News Smoking locations updated at the Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
If weed ever became legalized in Florida, would you then be able to smoke weed at the smoking locations?

Just because it is legal doesn't mean it is legal to smoke it anywhere. In Oregon, you can only have it on your own property and not in public. Sure people will ignore that but I found it wasn't too bad generally (my BIL lives there and we visit often).

But honestly I don't see how getting rid of smoking areas will solve anything. I work on a tobacco free college campus. You know what I see every morning? People standing on the sidewalk across from campus smoking, which usually leads to cigarette butts on that sidewalk.

It makes so much more sense to have a designated, out of the way area with a place for people to dispose of things.


Well-Known Member
As a former smoker, I have no problem with those who do having a location to satisfy their addiction. However, walking Tomorrowland so my youngest could ride Barnstormer on our recent trip, I couldn't believe the crowd taking up most of the walkway. I had decided to rule that shortcut out in future, but this is a much better solution.
A walkthrough area wasn't the smartest area for any DSA. Don't mind walking a bit for a cigarette but yeah I felt slightly bad being in that area and people walking through because not everyone wants to be around smoke.


Well-Known Member
Just ask yourself why the government allows an industry to sell a product that is (a) addictive, (b) a known carcinogen, and (c) is hazardous not only to the user but to people around them.
Because absolutely everything we do, consume or experience eventually leads to our deaths. I, for one, would question the extent of the harm to people around them really is. I think the "second hand smoke" has been over hyped, for the most part, with the exception of those that have a problem existing that wasn't caused by smoking, but, sensitive to it. Just my opinion based on the numbers of people that are afflicted by lung cancer, strokes, etc. without ever having been near cigarettes. It is impossible to do anything other then use it as an after thought. Well, he/she died of lung cancer, we don't know what caused it, but, they had been exposed to second hand smoke. No actual solid proof that their illness had anything at all to do with that exposure. It may hint to it, but, it doesn't prove it. More coincidence then actuality. However, if someone gets drunk and gets into a car and kills a number of people in an accident there is fact that drinking can directly kill others. Sadly, we already know that we cannot outlaw alcohol, because to many people have that addiction. Smoking related problems to people other then that person that actually smokes are just guessing. Even that has the problem of some get sick, others don't. There are no absolutes in this topic, besides do we want government telling us everything we can and cannot do?


Well-Known Member
My problem with smoking is when somebody else's vice negatively impacts me or my family. My wife is extremely sensitive to cigarette smoke. I don't want my son breathing it. WDW is supposed to be smoke-free outside of the designated areas, but the last three times I've gone there have been people smoking outside of the designated areas. There was even somebody smoking in Toy Story Land. That infuriates me, as it leads me to believe people are selfish and feel entitled enough to break the rules and inconvenience others due to their poor choices.

If people are still smoking outside of the designated areas then what good are those areas? If we're banned from bringing alcohol and selfie sticks in the parks then banning cigarettes entirely may not be such a bad idea.

And for the record, I feel bad for people who smoke if they're over 30. If you're under 30 then you've had all the same information as I had on the negative impacts of cigarettes and you still made a dumb choice.


Well-Known Member
You are 100% wrong on this.
Prove it! I've seen no absolute proof, just, well there's no other reason approach. Just saying I'm wrong, does not in any way mean I am wrong. Tell me what evidence you have that makes me wrong. There might be many things that I have just never seen. However, we all need scape goats so we come up with either it's gods will or it's someone's fault. BTW, it has to be more then some random oncology doctor saying that is why unless that doctor is also a scientist and has positive research. Otherwise it is just your opinion against my opinion.

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Prove it! I've seen no absolute proof, just, well there's no other reason approach. Just saying I'm wrong, does not in any way mean I am wrong. Tell me what evidence you have that makes me wrong. There might be many things that I have just never seen. However, we all need scape goats so we come up with either it's gods will or it's someone's fault. BTW, it has to be more then some random oncology doctor saying that is why unless that doctor is also a scientist and has positive research. Otherwise it is just your opinion against my opinion.


Well-Known Member
My problem with smoking is when somebody else's vice negatively impacts me or my family. My wife is extremely sensitive to cigarette smoke. I don't want my son breathing it. WDW is supposed to be smoke-free outside of the designated areas, but the last three times I've gone there have been people smoking outside of the designated areas. There was even somebody smoking in Toy Story Land. That infuriates me, as it leads me to believe people are selfish and feel entitled enough to break the rules and inconvenience others due to their poor choices.

If people are still smoking outside of the designated areas then what good are those areas? If we're banned from bringing alcohol and selfie sticks in the parks then banning cigarettes entirely may not be such a bad idea.

And for the record, I feel bad for people who smoke if they're over 30. If you're under 30 then you've had all the same information as I had on the negative impacts of cigarettes and you still made a dumb choice.
That should be leading you to scream at Disney for not enforcing their own rules. Also based on what I already said, they have also limited the locations, chose locations that are out in the pathway knowing that people will be passing through the area. They made it increasingly more difficult for people to even find a convenient place to safely only be a hazard to themselves, but, lets just think that our will to not see it will just override the addiction and everyone will just stop because that is the way we want it. Disney has proven over and over that they have no interest in enforcing their own rules, just be louder then the other, but, don't insist it be completely eliminated because then you might as well talk to a wall. Suggest reasonable accommodations that will make everyone happy otherwise they will do whatever they want and will cause more problems then they eliminate.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure one can find a website that backs up anything we want, however, until they explain why people like myself can grow up with a parent that smoked in the house, in the car (windows closed) and I myself smoked from age 10 to 50 have escaped lung cancer and someone can make an argument that walking through an OPEN AIR area with a slight odor of cigarette smoke can all of a sudden get cancer "caused by second hand smoke". Makes no sense at all. Some other factor, much stronger is involved we just don't know what that is yet, so let's blame it on second hand smoke no matter how minor the exposure is. I have never once said that it was not a threat to people with existing conditions, either known of unknown, however, let's use some common sense when it comes to what the cause is.

