Naturally Grumpy
Very nice comments all...and to think how little time and energy it takes. There are so many great CM's out there, and you can really see the effect of a kind word to them. I alway carry a notepad to write a name/time/location down to be sure and send a note of recognition to Disney.
I have the bad habit of collecting pins, and usually wear my lanyard around the park. I have some for trading (mostly CM's) and some for show...usually get some nice comment from CM's who recognize some of the more unusual ones. Anyway, it is not uncommon for small children to come up and ask me to trade...well, there is rarely anything I am interested in of theirs, but it is obvious that they like tink or mickey or whatever...I can usually find one to give them. It doesn't take much to enjoy that smile on their faces.
I have the bad habit of collecting pins, and usually wear my lanyard around the park. I have some for trading (mostly CM's) and some for show...usually get some nice comment from CM's who recognize some of the more unusual ones. Anyway, it is not uncommon for small children to come up and ask me to trade...well, there is rarely anything I am interested in of theirs, but it is obvious that they like tink or mickey or whatever...I can usually find one to give them. It doesn't take much to enjoy that smile on their faces.