SOFT OPENING WATCH - Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Coaster


Fair enough. I guess watching too much Days of our Lives in the 80's made me think that someone could be sleeping with someone who may be related to someone who knows something. . . I have always found it best to avoid absolute statements. Unless you know this CM who the poster talked to, you do not know who that person knows/is related to/ is dating, etc who may be in the know, you know?

I know where your coming from. It's an issue of for the very first soft open no one knows that morning that today is definitely the day. They can have a pretty good idea.... they'll know if today definitely isn't the day. But softs are very much a when we get to that point we get to that point. That is why for every ride (Disney or Universal) it seems the team is standing around for days before softs. They want to have them in place and when they get to that check box on their long list they are ready to go.

But they could come in this morning 100% ready to do softs and it's still not a lock. And it's happend many many times that they start the day planning to start softs in the afternoon and it doesn't happen (again at both Disney and Universal). In fact it's more common for softs to not happen on the first day they are supposed to then for them actually to start.

So I'm not really saying this one CM doesn't know someone higher up. I'm saying even the higher ups don't really know 100% when they are going to get to that check box. It takes a lot of signoffs, a lot of training, and for nothing to go wrong prior to.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Absolutes, eh? So there is NO CHANCE this particular CM is a roommate to someone who works in another area of WDW, maybe even a CM at 7DMT? No Chance? I want you on my jury if I am ever prosecuting.

My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night.


Well-Known Member
But then there will be nothing new.

Correct- which is the RIGHT ANSWER since this thread is STRICTLY about soft opening status- not trip plans, FastPass+, hourly capacity or ANYTHING else everyone has filled 65 pages with. Jason is right. Keep it on topic of SOFT OPENING STATUS only or get reported. Admins have give countless requests and reminders at this point.


Well-Known Member
Correct- which is the RIGHT ANSWER since this thread is STRICTLY about soft opening status- not trip plans, FastPass+, hourly capacity or ANYTHING else everyone has filled 65 pages with. Jason is right. Keep it on topic of SOFT OPENING STATUS only or get reported. Admins have give countless requests and reminders at this point.

Yes, well thats why steve made a second, LOCKED thread to watch... instead of everyone posting about their CM's roommate who met this guy at parliment house or something....


My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night.
Correct- which is the RIGHT ANSWER since this thread is STRICTLY about soft opening status- not trip plans, FastPass+, hourly capacity or ANYTHING else everyone has filled 65 pages with. Jason is right. Keep it on topic of SOFT OPENING STATUS only or get reported. Admins have give countless requests and reminders at this point.
Here, I'll keep it on topic. It didn't soft-open today....

See? Never had one lesson! ;)


Well-Known Member
Was there today, didn't bother hanging around much. Around 11/11:30 I noticed the lift hill running, but then stop and then I saw cast members walking all around and looking at the track. A while later trains (empty) were running and I caught some people on it but I'm sure it was cast members (I didn't see costumes, but I wasn't about to go around to the front again). So yeah, no soft openings that I'm aware of. Still cycling trains, and if the walking around was training, then still training.


Well-Known Member
I just got off the phone with dvc and I asked if she knew anything about a soft opening. She said "we don't have permission to say but I think you will be ok for your upcoming trip" (may15-19). I hope she's right!

Seriously? She's might be right, but she has no clue except to speculate. If you read this thread you know more than her. And because she has no actual information to give, she can make up whatever she wants.

I just asked my dog if it will be open for your trip. He wagged his tail and looked excited. My dog is never wrong, therefore it will be open for your trip. One issue, perhaps, is I don't have a dog. But the information I just gave you is equally valuable to calling DVC, so hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
I was in MK last nite. Sat down just outside BOG bridge to watch fireworks at 930. Observed 7dmt for a full 30 minutes. They were running a steady stream of trains one after the other. Some had 1-4 CMs riding. It got to the point where it looked like a regular ride running based on the flow and spacing between the trains. It was very exciting. It seems like they are simply practicing the load/ unload timing to maximize capacity. What else is left? They have got to be very close.....


Premium Member
Original Poster
I was in MK last nite. Sat down just outside BOG bridge to watch fireworks at 930. Observed 7dmt for a full 30 minutes. They were running a steady stream of trains one after the other. Some had 1-4 CMs riding. It got to the point where it looked like a regular ride running based on the flow and spacing between the trains. It was very exciting. It seems like they are simply practicing the load/ unload timing to maximize capacity. What else is left? They have got to be very close.....
That sounds very encouraging and sounds like they are really ramping up to a position where they could do large scale soft opens.

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