Overall, I think this was a hole in one for every team. Each brought something unique to the table and made Disney's GolfLand something special. We have a really epic, story-driven experience, a very traditional and charming experience, and a very educational and detailed experience. Three very different takes on the prompt.
Team Citra
First thing's first, B A C K S T O R Y! I love seeing really clever backstories like this and honestly, I wish you went further with it. Why was this abandoned Project Atlantis turned into a minigolf course? Who was the rich scumbag who thought it was a good idea? I think that was something small that brought the project down. I really loved these course designs though. This retro-futuristic dystopian idea that's still bright and fun really sets it apart from the more traditional environments of the Sky and Land courses and the aesthetic naturally sticks in your head. I think the increasing scale of the holes was your saving grace. It starts so small but it gradually builds as you get more and more of this surprisingly epic story that you could fully indulge in or totally ignore while going through these grander and grander holes. There was some concern for me with your sea monster when you talked about it in brainstorming but it cooled down considerably from the first pitch about it.
Overall, as much as I LOVE this, I feel like you went TOO dark. This is a family audience and I can just hear Karen Intitolato from Long Island, New York (not to be confused with Joe Normal from Topeka, Kansas who is much more tolerable) going off about how Disney's new putt putt scared her precious little angels Hayden (6) and AshelynnMae (4).
Creativity: 10/10 - You took the sea aspect of GolfLand and crafted something extremely creative and really cool around it.
Detail: 8/10 - There were some things regarding backstory and in the course that I would have liked to see a tad more in-depth.
Realism: 7/10 - This has the Alien Encounter problem. As cool as this idea is, it's really hardball for Disney and Karen Intitolato from Long Island, New York is going to walk in this course with Hayden and AshelynnMae and flip seeing some of these holes.
Presentation: 8/10 - Nothing wrong with a Google Doc
Group Work: 9/10 - I think once everyone got settled into the new team and the chaos of figuring out what the theme would be and what would and wouldn't spark, this team sparked wonderfully. Shout out to
@Sharon&Susan for taking the plunge in the deep end and taking the lead. A first-time player leading can somewhat feel like a blind leading the blind situation but you really walked in ready to be the leader.
Total: 42/50
Team Orbis
Sky Course takes three separate concepts and somehow melds them into one cohesive experience. I walked into this one suspicious of how you were going to pull it off but I think you did it surprisingly well. I especially liked the edutainment aspects of the course, they were executed remarkably well. The transition from the history of flight to the more IP-infused fantasy segment via hot air balloon-elevator is extremely clever and really makes the move far less jarring than it might be while also, interestingly, being very space-conscious, which might actually be the best part of this course. When put up against two sprawling, grand courses, this is a bit more of a traditional experience which I absolutely appreciated. It's something Karen Intitiolato from Long Island, New York with Hayden and AshelynnMae without complaints with the fantasy and space segments while Joe Normal from Topeka, Kansas can enjoy the educational and more realistic aspects of it with the museum and space segments. There's really something for everyone here in a course that isn't super hard but doesn't go easy on you either.
Creativity: 10/10 - The merging of three entirely different themes, connected only by the concept of The Sky, pulled off extremely well with some simple transitions and a very smart multi-level design that fits the theme extremely well.
Detail: 9/10 - I had to make a couple of assumptions in the project but the image that was painted in my head was off the charts awesome.
Realism: 10/10 - Out of all three projects, this is the one I can see being built as-is. The idea of just adapting this very simple, classic mini-golf format to a very wide theme that also feels so right and is even themed in the design of the layout with the three levels.
Presentation: 8/10 - Nothing wrong with a Google Slides
Group Work: 10/10 - This might have been the team that sparked the best for me. You all got on like a house on fire and
@gam3rprincess as leader really came into this with a lot of excitement and eagerness for minigolf.
Total: 47/50
Team Durango
Land Course is honestly a hard one for me to talk about. I see all the work and this team really pulled a lot of the legwork with
@Outbound being kinda the head organizer of the theming conversations, but overall, I honestly think this was the weakest of the three. You got land and, yeah, you got stuck with the hardest theme. There's really not much more for me to say on that.
Creativity: 7/10 - I've never seen this done before but I think that's for a reason. I think that even being in Land, you could have done something really cool with something like a magic forest instead of the biomes. Yeah, it was educational, and yeah I loved seeing the recreations, but it was ultimately a weak theme.
Detail: 10/10 - One of your saving graces, that Minecraft presentation topped you up in some ways (here) but bottomed you in others that I'll talk about later
Realism: 8/10 - Something about this just... didn't stick to me. I think the sprawling idea of it didn't work for me.
Presentation: 10/10 -
@Outbound is my new favorite Aussie YouTuber.
Group Work: 7/10 - Honestly, this was the fatal flaw for me. Everyone absolutely contributed and I see that in the brainstorming but in the final product, this really feels like The Outbound Show which isn't a good thing in this competition.
Total: 42/50