Originally posted by FourFourSeven
You know, I do agree with your points on this topic, I disagree with SKYWAY 4 ME completely, and I realize SKYWAY'S legal arguments are completely and utterly incorrect, but I still don't think you should make personal attacks that don't serve to forward your argument.
I apologize to you if you have found my remarks offensive. But when someone (SKYWAY in this case) says something insulting like, "I'm putting it into laymen's terms...SO YOU'LL UNDERSTAND.", and then proceeds to make some of the most idiotic statements I've ever read on these boards,....well, you can't honestly expect me to RESIST, can you?
Seriously though, I do recognize this is a heated and controversial topic. On one hand, it is difficult for most of us to face that the Disney we've come to know and love could be the slightest bit dangerous...and then refuse to own up to it!! But for others, it is not just difficult to face that, it is IMPOSSIBLE!! So despite any evidence whatsoever to support it, they make silly remarks like, "He obviously stood up on the ride" and other nonsense. I'm a Disney "purist", which means that I love the Disney that Walt created and believed in. That means I still love the spirit of what Disney is about, but I'm occasionally disappointed by what the current management has done to Walt's dream. This is one of those cases where I think Walt would be absolutely ashamed of how his company is being represented. I firmly believe that if Walt were alive today, he would do right by this guy who got hurt and then he'd do whatever was necessary to make sure it never happened again. But there are others who are so narrow-minded, that Saddam Hussein could be running the company and everything he did would be okay because it would be "Disney". Those type of people (again, SKYWAY in this case) are easily recognized because their arguments are so pathetic.
Again, not my intention to offend. But I believe there are times when certain things just need to be stated. Know what I mean?