This is not an attack on you in the slightest, so please don't take it this way...
The cleanliness issue is a double edged sword. All the 'dirty' issues the above poster talked about involved a total and complete lack of respect/disregard for property on behalf of the WDW GUEST. Perhaps not only are the employees becoming increasingly more and more disgruntled, but guests are feeling much more entitled and selfish when at WDW?
When a trash can is overflowing, I feel that the guest made every effort to put it where it belonged. In the bathroom, when there is no more room in trash cans, what is a guest to do? I am sure they must have been short handed, but I can't blame the guest for this. If the trash was thrown all over the floor with empty cans, then I would have to agree with your statement. And I am sure that some guests are probably like that, but in the cases that I am talking about, this wasn't the case.