Space Mountain Heading to the Scrap Heap :)


Well-Known Member
Introduce a little bean counting. Upset the established Disney magic and everything on the forums becomesss chaosssah! I'm an agent of chaosssah. And you know the thing about forums chaos? Its fun to watch.



How did I miss this little nugget yesterday?

Well done Travis, well done.:sohappy:

Thanks very much.
:king: :D

I wants a sugar-daddy too!



Can't get that idea. That's why the "Opposite Character" is always chasing after ladies and getting rejected. And then he walks into the apartment and looks at the camera and says something like "Wha' happen?" and the laugh track goes.

Then of course the next door neighbor girl comes in and insults him, then goes on about how everyone at her office thinks she's going out with the stinky guy, and that is a major problem since she's trying to make her way in a Male-Oriented World since she's a woman, and that's when the Main Character (In this case, Evan) zings her with something like "Really? news to me." which makes the laugh track go wild.

My character offers a CRAZY scheme to make them think she's NOT going out with the stinky guy but instead going out with the "handsome guy" at the office. It's a big hullabaloo that involves him going undercover at her office in a silly disguise, and after hilarious hijinks ensue they return to the apartment where I would say "That could've gone better." and Evan retorts with "YA THINK?", naturally making the Laugh Track explode with laughter.

(Don't worry, everything is resolved at the end of the episode so the show can always get another season.)

EPCOT Explorer

New Member

Thanks very much.
:king: :D


Can't get that idea. That's why the "Opposite Character" is always chasing after ladies and getting rejected. And then he walks into the apartment and looks at the camera and says something like "Wha' happen?" and the laugh track goes.

Then of course the next door neighbor girl comes in and insults him, then goes on about how everyone at her office thinks she's going out with the stinky guy, and that is a major problem since she's trying to make her way in a Male-Oriented World since she's a woman, and that's when the Main Character (In this case, Evan) zings her with something like "Really? news to me." which makes the laugh track go wild.

My character offers a CRAZY scheme to make them think she's NOT going out with the stinky guy but instead going out with the "handsome guy" at the office. It's a big hullabaloo that involves him going undercover at her office in a silly disguise, and after hilarious hijinks ensue they return to the apartment where I would say "That could've gone better." and Evan retorts with "YA THINK?", naturally making the Laugh Track explode with laughter.

(Don't worry, everything is resolved at the end of the episode so the show can always get another season.)



New Member
Original Poster
Here's an interesting thought to add on the SM subject...... Anyone think the height requirement will change? It used to be lower, either 40, or 42 inches.. Better/modern harnesses offer a safer experience for the smaller ones, OR will the coaster get a little more intense with the new banking turns, and require a higher height individual? Personally, I think it will stay the same, or get a little lower... I don't think it'll get higher..


EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Here's an interesting thought to add on the SM subject...... Anyone think the height requirement will change? It used to be lower, either 40, or 42 inches.. Better/modern harnesses offer a safer experience for the smaller ones, OR will the coaster get a little more intense with the new banking turns, and require a higher height individual? Personally, I think it will stay the same, or get a little lower... I don't think it'll get higher..


Not YET, anyway...:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Could do....

Whoa, whoa, WHOA!!!!!!

So are you telling me that people have been slamming this refurb as "cheap" and a "disaster" because Disney was without-a-doubt not adding on-board audio?

And now, more than 1200 posts later, we learn it's possible that the groundwork has been laid for audio in the future.

First of all, if Martin's veiled hints are true.... the first 1200 posts on this thread (and all the whining associated with them) are mostly misinformed, jump-to-conclusions baloney. If (and that's a big "if") at the end of the day on-board audio is added as a result of this refurb (even if a few years down the road), there is a lot of egg on a lot of faces.

So, now, of course, this discussion will turn to the "audio now vs. later", with a certain group of posters destined to slam Disney as being "cheap" for "not doing it right, 100% the first time."

And while such arguments might have merit, this 1200-post thread has proven such a decision (if true) to be wise.

Look at the number of people here salivating to ride the "completed" SSE. And as many have already admitted, it is only rabid internet fans who even KNOW there is a "secret endng" yet to be unveiled. The general public doesn't care now, and likely won't care when its finally opened.

Space Mountain, on the other hand, is a highly-promotable attendance-driver. Disney will certainly benefit from marketing the "new and improved" Space Mountain in November. And (if true) they'll be able to cash in once again in a few years promoting the "Space Mountain: now with SOUND!" a few years later---- allowing Disney to truly get more bang for its buck.

