So, You Want to be an Imagineer Season 19 - Madcap Circus [CONCLUDED]


Well-Known Member
@TheOriginalTiki @JokersWild as I’m working on early ideas for my project, I came up with two questions that I wanted to clarify with you before moving forward, if you don’t mind.

1.- Does my new Toon Town have to be constrained by the area occupied by the original Toon Town or am I free to make it bigger? By this I mean is that if my new Toon Town has to be built exactly where the original one is or if it’s a more of my concept that doesn’t need to be attached to a specific park?
2.- Since it’s free from IP Barriers, does that mean that I am free to use any Disney owned IP as long as it’s animated regardless of the studio and if it’s a movie or show? Like could I put a Finding Nemo Aquarium, a Gravity Falls walkthrough and a Big Hero Six show if I wanted (not what I’m doing, just an example to see how far can I push the boundaries of what can be be in Toon Town)?
Think bigger, in both respects. Blue sky plot of land to work with and I don't need a ton of detail on the park it's attached to besides just "An alternate take on a Castle park". For the IP barriers, you're free to use literally any animated character that's ever been invented, no matter what studio they come from.


Well-Known Member
Think bigger, in both respects. Blue sky plot of land to work with and I don't need a ton of detail on the park it's attached to besides just "An alternate take on a Castle park". For the IP barriers, you're free to use literally any animated character that's ever been invented, no matter what studio they come from.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
@TheOriginalTiki do you remember any details about the original projects? They’re referenced a lot, but I can’t find them anywhere. It’d be interesting to learn about them.
I can describe mine at least. It was an EMV that pretty much took the plot of Lights Motors Action. The queue started in an airport with guests boarding a plane. Following the queue up to the second floor of the plane, it would transition to looking like it had crashed, acting as a transition from the airport to the island. Past that it was a fairly standard EMV. Entirely outside, I think. Guests would pass some of the characters (I think we were required to give John Locke a proper line in the attraction. I don’t remember much of the specifics past that.


Well-Known Member
My day at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom yesterday pretty much took the cake for worst ever day at a theme park in my life. I knew I was taking a risk going on a Saturday but I heard with all the pandemic crap going on that the weekend/weekday difference isn't as strong as it once was and it's really hard to get back from the park to my house on week days because of bad traffic around park closing. Anyways I get there about mid-day and it's SLAMMED.

Go to Medusa which takes about 45 minutes and the queue starts with children SHOVING each other, getting in and out of line, and wacking each other with sticks. Yea...not a great start. So I'm just going to get on my soap box right now, this park and I feel like a lot of parks have a REAL line-jumping problem. We'll get back to this issue later on in the report, but suffice to say in the 45 minutes I was in line I counted at least ten instances of people pushing ahead of me to "catch up with their parties". Now if it's a little kid that had to go to the bathroom or something I'm completely okay with that and used to stuff like that happening in Disney queues. I draw the freaking line at grown- adults using this practice and of course the ever-present groups of rude couldn't care less teenagers.

After I got off Medusa the lines were just really bad. Kong (easily the worst coaster in the park) was over an hour all day with single train operations. Sky Screamer was down. V2 was down. Quiet a few major flat rides are down and have been for months. I don't know if Tasmanian Devil has been open at all since Wonder Woman opened a couple years ago. I can't remember the last time either of the water rides ran. For once, the animal exhibits weren't the most sad thing in this park...the ridiculous state of the attractions were. Joker was a single train. All day. The line completely filled up the queue. Were talking like at least two hours IF it doesn't break down which is a big If. Even Medusa was going down throughout the day when that ride is usually the park's resident workhorse. Boomerang? Forget about it, line all the way out into the walkway. Were talking each coaster and major flat ride having endless seas of switchbacks PLUS extending out into walkways.

I took about an hour to check out some animal stuff which I'll admit was probably the nicest part of my day by comparison. After waiting for a solid 40 minutes for mini donuts I attempted to catch the dolphin show but abandoned ship like five minutes in because so many people kept flooding into the stadium that it was messing with my anxiety and peripheral vision. Decided to suck it up and wait about 45 minutes for the stupid Larson Loop and it was actually a pretty decent hit for me because while those rides are definite one trick ponies they might have some of the most insane hang-time you can get anywhere. I LOVE the feeling of your butt lifting out of your seat completely upside down, being at the mercy of the shoulder restraints. That's the kind of intensity I'm craving lately haha.

