Sitich's Great Excape?

Feelings on stich?

  • LOVI IT!!!

    Votes: 31 18.5%
  • Hate It!!!

    Votes: 66 39.3%
  • Ok..

    Votes: 72 42.9%
  • Dont care

    Votes: 13 7.7%

  • Total voters


New Member
Original Poster
I always hear people talking about how bad it is but I dont think that it is bad. I like it alot. I just want to know why so many people dont like it.
"Laughter is Americas most important export"-Walt E. Disney


New Member
i havent been on it yet, but i am looking forward to it, to be honest even if people dont like the movies about lilo and stitch it doent matter it is a ride, it just so happens that this ride is themed to l and s! every ride that opens always get people going OMG they made a change to the magic kingdom! walt always wanted they place to expand and change and that was his dream and buisness plan!:king:


Well-Known Member
We enjoy SGE. I don't see why a lot of people don't like it. I guess it just all boils down to an individual's taste.


Active Member
Yea the ride really isn't that bad but you have to admit that it isn't that great either. I think I didn't like it that much because of all the hype it had and how they killed a ride that was NOT AS BAD AS ITs friend next door that refuses, well refused to open during summers. If stich had spit on the Timekeeper I really Wouldn't be as upset as killing AE At least they spared SKIPPY:D


I didn't really care for it and don't plan to see it again. But I'm not much of a "show" person to begin with. I like rides, parades, and fireworks.


Active Member
I don't think it's that bad. I mean I wouldn't wait over 10-15 minutes for it but the pre show is cute. The main show is a little boring IMO because it seems like you sit there in the dark for a long time (which yes I know is the whole premise of the ride) but I get kinda bored. Not the greatest WDW has ever put out but definately not the worst.


New Member
stich was doomed from the beginning , due to ae's mediocre history,ae gained lots of negative press early on, and i think alot of people were hoping
stich would improve it or as walt would say , plus-it


Well-Known Member
I voted does kill some time while waiting for a Frontierland fastpass (Splash or Big Thunder).

1. Skippy was turned into a jaywalker. What a downgrade! From an involuntary experiment volunteer to a criminal on the street.

2. The animation of Gantu/Galactic Federation lady/GF workers is poor in my opinion.

3. Ooh, Experiment 626 knows his Earth name before he meets Lilo? He's a genius!

Stitch himself (and the cannons) are really cool. But the whole Prison Center concept (with YOU hired to guard the prisoners) just isn't appealing to me.


Well-Known Member
I find it just certainly doesn't need Fastpass, though. Its worth a trip every once in awhile, but so was Alien Encounter to me.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I didn't think it was that bad.. AE ran its course and was boring in my opinion.. Stitch isn't going to last long unless the lines remain huge for this attraction... With John Lassitter coming on board, let's see what happens to mediocre attractions... I don't think Stitch lasts 2 more years... But it isn't that bad.


New Member
DonaldDoleWhip said:
2. The animation of Gantu/Galactic Federation lady/GF workers is poor in my opinion.
The ironic part is that the animation was farmed out to another studio. When? At the same time as Feature Animation-Florida was being closed. D'oh! Makes me wanna bang my head against a wall. Who knows the characters better than the studio that CREATED the movie?! And they're on property, fer cryin' out loud! Brain...hurts...
DonaldDoleWhip said:
3. Ooh, Experiment 626 knows his Earth name before he meets Lilo? He's a genius!
Y'know, I thought the exact same thing! But despite those misgivings, I still like the show. Click the link for my take on it. I didn't feel like retyping it. So there.


New Member
I remember AE and it scared me to death to first time I saw it, and I was 13 haha, but it did grow on me after a few times. In my opinion neither AE or Stitches Great Escape are "great" attractions, but I think SGE is very cute, plus I love stitch so maybe I am biased. Its something a little different which is sorta nice.


Active Member
I saw SGE when it first opened before they made some changes later on to the show.... the first time was pretty bad... only one cannon worked and the one that didnt light up or anything. This probably ruined it for me, that and i loved AE.


Well-Known Member
I'm normally pretty opened minded about this stuff but I was severely disappointed with SGE. I did think AE was a very innovative and engaging attraction which had run it's course and was ready to be replaced - but replacing with SGE was a tragedy IMO. I can see how some people do like SGE - it's playful and somewhat entertaining, but as someone else said, if you know what was there before you are sorely disappointed with it's replacement. There is nothing new, innovative or remotely funny about it to me. Again, just my opinion! :)

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