space mountain lawsuit


New Member
that guy is totally lying, he is just trying to get $$$$ like everyone else in this world.
I guess he figuired Disney would be the place to do it.
Millions of people go on this ride evryday, its funny how he is the only one that went brain dead. Good for him for lying


Perhaps Disney can offer him a job playing Dopey to make up for this horrible tragedy. My heart goes out to the family. It just so sad.


New Member
i do not know where to stand on this.

the guy is a doctor so he probably already has money...

but i would stand by disney no matter so this guy gets the dopey treatment (as stated earlier):lol:


New Member
An object from another car was the first thing I thought of, I think being knocked out proves he's not lying. But, I do not see how this is a safety issue or Disney's fault in any way.


New Member
:veryconfu This is very confusing. I don't know where I stand here. It's going to be tough to prove if he did stood up or he was hit in the head.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but in my opinion, it is Disney's fault if they prove that other people have been hit and they did nothing about it. Safety nets are not uncommon under rollercoasters all over the US. They even had the added bonus of the ride being in the dark to not ruin the theme. Most parks also don't allow you to carry bags, bottles, cameras, and other projectiles on a coaster. A simple locker area would have prevented this just as much as nets.

I really don't think the guy is faking it. He was a doctor, has money, stayed (or was going to stay) at the GF for 10 days with his family and this cut his trip short. He wasn't concious when the train returned. They also had engineers state that with his height, there was no way he could have "stood" high enough to hit any part of the structure. Even if that were the case, he would probaby still win because he was "able" to stand up.

Sorry but I think Disney will end up settling this one with a lump sum. They don't have much of a chance with just the few facts in that article.


Just fix it

Whether or not he is telling the truth, I think Disney should find a way to fix the problem.

Instead of paying this one person millions for something that is obviously an accident, spend the millions to make safety improvements.

Just for a minute, give him the benefit of the doubt and say he did get hit in the head by something... how would you feel if it was you or someone in your family or friend...

It could be as easy as banning all loose objects from the ride. That would not cost much at all. Sure you might inconvenience some guests, but it is not as big an inconvenience of having Brain Damage! Millions of inconvenienced guests compared to 1 injury.... it should be common sense to go with the inconvenience!

I agree though, this man does not sound like the type who is just out to get money. I do not think Disney is to blame, but they should take the bull by the horns and prevent anything like this from happening.


New Member
Originally posted by timoteo
Perhaps Disney can offer him a job playing Dopey to make up for this horrible tragedy. My heart goes out to the family. It just so sad.

Dopey...that's hilarious.
This is not Disney's fault. Whatever. Money hungry people.:brick:


Well-Known Member
agree with wishiwere@wdw...

he is a dcotor as was his father. He has money and comes from money...he has been here over 4 years getting treatment. Things fall from other cars all the time. Should they do something about this? YES. I think they will settle. Disney has enough problems.


New Member
Originally posted by wishiwere@wdw
Most parks also don't allow you to carry bags, bottles, cameras, and other projectiles on a coaster. A simple locker area would have prevented this just as much as nets.

Agreed, But in most cases Disney wants to give the object freedom to guests, instead of making them pay for lockers.

They want to hold back in giving the freedom to the guest on which they can bring carry on items on the coasters with them, Which can be a bad thing in a good thing; It helps from paying for a locker for the time you wait in line for a coaster for the time you get off which could be from anywhere to 5-??? minutes..

If you get the proper rider that can hold their items right while enjoying their ride and the safety of others. Or if you get a immature rider who likes to bring the carry on items and throw things on the ride trying to be "funny'' and not care about the safety requirements.


New Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
agree with wishiwere@wdw...

he is a dcotor as was his father. He has money and comes from money...he has been here over 4 years getting treatment. Things fall from other cars all the time. Should they do something about this? YES. I think they will settle. Disney has enough problems.
Why should Disney settle with him if it wasn't there fault?