After taking a break to walk to a gas station across the street to hydrate without having to take out a small loan ( 6$ bottles of water. Nothing new, but still...) I was actually somewhat optimistic that when I was headed back in a ton of people seemed to be spilling out. I really got my hopes up that I'd have a few hours of actually decent crowds. Haha, NOPE. Went back to the DC area, PACKED as ever. Over an hour for the S&S Freespin which is absolutely not worth it. Wonder Woman extended all the way back to the Superman queue and was just BEGGING for line-jumpers to trigger my anxiety. Joker as I said was a one-train ops madhouse that I wasn't going to touch with a ten foot pole. Oh did I mention Superman the third biggest coaster in the park was down too?!?!?! So I wave up the white flag at this point, call my dad to come pick me up, and start walking around trying to find something to eat.

ALL THE FOOD CARTS IN THE PARK ARE STARTING TO FREAKING CLOSE AT THIS POINT. There was also an ERT event for anyone who bought their gross looking mac n cheese hot dog and for the SECOND trip in a row I felt some serious communication issues on when the park was actually closing. The website listed 10PM but with all the food stalls rapidly shutting down and people leaving the park I really couldn't make heads or tails on if the ERT was happening before or after the scheduled 10PM closing. Wandered over to Medusa and it looked a lot less packed than when I was there earlier. Great! I thought. One last solid ride at least. NOPE.

I swear, from the second I entered the line the line-jumpers just came out of the wood work like crazy. Basically the queue set-up for Medusa is similar to Ghost Rider in that most of it takes place in a two story building with a bunch of switch backs. Essentially there were a TON of people at the start of the first level of switchbacks who were trying to do the whole "meet up with your party already in the line" thing. At this point I was about ready to pick a damn fight with someone over this so instead I got out of line and did an angry vlog instead. Vlog will come later today and you can TRULY see my frustration in it. To top it all off I had a pretty major communication issue with my dad over where to pick me up that pretty much resulted in a full on panic attack. I know this sounds melodramatic, but I was practically in tears by the time I got home I was just so over everything. All in all I got on Medusa, the Larson Loop, and the teacups once a piece. That was it. Everything else was virtually inaccessible given the queue set-ups.

My god, can someone please just share my frustration with the line-jumping? I'd REALLY like to know some stress-relief resources for how to handle it. I'm really not one to go all "Karen" over it happening once or twice, but it was like OPEN SEASON in the Medusa queue both times I was in there. The lack of empathy and basic common politeness on display today was staggering. What's worse is it was mostly a family crowd today and not the usual situation where it's packed to the gils with unruly teenagers. If anything I saw several instances where teens I was close in the line to complained just as much as I did about the line-jumping happening.

It truly makes me TERRIFIED for Dollywood :( @D Hulk can you quell my anxieties? How do you deal with this nonsense?
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Tegan pilots a chicken

Sharpie Queen 💜
Premium Member
My day at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom yesterday pretty much took the cake for worst ever day at a theme park in my life. I knew I was taking a risk going on a Saturday but I heard with all the pandemic crap going on that the weekend/weekday difference isn't as strong as it once was and it's really hard to get back from the park to my house on week days because of bad traffic around park closing. Anyways I get there about mid-day and it's SLAMMED.

Go to Medusa which takes about 45 minutes and the queue starts with children SHOVING each other, getting in and out of line, and wacking each other with sticks. Yea...not a great start. So I'm just going to get on my soap box right now, this park and I feel like a lot of parks have a REAL line-jumping problem. We'll get back to this issue later on in the report, but suffice to say in the 45 minutes I was in line I counted at least ten instances of people pushing ahead of me to "catch up with their parties". Now if it's a little kid that had to go to the bathroom or something I'm completely okay with that and used to stuff like that happening in Disney queues. I draw the freaking line at grown-*** adults using this practice and of course the ever-present groups of rude couldn't care less teenagers.

After I got off Medusa the lines were just really bad. Kong (easily the worst coaster in the park) was over an hour all day with single train operations. Sky Screamer was down. V2 was down. Quiet a few major flat rides are down and have been for months. I don't know if Tasmanian Devil has been open at all since Wonder Woman opened a couple years ago. I can't remember the last time either of the water rides ran. For once, the animal exhibits weren't the most sad thing in this park...the ridiculous state of the attractions were. Joker was a single train. All day. The line completely filled up the queue. Were talking like at least two hours IF it doesn't break down which is a big If. Even Medusa was going down throughout the day when that ride is usually the park's resident workhorse. Boomerang? Forget about it,
Could somebody explain to me how operating coasters with a single train is like, beneficial for pandemic reasons??

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
It truly makes me TERRIFIED for Dollywood :( @D Hulk can you quell my anxieties? How do you deal with this nonsense?
Oh no, Tiki, this is an awful day well beyond anything I’ve experienced. I feel for ya, man!

