> The creativity in this project was excellent this round. The choice of The Artist as the movie of choice for this round was an excellent one, with it being an interesting yet fitting choice thematically, especially with how it fits into each location, and with how it would theoretically work. I love how each separate location sets the mood and setting through their each own unique ways. I like how each variant sets up each character arc without having to go through too much exposition. The ride itself is very craft fully thought out as well and I love how creative the ride was at standing out. I love how everything is designed after the black and white ages of movies after the main character's past, and I love how creative the technology used throughout the ride was. All of the ride scenes were all so well thought out, and I love how perfectly they conveyed the plot of the film, from the transitions and the technology used in the ride. I love the inclusion of the ride exit, and how it opens up to interactive elements at the end of the ride, and I like how the gift shop is connected to the ride as well. There was clearly a lot of thought put into the creation of the ride, and the amount of creative shown in this ride to create a unique version of the film was excellent!
> The project was also fairly realistic, with how it considered locations into the grand scheme of things, which locations the ride would fit into properly, how the ride would vary between locations exterior wise due to using different amounts of space, and how the ride itself fits into most of those locations trackwise. The ride genuinely does feel like a big name e-ticket addition to the parks with a fairly unique presence due to the movie used being quite unique because it's not something that can be as easily adapted, and the way it manages to tell a story that normally would have trouble being adapted into a theme park attraction due to potential framing/story structure issues and the way it was done. The exterior and queue manages to properly tell a story in a way that does remind me of The Great Movie Ride, while also never feeling crowded or too big in terms of scale in the end. My only problems with the ride really is the exterior sometimes feeling a bit too large for the area that it's placed in and how they would fit in terms of size, and the scale of the project fitting into some of the areas, as well as the believability of The Artist being chosen, even if it was a great decision.
> The amount of detail within this project was astounding! I love how carefully considered each detail in the project was, and how it looked at the big picture as well as the smaller ones. I love how everything has just the right amount of detail so it was easy to imagine while I was reading throughout it, but not to the point that there was too much detail, or that it was to the point that the amount of detail was overstimulating. It also made it very easy to focus compared to if there was too much detail, in which I would have had problems reading through at all. I love how much careful attention to detail was used to make each exterior pop out, and how certain details were used to tell parts of the story that couldn't have been shown via the ride without cluttering the ride with exposition or cutting it out entirely, and how the overall aesthetic of 1920's/1930's black and white movies ties into George's past. The ride wound up doing a perfect job conveying the overarching plot but within a new lens and within a short period of time using a small amount of sets to tell an entire love story. That's seriously impressive! I also love the addition of the What-If-Labs type exit, and how it really feels like a lot of careful attention was paid into the development of this ride.
> The presentation for this project overall was great! Google slides was a simple, yet great and professional looking choice! The color palette used this round was absolutely gorgeous and I love how it blended in with the rest of the promotional material. I loved how neatly everything was organized, starting by focusing on the exterior-based regional variants before heading off to go through the rest of the ride through the order of when each element is introduced in the ride, which made everything very easy to navigate and gradually read through. I also appreciate the amount of models available that demonstrate certain elements of the ride that wouldn't be easy to demontstrate otherwise throughout the text since they helped me understand and visualize things I would've had trouble understanding otherwise. The images placed throughout the slides were also great in setting the mood of the text, to go along with the text, to fill in space, and to also help visualize other elements throughout the presentation. The videos were also a great addition to the presentation, with how they connected with the project and acted as interesting extra additions. Finally, the logo for the project was absolutely stunning and it fits perfectly with the ride in question and all of it's locations.
> The group work that was done throughout this project was excellent and this was one of the best rounds to observe as a judge. Everyone did so well with the brainstorming parts and all of the ideas that were pitched for a potential attraction were excellent, but this idea for sure took the cake for me due to just how unique and original the concept was, and with how creatively it was adapted with the challenges of the adaptation in mind. I can safely say I'm extremely proud with the end result of the project, as it was one of the best this season. I also love how equally the work was distributed between each player and how everyone truly did an amazing job at creating a consistent tone across the project in terms of details and descriptions. This project was so carefully crafted from the very beginning to the very end, and it was ultimately a tough decision to eliminate the players that we did. I can't wait to see what those who passed come up with in the finale for the Cats park!
REALISM - 8.5/10
DETAIL - 10/10
GROUP WORK - 10/10
TOTAL SCORE - 48.5/50