Great show and pretty cool idea to change to P&F over KP. But one has to wonder how long Ashley Tisdale, Michell Musso, Caroline Rhea and Alyson Stoner (and many big name pop-ins) are going to hang out on this show. It's been three years and everyone was shocked by how long the Simpsons lasted... and they were on network tv.
But I still think it would be better to have a create-your-own roller coaster ride for P&F. I have put this in a previous post on another thread. You help P&F build a roller coaster in the backyard and all of the neighbors (girl next door, Indian kid, bully) climb on board with you. All around you Perry is taking down one of Doofensmirtz's plots once again.
Still don't think this show lasts too much longer. Even though it's the best thing the Disney Channel has done in years.
Oh, there you are Perry.