It is still legal to smoke. Frowned upon, socially unacceptable, unhealthy, and generally considered rude and disorderly - but still legal. As long as people only smoke in designated areas - where I don't have to be exposed to them - I'm fine with it. Or do we want to make a law banning it, and turn millions of previously law abiding citizens into criminals overnight?
Many states already have laws about smoking in public areas including parks and recreation areas. You cannot smoke in restaurants, airplanes, hospitals, public buildings, etc., etc. Every time I go into the parks, there are people smoking in areas that are not designated as smoking areas who pretend they can't read English or understand the internationally known no smoking emblem. The cast members will not do anything about it. So regardless of your: "I don't have to be exposed to them", we all are exposed to it. If this was any place other than Disney, I would not go there. I don't care if someone wants to smoke; but I don't understand why I have to be exposed to it.