Well-Known Member
What I said was that it is their fault if they have reports of this happening before and did nothing about it. That "appears" to be the case here. It really does appear to be a horrible accident on Disney's behalf (I dont' think they wanted the guy to be hit on the head) but they are liable if they knew it had happend before. They would be running on borrowed time if they did nothing to solve the issue at hand. On a side note, IOA offers lockers for free to ride their coasters. You simply put your stuff in and it spits out a ticket with your combo on a piece of paper. You punch in the code when you are done. How is that inconvienient?


Isn't there some legal writing on the back of the tickets/passports that puts responsibility for injuries on the ticket holder. I think Disney would not be responsible if say someone threw a camera from the tea cups. It would fly in straight line and hit another person I am sure. I boils down to resonable care, proper maintenance and notice on Disney's part. We all know that Disney takes more than resonable care, and maintenance,. However did they give proper notice about loose objects or did they legalize away there liability from damage due to loose or thrown objects. The clue may be on the back of the ticket. I still say that guy could get a job a Dopey and not all would be lost.


New Member
Originally posted by timoteo
Isn't there some legal writing on the back of the tickets/passports that puts responsibility for injuries on the ticket holder. I think Disney would not be responsible if say someone threw a camera from the tea cups. It would fly in straight line and hit another person I am sure. I boils down to resonable care, proper maintenance and notice on Disney's part. We all know that Disney takes more than resonable care, and maintenance,. However did they give proper notice about loose objects or did they legalize away there liability from damage due to loose or thrown objects. The clue may be on the back of the ticket. I still say that guy could get a job a Dopey and not all would be lost.

Yeah but they would still sue disney for this because Disney allowed them to bring the item on the ride. Thats how it usually goes with people anymore they sue for anything.
Okay, obviously we don't know all the facts, but here's what we do know:

1) The guy, a doctor is pretty well off (he stayed at the Grand Floridian)

2) He was, indeed, unconscious when the ride ended, due to some sort of blunt force.

3) It strikes me as very unlikely that an educated, 42-year-old doctor with kids would stand on a roller coaster.

4) Objects were found on the floor of the coaster that day

5) Other people have been hit by objects on Space Mountain before.

6) He's clearly suffered by this - he can't practice medicine any more, and has had years of pain and permanent damage

Does this mean that he didn't stand up? We, of course, don't know. But I'm surprised people here are automatically calling him a liar, or saying they "stick with Disney no matter what."


New Member
I think I believe the guy.. If it happened to me, I'd probablydo the same thing he did. It wouldn't be Disney's fault directly, but how else would I get money to pay for medical bills, or job compensation. I mean, I'd be disabled (according to the guy) so really that would be the only way.. i guess :hammer:


New Member
c'mon now...really?

typical disney-drones. can't fathom the thought of the mother company being neglectful in even the slightest matter. what's more likely, that this gentleman stood up and was struck in the head by ride-structure? <=even at 28mph, i doubt paralysis would be the worst of his troubles if he knocked his head on a steel crossbar:dazzle: =>

if other people have been struck by falling objects, and many often large items are found daily, it seems more plausible that this is indeed what happened. this is not to say disney should fork over the keys to the kingdom. but when easy (and cheap) preventative measures exist, it seems somewhat remiss for WDW to not take any action.

the only hope for "the world" on this one is that the family accepts payment in venuzualen currency. (i hear things are tough down there :rolleyes: )


New Member
I haven't been on Space Mountain in a number of years, but what was the reference to the bottom of his shoes being ripped apart?? Does anyone know what that's about? :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by bailey5697
I haven't been on Space Mountain in a number of years, but what was the reference to the bottom of his shoes being ripped apart?? Does anyone know what that's about? :veryconfu

I thought the same thing too when I read that....
Very strange. Seems like Disney is really stretching for some evidence!
If the floor of those ride cars can do so much damage to your footwear, shouldn't they be fixed???


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