Well-Known Member
The complaint was that TDO was "cheap" for not installing an entirely new track to avoid a bumpy, jarring ride. Many fans also wanted a soundtrack.
I have yet to ride it, but I've been told it's just as good as on-board audio.
I'm hoping it might even be better. Perhaps with a slight doppler effect enhancing the sense of speed.
Martin should have a well written description soon. I think we will need a written description because I would think with the background noise and movement it will be tough to get a good recording.
And to those who find fault with anything new and exciting, we know who you are (PI devotees) and we know why you are always negative (PI closed). So please give it a rest.
I only hope they don't stop now. A few more visual effects and some theming for the TTA tunnel (blacklight?) would be awesome.
I keep thinking the could put a very basic animatronic Eve from Wall-E that you pass on a sharp turn. Similar to the Yeti in that it would have the effect of making you wonder what or even if you glimpsed her. That would be cool and synergistic. And no breakdowns or need for disco mode. :lol:
Reviews, we need reviews.