Back to the SSE example. If internet sources are to be believed, the money once devoted to finishing the SSE ending has now been diverted to other projects.

Perhaps by breaking up SM into two "phases", money that would have been spent on a single "full blown" refurb will allow other projects to proceed. (And to those who claim to know differently about SM's budget process, where were you 1200 posts ago? Surely someone with that kind of insider knowledge would have been able to report that the current SM budget included infrastructure to add on-board audio later....again, if true.)

Now back to the "audio now vs. later" argument. Some will claim that Walt would have done it all at once and given the public a 100% complete project (cough, ahem, Matterhorn Yeti, cough). Yes, it would truly be mindblowing for all improvements to be complete on re-opening day versus spread out over years. But as we all know, and as Disney knows, Space Mountain has been Disney's, the MK's, and arguably, the entire theme park industry's iconic attraction for 34 years without audio. Truly, what would a few more years of silence hurt? (And that's where the similarities to SSE end. If internet sources are to be believed, the "completed ending" could not be added in time in 2006, leaving that attraction with less than it had pre-refurb. When SM reopens, it will, at absolute worst, be EXACTLY like it was for the past 34 years---which, as the long lines attest, really ain't that bad.)

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Whoa, whoa, WHOA!!!!!!

So are you telling me that people have been slamming this refurb as "cheap" and a "disaster" because Disney was without-a-doubt not adding on-board audio?

And now, more than 1200 posts later, we learn it's possible that the groundwork has been laid for audio in the future.

First of all, if Martin's veiled hints are true.... the first 1200 posts on this thread (and all the whining associated with them) are mostly misinformed, jump-to-conclusions baloney. If (and that's a big "if") at the end of the day on-board audio is added as a result of this refurb (even if a few years down the road), there is a lot of egg on a lot of faces.

So, now, of course, this discussion will turn to the "audio now vs. later", with a certain group of posters destined to slam Disney as being "cheap" for "not doing it right, 100% the first time."

And while such arguments might have merit, this 1200-post thread has proven such a decision (if true) to be wise.

Look at the number of people here salivating to ride the "completed" SSE. And as many have already admitted, it is only rabid internet fans who even KNOW there is a "secret endng" yet to be unveiled. The general public doesn't care now, and likely won't care when its finally opened.

Space Mountain, on the other hand, is a highly-promotable attendance-driver. Disney will certainly benefit from marketing the "new and improved" Space Mountain in November. And (if true) they'll be able to cash in once again in a few years promoting the "Space Mountain: now with SOUND!" a few years later---- allowing Disney to truly get more bang for its buck.

Back to the SSE example. If internet sources are to be believed, the money once devoted to finishing the SSE ending has now been diverted to other projects.

Perhaps by breaking up SM into two "phases", money that would have been spent on a single "full blown" refurb will allow other projects to proceed. (And to those who claim to know differently about SM's budget process, where were you 1200 posts ago? Surely someone with that kind of insider knowledge would have been able to report that the current SM budget included infrastructure to add on-board audio later....again, if true.)

Now back to the "audio now vs. later" argument. Some will claim that Walt would have done it all at once and given the public a 100% complete project (cough, ahem, Matterhorn Yeti, cough). Yes, it would truly be mindblowing for all improvements to be complete on re-opening day versus spread out over years. But as we all know, and as Disney knows, Space Mountain has been Disney's, the MK's, and arguably, the entire theme park industry's iconic attraction for 34 years without audio. Truly, what would a few more years of silence hurt? (And that's where the similarities to SSE end. If internet sources are to be believed, the "completed ending" could not be added in time in 2006, leaving that attraction with less than it had pre-refurb. When SM reopens, it will, at absolute worst, be EXACTLY like it was for the past 34 years---which, as the long lines attest, really ain't that bad.)
I'm sorry, I completely disagree. :lol:

Why can't they just do it right the first time, and market that? Better business to me. I equate this as a car company selling you just a body of a car and telling you, don't worry, we'll make it run in a few months.:shrug:

Seems downright foolish to me.:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
One other thought--- and admittedly a far-fetched one.

But perhaps this decision to postpone audio (if true) is part of what I call "Best Buy Syndrome"--- the phenomenon of buying something, and then the next day, an even better technology becoming available.

As many have mentioned in this 1200-post thread, most major roller coasters are getting on-board audio now. In fact, the technology is "so 1996".