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
I'm sure one can find a website that backs up anything we want, however, until they explain why people like myself can grow up with a parent that smoked in the house, in the car (windows closed) and I myself smoked from age 10 to 50 have escaped lung cancer and someone can make an argument that walking through an OPEN AIR area with a slight odor of cigarette smoke can all of a sudden get cancer "caused by second hand smoke". Makes no sense at all. Some other factor, much stronger is involved we just don't know what that is yet, so let's blame it on second hand smoke no matter how minor the exposure is. I have never once said that it was not a threat to people with existing conditions, either known of unknown, however, let's use some common sense when it comes to what the cause is.
You asked for proof and I supplied it from a credible source. If you wish to ignore it based on your experience then that is no better than "quoting a single Dr in Oregon."


Well-Known Member
I'm sure one can find a website that backs up anything we want, however, until they explain why people like myself can grow up with a parent that smoked in the house, in the car (windows closed) and I myself smoked from age 10 to 50 have escaped lung cancer and someone can make an argument that walking through an OPEN AIR area with a slight odor of cigarette smoke can all of a sudden get cancer "caused by second hand smoke". Makes no sense at all. Some other factor, much stronger is involved we just don't know what that is yet, so let's blame it on second hand smoke no matter how minor the exposure is. I have never once said that it was not a threat to people with existing conditions, either known of unknown, however, let's use some common sense when it comes to what the cause is.

A website? The World Health Organization is a website? Further, anecdotal evidence does not mean anything. Further, just google "Second Hand Smoke Cancer peer review" There is documentation for decades, that is based on much more than what you "Think."


Well-Known Member
BREAKING NEWS: New, out of the way, indoor smoking area announced for the MK!



Well-Known Member
I was a pretty heavy smoker until I turned 21. My mom suffered from COPD with severe emphysema and was on oxygen pretty much all the time at only 45. Obviously that didnt deter me because I was a stupid kid when i picked up the habit at 16 years old. I didnt smoke while pregnant and after my daughter was born I cut back significantly. After mom my mom (car accident thanks to a distracted driver ironically enough) I decided to quit because I looked back and reflected in my moms health and realized that I didnt want to end up like my mom, unable to walk through a store without her oxygen. She smoked a pack a day for over 30 years.

All that being said, I understand the smoking area debate from the smoker and non-smoker perspective. Around the time that I quit (over 6 years ago) smoking had honestly become a hassle. If I were with my daughter at the zoo (non-smoking completely) I would have to walk all the way out and then walk all the way back in. It was a pain. I think designated areas are fine as I would rather know which area to avoid than having to deal with cigarettes thrown all over the ground and walking past someone right as they blow our their smoke. I never realized the smell or how trashy it looked until after I quit.


Well-Known Member
That should be leading you to scream at Disney for not enforcing their own rules. Also based on what I already said, they have also limited the locations, chose locations that are out in the pathway knowing that people will be passing through the area. They made it increasingly more difficult for people to even find a convenient place to safely only be a hazard to themselves, but, lets just think that our will to not see it will just override the addiction and everyone will just stop because that is the way we want it. Disney has proven over and over that they have no interest in enforcing their own rules, just be louder then the other, but, don't insist it be completely eliminated because then you might as well talk to a wall. Suggest reasonable accommodations that will make everyone happy otherwise they will do whatever they want and will cause more problems then they eliminate.

Easy there, Goof. No where in my post did I insist on anything, I just said a ban "may not be such a bad idea." This is a discussion forum, is it not? I think there's a valid discussion to be had there.

And the people who smoke outside of the designated areas don't seem like victims of their addiction. 9.9 times out of 10 they seem like the kind of people who think they're above the rules and don't care about anybody but themselves. And I'm not basing this assumption on the fact that they smoke period, I'm basing this on their overall actions that I observe in general, including one lovely young lady who showed off her middle finger when I very politely told her that the entrance to Slinky Dog Dash wasn't a smoking area.


Well-Known Member
Prove it! I've seen no absolute proof, just, well there's no other reason approach. Just saying I'm wrong, does not in any way mean I am wrong. Tell me what evidence you have that makes me wrong. There might be many things that I have just never seen. However, we all need scape goats so we come up with either it's gods will or it's someone's fault. BTW, it has to be more then some random oncology doctor saying that is why unless that doctor is also a scientist and has positive research. Otherwise it is just your opinion against my opinion.

I am a Pulmonologist with over 20 years of medical experience (as i have stated several times on various threads) who will simply say that you are wrong. If you want proof then do some research yourself or continue to fool yourself and say that second-hand smoke is harmless. I have a feeling that any proof or research provided to you will fall on deaf ears which often happens to those who do not want to admit the truth.

Br’er Rabbit

Well-Known Member
I’ve seen a lot more people vaping in non-smoking areas. Do you guys feel like they should be forced to go to the smoking location? I’m sort of torn on that one. They shouldn’t be doing it in a building or line, but a vape produces a lot less smell and harmful effects than a regular cigarette.

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