Yes, I think it will be an internal type of thing.
(Let's dream for a minute)
Imagine if once you go in you get on the Rocket and you see that you aren't increasing speed through the blue light tunnel, the car is paused then suddenly from behind your seat (onboard audio) you hear a futuristic voice say: ...initiating liftoff in 5, 4, 3, 2, ...(the rocket begins to blow smoke) ...1...LIFTOFF! You launch at 50 to 60 mph speeds and go end up in deep space in the pitch darkness all you see is stars and planets. As you ride through the track you notice it's less noisy and different from the one you went on a few months ago. You come out of the ride and enjoy the new ride post-show. You come out satisfied and bewildered from this great surprise Disney has given you, and you say "Wow... all those months of waving for this ride really did pay off.." you begin to get emotional and tears come down your eyes... You turn around to gaze at the beautiful newly painted mountain and notice that right next to the fountain is...A STITCH MEET AND GREET!!! "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"
...To be continued...