Certainly Universal's new coaster (Rip It, Ride it Whatever) is going to raise the bar for audio selection and on-board video recording.

Perhaps Disney was just not ready to commit to an audio technology for SM quite yet.

As many "experts" will tell you on these boards, SM's budget was apparently approved years ago. Yet not one of them said that budget included anything about choose-your-own audio or night-vision video.

If Disney purchased brand new SM trains with on-board audio for this current refurb, I highly doubt they'd shell out the money for even newer trains a few years ago when on-board coaster technology becomes cheaper, lighter, and cooler.

I have absolutely no knowledge that this was a factor (and other than Martin's veiled hints, it may be totally bogus that that SM infrastructure could handle audio in the future).

But the silver lining to no on-board audio now is that Disney is not locked into any one technology just yet. So there is always hope they'll add something even BETTER than just a movie-quality soundtrack.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I completely disagree. :lol:

Why can't they just do it right the first time, and market that? Better business to me. I equate this as a car company selling you just a body of a car and telling you, don't worry, we'll make it run in a few months.:shrug:

Seems downright foolish to me.:lookaroun

Because the car will run just fine the day you roll it out of the showroom in November.

It's more like "Here's a car V-8 engine. Have a blast right now. And in a few years, come back and we'll throw in a V-12 for FREE! That car will seem brand-new yet again!"

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Because the car will run just fine the day you roll it out of the showroom in November.

It's more like "Here's a car V-8 engine. Have a blast right now. And in a few years, come back and we'll throw in a V-12 for FREE! That car will seem brand-new yet again!"

The thing is, they aren't doing that. Sure, it will be a upgrade when it comes, but plussing should be a thing they do anyway, not because they have to. See the HatBox Ghost for that. The same thing with your technology point...They should upgrade it when new tech is available, not because the old SM sysytem is busted, broken and crackling.

Why people want to defend mediocrity and "hold off" for a better SM when we could and should have it now is beyond me.:veryconfu Sorry.:lol:


Well-Known Member
By that logic, Walt's Matterhorn should have remained closed until 1978, when they finally got around to adding the Yeti, which was in the ORIGINAL plans (and not a later "plussing").

After the original publicity blitz of the Matterhorn opening in 1959, Disney followed up with a "What's Gotten in the Matterhorn" campaign in 78.

So, were the original Matterhorn riders shortchanged? And was Disney stupid to market an old attraction as "new an improved" to get people to revisit the park?

As long as they don't wait 19 years to install audio (which again assumes were accurately reading Martin's hints----otherwise no audio at all!) I'm fine with a 2-phase SM rehab.


FYI and only what I observed from the Resort line workers by space had been off loading from a trailer what appeared to be 10ft white metal ?rail arched sections via lift over to space , Now what and why are known just passing it along. This was being done for about two days from trailers each time we had been on the monorail system

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
By that logic, Walt's Matterhorn should have remained closed until 1978, when they finally got around to adding the Yeti, which was in the ORIGINAL plans (and not a later "plussing").

After the original publicity blitz of the Matterhorn opening in 1959, Disney followed up with a "What's Gotten in the Matterhorn" campaign in 78.

So, were the original Matterhorn riders shortchanged? And was Disney stupid to market an old attraction as "new an improved" to get people to revisit the park?

As long as they don't wait 19 years to install audio (which again assumes were accurately reading Martin's hints----otherwise no audio at all!) I'm fine with a 2-phase SM rehab.
Yes, but 59 to 78 is a long enough time to open the attraction for a decent refurb and plussing.

Shutting down SM AGAIN in two years for a massive refurb (Audio and new cars are pretty big!) isn't smart for capacity. MK is low as it is.

Just do it all now, and get it over with. MK is going to be insane this summer without a HUGE people eater like SM.


Well-Known Member
I don't CARE if they PLAN to add audio years into the future.

Because that just means that our Space Mountain will be sub-par years into the future, something Disney is willing to accept. (apparently)


Well-Known Member
Why would it need to be shut down to add new trains later? Why couldn't those be phased in at night?

And we are all jumping to conclusions----shame on all of us---- but one big conclusion being jumped to is that the RUMORED phase 2 is many years down the line.

What if....WHAT trains were running by April 2011? That would make the overall rehab 2 years---the same as the envied DL SM rehab...but with WDWs rid open over the holidays to swallow those massive crowds you describe!

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