SFDK has a growing reputation, even within the Six Flags chain, for having wretched management and horrible operations. I’m so sorry that they’re your home park. I experienced similar one train ops, ride closures, and a general lack of professionalism the one time I visited, around three years ago. On that day I noticed a night & day different at California’s Great America, benefiting from the Cedar Fair quality boost. A Herschend park like Dollywood should be even better, since they are famous for their customer service. They’ve built their brand around that…and cinnamon bread.

I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about Dollywood, and even better things about their sister park Silver Dollar City! If you need more reassurance, watch some YouTube reviews of Dollywood.

At SFDK, this could have been one final hurrah before school starts again. When you visit Dollywood in late September, there shouldn’t be nearly that sort of problem. A few weeks ago when I visited Fiesta Texas, there was a gigantic crowd level difference between Thursday & Friday (no sweat) and Saturday (hourlong waits everywhere at rope drop). If you’re able to begin Dollywood at rope drop, and you have a solid malleable game plan, you should be okay. They’re supposed to have enough non-ride goodness too, from shows to food to simply ambiance, that there are more fallbacks if lines get nuts. Worst case scenario, their guest relations people would lend a sympathetic ear if you have a poor experience. (I doubt SFDK’s guest relations would care, sadly.)

Finally, I’ve begun carrying a refillable water bottle with me in parks, and storing it on ride platforms when I ride. That beats paying in-park water prices, and the last thing you want is to get dehydrated or heatstroke. Tennessee will be humid like Texas, so you’ll want to drink.

Could somebody explain to me how operating coasters with a single train is like, beneficial for pandemic reasons??
It isn’t.

Could be a staffing issue. At SFDK, it could just be that they simply don’t care.


Well-Known Member
@D Hulk any tips for how to deal with the line-jumpers? Like, I definitely don't want to be "That Guy" that causes a scene but yesterday it got so frustrating (specifically at the Medusa queue multiple different times I tried to ride) that I physically had to remove myself from the line and angry vlog about it so I didn't end up telling someone off. Like I said, it's totally fine if it happens once or twice, but yesterday it truly felt like it was happening at a consistent rate. It was like there was a whole flow of Fastpass people just pushing their way past the standby line. What bothers me even more is that most of these folks barely even gave an "excuse me" and some resorted to actual shoving through crowds. I just don't know, man. I try to have patience but god yesterday I literally felt like I was going crazy because nobody else seemed to mind the line-jumping as much as I did. I have NEVER had the problem be this bad.

I honestly think SFDK was on a really good track right around the time Joker first opened. I think what killed it was cramming too many rides into the DC section which is a literal CORNER of the park you have to walk all the way around the Looney Tunes area and sea lion stadium to get to. This essentially results in pretty much all the major attractions in the park besides Medusa being right next to each other. Thank god for Medusa. That thing is still one of my favorite B&Ms (mostly thanks to its first drop) and I've almost never seen it run one train. Of course the ONE major coaster in the park that runs two trains consistently is the people-eater B&M with four-across seating located in an area of the park that is currently relatively obscure and out of the way.

There's just general management things with the park that blow my mind. Like, they repainted the sign for Tasmanian Devil but the thing hasn't ran in years. My theory is that they think having another pendulum ride besides Wonder Woman is redundant but it'd be nice to have Taz as a back-up since WW consistently has the longest line in the park. The water rides and 3D have been in straight up "standing but not operating" disarray for years which is super frustrating because ALL of them are in prime real estate. The flume ride at the front of the park, the rapids ride smack dab in the middle of the park's layout, and the 3D theater right behind the Vekoma SLC. Literally any three of these locations could make PRIMO stand-out coasters so we'll just have to wait and see what the future holds.

They still haven't bothered to even really make a footprint for Sidewinder Safari even though the coaster track is in the parking lot. I'm really holding out hope for that ride as the park desperately needs a family coaster of its scale plus it's nice to have something new that's not in the DC area that will hopefully spread the crowds around and bring some much needed focus back to the animal side of the park. Joker and Superman was a great one-two punch for the park, but pretty much right after that it just feels like they stopped trying. The park just has so many issues right now. I genuinely enjoyed the After Hours event I attended, but both times I went during regular operating hours this year have been an absolute nightmare. Really makes me consider dropping my season pass altogether which I'd probably do were it not for the vlogs doing pretty well on the channel.


Rapid Fire Recap Reviews - Project 8

First off my apologies for slipping on these. A combination of long 80 hour work weeks, burnout, and lightning rounds in the middle of the week made it very hard for me to keep up with this game.

But with these reviews I'll be caught up and hopefully going forward will be able to stay on target with a lightened work load. Anyway here we go.

Overall this was such a charming prompt, I would have loved to be a part of this. It reminded me a lot of the Season 16 prompt where ironically I did Bambi and 101 Dalmatians too!

