return the favor next time I disagree with you. :p



New Member
Original Poster
I like when Coasters are a little rickity. only when I know they're old though. It adds to teh charm and the memories


New Member
AEfx said:
LOL, because your "manifiacent" ride is getting very creaky in it's old age. Nostalgia is great, but you must be one solid individual to not feel the vibrations of this rickety old coaster.

And thanks for the negative rep, DarkMeasures - I'll be sure to return the favor next time I disagree with you. :p

That was not the point of the point. The point was you bringing up the debate. Anyway, it is less nostalgia and more of a "why ruin tommorowland with Verne?" kind of thing. Another problem I would have is over-the-shoulder restraints. They kinda ruin the experience. If the mountain was rebuilt as keeping the same or a brand new theme and without use of over the shoulders, I would be fine.

Of course, there is a new over-the-shoulder system out there that is much better than what other companies have used. S&S developed a new system that basically allows the restraints to custom fit to every rider. Arrow also developed a similar system for the 4-d coasters.


Well-Known Member
DarkMeasures said:
That was not the point of the point. The point was you bringing up the debate.
Well, I've never discussed participated in the "debate" before - although I may have mentioned how I feel about the ride I have never had a big discussion about it.

Perhaps you are projecting things from others onto me?

Regardless, as I told you in a PM, you need to get over it - if you don't like people discussing Space Mountain, you shouldn't visit a thread that discusses it.

Anyway, it is less nostalgia and more of a "why ruin tommorowland with Verne?" kind of thing. Another problem I would have is over-the-shoulder restraints. They kinda ruin the experience. If the mountain was rebuilt as keeping the same or a brand new theme and without use of over the shoulders, I would be fine.

Of course, there is a new over-the-shoulder system out there that is much better than what other companies have used. S&S developed a new system that basically allows the restraints to custom fit to every rider. Arrow also developed a similar system for the 4-d coasters.
I don't know what you are talking about. This discussion never got into restraint types or anything like that - just the nature of the coaster that exists now and why it needs to be brought into the 21st century.

By using terms like "manificent" you are showing your obvious nostalgia for the ride; many of us shared those feelings at one time but now see Space Mountain for what it is - two mouse coasters mushed together that you can only find at State Fairs these days. There is nothing of note to the coaster itself, the ride isn't very pleasant, and even the "stars" and the projected cookies on the walls (pardon me, "meteors") just reek of...old. And not in a "classic" sort of way, old as in "This was really great...once."



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NTI2002 said:
I like when Coasters are a little rickity. only when I know they're old though. It adds to teh charm and the memories

If we were talking about a wooden coaster, I might agree with you. But steel coasters are not supposed to be rickety.


New Member
I have absolutely no problem enjoying Space Mountain every time I ride it. Never do I think that it's old and outdated, nor do I think it's becoming rickety or anything like that. I love how it throws you around and is a great coaster. It's tame enough for everyone to ride it, but fun enough for some of the more hardcore coaster riders to enjoy. I think it's a classic.

I don't know, though, the descriptions of the DLP Space Mountain sound very intriguing. Anyone know anything more about DLP's Space Mountain?


New Member
I can talk very long about DLP's Space Mountain because i'm working on this wonderful ride but what i can say .

Disneyland Paris's Space Mountain is so huge and From the Earth to the moon theme is awesome but they'll change it for Space Mountain Mission 2 beyon the moon in April 05 .

The SM Track design is original compare to the other SM Version . The Ride goes Upside down 3 Times , you have a Sidewinder loop , a Corkscrew and a Horseshoe . 2 min and 18 sec of pleasure and one of the best part of the ride is the launch .


Hawkeye21 said:
while i agree that Space Mountain is in need of some repair with it breaking down so often, the rough ride is part of the experience and lends itself to the rides history and age. I don't think you can majorly change Space Mountain just because it would not be Space Mountain


I tend to agree with this poster. Although I'm always up for some tweaking, I think the bumpinesss adds to the effect. I'm a huge fan of Space Mountain. I would be very sad if it was completely changed and was never like the original SM.


I stumbled on this cute little video for Paris' Mountain.

It's nowhere near as cool as the 45-min. "Shoot for the Moon" documentary, but it gives a little taste of the flavor of their least until Mission 2 opens.

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