So I'm becoming one of those and a little miffed


Well-Known Member
Being a CM honestly tests the crap out of people's patience. I've encountered many guests who felt entitled and acted like they were above everyone. I have no problems whatsoever with answering questions and helping people, my biggest problem is when a guest gets angry with me just because they've had a bad day. I'm surprised at how good I can keep a smile on my face sometimes, but that's all just part of the job. That said, it's definitely out of character for a CM to say those things publicly. In any situation though, it's just wrong to call people 'stupid'.

On another note, the most petty people that are nit-picky about everything are probably CM's that are off-duty, not the regular guests. :eek:


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to look for things wrong or missing. I'm starting to raise the bar on what I see and hear.

Well here is your problem.

Why would you ask about 'grace periods' anyway? You are given an hour to get back to the ride, if you planned properly then this would not be an issue.

I am not surprised she got angry although she was wrong to shout it out so that you could hear it though.


Beta Return
Btw. I said HM in the OP, but I meant ToT. My kids have corrected me twice already. That room in the per-show does move, correct?

Actually, no. Nothing moves on ToT until you board the elevator.

In HM, the ceiling raises in the portrait room during pre-show.


Well-Known Member
Your question to the cm was rhetorical. If you are on this site, you know the answer already. While the cm had some issue with it after the fact is wrong, the op still went looking for trouble. Forget about it and enjoy the trip.

Prof Ecks

Active Member
Why would you even be posting this type of stuff in the middle of your vacation. Go have a vacation and not an inquisition. I think the whole idea of sitting around typing out your problems/complaints in the middle of your vacation smacks of Bah-humbugism. Stop it and chill. Otherwise you might as well spend your money renting bad movies off the television. Please, go have fun!


Well-Known Member
Btw. I said HM in the OP, but I meant ToT. My kids have corrected me twice already. That room in the per-show does move, correct?

No it doesn't. The Haunted Mansion has the stretching room, not the Tower of Terror.

I'm sorry, but here's where I get critical...
Wesleyjohn said:
My fam and I are at the world for the rest of this week. Being that this is our 4th trip(in-laws first in 25 years), I'm starting to look for things wrong or missing. I'm starting to raise the bar on what I see and hear. So far,pretty good, we didn't get to see the room moving at HM

And yet you don't know the difference between two completely different attractions in completely different parks....and made a false implication that a major part of the Haunted Mansion was not working (which does happen from time to time, but it is generally back in A mode without a major delay.)

It seems you are being critical for no other reason than to be critical....and if that's the attitude you had when you questioned your fastpass, it's no bloody wonder that the CM reacted the way they did. Were they unprofessional? Quite so....but, remember, you probably instigated it.

Ajax Redux

If we don't spiral into the ground in between Michigan and MCO, if our room res hasn't been eaten by the system, and our luggage doesn't wind up aboard the Disney Magic, I'm good with anything but a slap in the face from a CM or being served a melted Dole Whip. Maybe my 'Eat it and smile' attitude is the reason why some CM's feel that they can get away with a rude remark now and then, but I can count those people on less than ten fingers in all of our visits since '73. And things do break, and janitors do miss a corner now & then; as long as there's not a systemic failure of all the E ticket rides and no piles of turkey leg-bones in the flowerbeds, again I'm good.

Btw, we spent a day at Cedar Point in '05 a couple of months after a trip to WDW. After the way I saw people treated there, I wanted to return to WDW just to wash the feet of the CM's.

My advice is to not sweat the small stuff, and revel in the time you have to spend with your family. I just finished up a nearly 35 year long career in Human Services. The speed with which the life of a family can change for the worse never ceased to amaze me. Wallow in the good times and happy places.


Well-Known Member
If the CM really called you "stupid", and you heard the comment, then your best option is to report the incident immediately. That way Management can address the issue with the CM. calling a customer "stupid" is never acceptable, whether it is at Disney, a store at the mall or your local five and dime.

As for the problems you have seen or are looking for, there is nothing wrong with expecting quality for your hard earned money. But if you find that an inordinate amount of your vacation time is being spent seeking out the negative, then you are choosing to waste that hard earned money. You've already spent that money to go on this vacation, so enjoy yourself. Focus on those things that are enjoyable. If at the end of your vacation you find that the negatives outweighed the positives then you can use that information to decide whether or not to give Disney your vacation money in the future.

I hope you and your family are able to enjoy the rest of your trip. And because I do honestly believe that every vacationer has a right to their opinion on what Disney is either doing right or wrong, maybe you can do a trip report so that you can share your thoughts and observations.

Dads 2 Boys

Well-Known Member
"Looking for things worng or missing..." ok then.

Also, not sure if it was just the way you wrote it, (ince I have the smallest bladder ever so I know where every restroom is) but the closest bathroom to TSMM is way too far from the FP machines to hear anything anyone says.....just sayin.


Well-Known Member
It's NEVER okay for a CP to say something like that onstage. That's just ridiculous.
If someone is having a bad day, you save that kind of behavior for the break room.

I know it's a tough job, dealing with the public is sometimes extremely difficult and trying. You can easily get frustrated and need to vent. But, yes, theres an appropriate place and time for that. I'm sure after the guest went around the corner and was out of sight the CM thought it was safe to comment, but it shows there needs to be more training on his/her part on how to better deal with issues regarding guest interaction "on stage". Even after the guest moves around the corner.


Active Member
Well here is your problem.

Why would you ask about 'grace periods' anyway? You are given an hour to get back to the ride, if you planned properly then this would not be an issue.

I am not surprised she got angry although she was wrong to shout it out so that you could hear it though.
Why should she get angry? A simple no sufficed, he didn't harass her about if. 30 second conversation if that. If thats what set her off, she has a problem.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if they paid a little more, spent more on training....everything starts at the top and trickles down

Yeah, because I hate when I get offered a job and they don't tell me what my wages will be until after I've already started working for the company.........

Does Disney suck as far as their pay goes......well, duh! Does that make it okay for CM's to behave the way the poster said they

I worked valet parking at Fitzgerald's Casino for 2 years. The pay was 5.65 per hour + tips. Trust me, you weren't going to get rich doing it. With tips it might have averaged about 9 bucks an hour. I've been called everything you can think of and I've even had threats directed at me from irate and/or drunk guests. All I could do was say sir/ma'am and smile. That's part of taking a job. If customer service isn't your thing then working at the world's most visited theme park is not the right choice for you.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry guys, the bad CM in question was probably a CP who will go on to sleep with one of her managers and "magically" get a Disney Professional Internship and then be making real, actual decisions for WDW!


Well-Known Member
"Looking for things worng or missing..." ok then.

Also, not sure if it was just the way you wrote it, (ince I have the smallest bladder ever so I know where every restroom is) but the closest bathroom to TSMM is way too far from the FP machines to hear anything anyone says.....just sayin.
Sorry, but that's not correct. The bathroom is right around the corner. You can easily hear anyone standing at the fp machines. We've sat on the bench right outside those bathrooms and could clearly hear conversations at the fp machines. Those restrooms are directly across from the new pirate walk through.

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