Fantasyland dark ride challenges are some of my favorites because you can truly grasp the spirit of the dark rides, and I think all 3 of these to some varying degrees did just that.

The most elaborately described and I think the closest to the intended attraction was the Wild Dalmatian Escape - so well described and written. There were some elements a bit unfinished (such as 'more stuff here') in the opening paragraph, but in the end I think the map combined with the scene by scene description felt like a true Fantasyland dark ride and one that kept the spirit of Mr. Toad but with a completely different theme to it. Great work @NateD1226 and @Tegan pilots a chicken . Next up was Bambi and while it didn't reach the heights of the Dalmatian attraction for me, it still packed a great punch and kudos to @AceAstro for the 3D renderings as well as the custom map and logo for the attraction.

Lastly we have the 'scary' Dumbo which I thought was the most inventive of the 3 attractions as Dumbo frightened me as a kid and it's not a film that typically gets put into that 'scary' category like the Black Cauldron would. So well done manipulating it into the scary category. The artwork here is wonderful and the description of the attraction is detailed enough to understand exactly what is happening throughout. Very well done in that department.

In the end this was a great group effort for what turned out to be a very creative prompt!


Rapid Fire Recap Reviews - Project 9

While not being a fan of clowns myself, this probably wouldn't be the first thing I would go to :eek: But personal preference aside - I was shocked at how much detail you all put into this in particular @PerGron - who deserves all the credit in the world for the Great American Circus and contributions to this project as you can clearly distinguish his contributions based on his style and detail oriented nature.

Off of that, Knott's was a great park to choose for this type of event - and I think the brainstorming and planning behind it was executed very well. Each of the areas had their own distinct 'clown' flare and felt like something that would belong in a Halloween themed event. The backstory added weight to the areas as well as I think it tied together the event for what is an oddball prompt to begin with, and made it something potentially realistic with a story to put, and such thought and ingenuity throughout the entire write-up.

Well done everyone!


Rapid Fire Recap Reviews - Project 10

Wow! For something so fast, you all put forth so much effort and enthusiasm into this project. From the flipbook presentation to all the custom artwork to make this look like a 1970s/1980s style board game, this project is one that stands out among the pack for me and arguably should go into a Hall of Fame for lightning round projects, as typically those are rushed and slapped together. This is hardly that.

From the get go everything is custom here, in the presentation style and the setup of the game. It reminds me of a combo of Monopoly and Sorry!, both of which were some of my favorite games growing up (and still are!)

Everything about this project screams creativity, from the custom chance and challenge cards from @Outbound @Mickeynerd17 and @DisneyFan18 , to the game set up itself. Honestly the only thing I would have tweaked from this is to 'show off' the artwork more in the presenting post. As the board game cover in the project is so small I can't appreciate all the detail that went into designing it! Credit to @Tegan pilots a chicken and @ThemeParkPriest for that box design!

One of my favorite projects of the season - great work!


Rapid Fire Recap Reviews - Project 11

I don't know much about Rick & Morty. I have tried to watch the show in the past, on a few occasions. Perhaps the show is just intellectually over my head or it just doesn't interest me but I've never been able to get beyond the first few episodes. So with that said, as I was reading through this I'm sure a lot of the references like Pickled Rick and stuff like that would entice fans of the show, but I just wasn't feeling it. However, regardless of that I'd like to just point out that I do believe you attempted to the best of your capabilities to capture the spirit of the show in now only the attraction but the colorful canvas of a presentation you all put together. The wormhole transitions from segment to segment coupled with the fonts and color choices, all blended together to make this feel like a unique entry.

And I'm not sure what the 2021 imagineering comp infatuation is with the Simpsons area of USF, but I loved the map and design of this area, as in the future I think this would make a cool multiverse location for SYWTBAI and SA as both had projects in this area within the last year.

Rapid Fire Recap Reviews - Project 12

Reading these back to back these are some tough challenges that honestly I give you all the props in the world for sticking with these endeavors. I say that because both Projects 12 and 11, even dating back to the Board game prompt of Project 10, require a different spin on imagineering that to me at least can lead to some fatigue of creativity and interest. But nevertheless this team put forth another valiant effort that I must give congrats to because in my view these have been some of the most challenging prompts in any game that I've seen in the last 6-7 years of being on this site. In combo with the timeframe and level of difficulty this isn't simply to design an E-ticket for Animal Kingdom this requires a lot of research and out of the box ingenuity.

Along with it being a tough prompt it's also tough to review, as there's nothing to compare it to team wise and also not much to compare it to in Paris as this would be in a league of its own. I enjoy the thought process in the placement in France, the nuance of Ensoleillé the Chicken, as well as @Sharon&Susan 's trailer too - these aspects brought it all together in such a unique way!



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