Sitich's Great Excape?

Feelings on stich?

  • LOVI IT!!!

    Votes: 31 18.5%
  • Hate It!!!

    Votes: 66 39.3%
  • Ok..

    Votes: 72 42.9%
  • Dont care

    Votes: 13 7.7%

  • Total voters


Enderikari said:
But my little world is Walt Disney World, in my world Stitch's Great Escape is an attraction I no longer feel the need to go to (I don't really like the thing). And I am not going to fool myself that everybody who rides it is amazed... But there are people who like it, and according to real numbers, more people like it, than don't. Also, according to real numbers, in a 6 month span, SGE has garnered less real guest complaints than Alien Encounter...

Enderikari a few things I have observed, one you apparently are the only one on these messages boards who's opinion is taken as fact. I do in fact value your insight as you seem to be a CM in the know and I appericate your info however, even WDC would be hard pressed to find a statistic that was 110% reliable. Lets face it Alien Encounter got the complaints it did becuase there was a Scary Alien in the tube and parents don't read. SGE doens't get the complaints becuase now we have a Blue Alien in the tube that the kids like and parents will read the signs AFTER they ride and go OHHHhhhh.:brick:

As I said I value all CM opinions on here however Endikari unless WDI in thier spare time has come up with some new version of statistical analysis then I think you should back off this arguement. There are no real numbers!


Well-Known Member
Jheyman said:
Enderikari a few things I have observed, one you apparently are the only one on these messages boards who's opinion is taken as fact. I do in fact value your insight as you seem to be a CM in the know and I appericate your info however, even WDC would be hard pressed to find a statistic that was 110% reliable. Lets face it Alien Encounter got the complaints it did becuase there was a Scary Alien in the tube and parents don't read. SGE doens't get the complaints becuase now we have a Blue Alien in the tube that the kids like and parents will read the signs AFTER they ride and go OHHHhhhh.:brick:

As I said I value all CM opinions on here however Endikari unless WDI in thier spare time has come up with some new version of statistical analysis then I think you should back off this arguement. There are no real numbers!


I agree


Well-Known Member
Just a quick note here. Take a look at the poll results. Here we have an VERY un-scientific poll that shows a lot of people "hate" SGE. But look a little further past the numbers. More people consider SGE "ok" than "hate" it. A small number of people "love" it or "don't care".

Now, given that this is a "fansite" it's easy to assume that many here would have a bias against the attraction. There was a lot of hatred for the changes to begin with and even more pining about the loss of AE. It didn't take long for the harsh and negative opinions to be posted here when SGE first opened. I've seen many threads/posts where people asked if they should even see it for the FIRST time since most people seemed to hate the attraction. Many times those threads had posters that continued to bash the attraction and say to not waste your time. So, it's fairly easy to see how a poll here at this board would skew to the negative against SGE. But, it really didn't happen. The majority of poll takers either think it's OK or they love it.

So, I can easily see where WDW guest service numbers show positive reviews of SGE. I saw it myself. I heard more people that liked the attraction at the exits than those bashing it. So, I tend to believe the ACTUAL guest service numbers show a positive reaction.


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Just a quick note here. Take a look at the poll results. Here we have an VERY un-scientific poll that shows a lot of people "hate" SGE. But look a little further past the numbers. More people consider SGE "ok" than "hate" it. A small number of people "love" it or "don't care".

Now, given that this is a "fansite" it's easy to assume that many here would have a bias against the attraction. There was a lot of hatred for the changes to begin with and even more pining about the loss of AE. It didn't take long for the harsh and negative opinions to be posted here when SGE first opened. I've seen many threads/posts where people asked if they should even see it for the FIRST time since most people seemed to hate the attraction. Many times those threads had posters that continued to bash the attraction and say to not waste your time. So, it's fairly easy to see how a poll here at this board would skew to the negative against SGE. But, it really didn't happen. The majority of poll takers either think it's OK or they love it.

So, I can easily see where WDW guest service numbers show positive reviews of SGE. I saw it myself. I heard more people that liked the attraction at the exits than those bashing it. So, I tend to believe the ACTUAL guest service numbers show a positive reaction.

Oh don't put any faith in polls like this. Or by the opinions here as a whole. And I don't think anyone here is doing that.

BTW, you HAVE forgot about me :lol:


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
So, I can easily see where WDW guest service numbers show positive reviews of SGE. I saw it myself. I heard more people that liked the attraction at the exits than those bashing it.

And others have SEEN the exact opposite too. Possibly just due to the nature of the audiences at those specific moments.


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
Oh don't put any faith in polls like this. Or by the opinions here as a whole. And I don't think anyone here is doing that.

BTW, you HAVE forgot about me :lol:
Read what I posted again. I honestly think a poll here would be SKEWED NEGATIVE here with the history of AE love/SGE hate. But it's not happening to the amount that I thought. So, that leads me to believe that surveys at MK would show a lot of positive reactions to SGE.

And no, I've not forget you, just haven't had enough time to put together a good response. :wave:


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Read what I posted again. I honestly think a poll here would be SKEWED NEGATIVE here with the history of AE love/SGE hate. But it's not happening to the amount that I thought. So, that leads me to believe that surveys at MK would show a lot of positive reactions to SGE.

This poll is definitely skewed negative :lol:

52 voted hate and 59 are indifferent. Only 17 voted love it. That's a pretty big difference.

Remember Stitch does have a few hardcore fans too ;)


wannab@dis said:
Just a quick note here. Take a look at the poll results. Here we have an VERY un-scientific poll that shows a lot of people "hate" SGE. But look a little further past the numbers. More people consider SGE "ok" than "hate" it. A small number of people "love" it or "don't care".

Now, given that this is a "fansite" it's easy to assume that many here would have a bias against the attraction. There was a lot of hatred for the changes to begin with and even more pining about the loss of AE. It didn't take long for the harsh and negative opinions to be posted here when SGE first opened. I've seen many threads/posts where people asked if they should even see it for the FIRST time since most people seemed to hate the attraction. Many times those threads had posters that continued to bash the attraction and say to not waste your time. So, it's fairly easy to see how a poll here at this board would skew to the negative against SGE. But, it really didn't happen. The majority of poll takers either think it's OK or they love it.

So, I can easily see where WDW guest service numbers show positive reviews of SGE. I saw it myself. I heard more people that liked the attraction at the exits than those bashing it. So, I tend to believe the ACTUAL guest service numbers show a positive reaction.

I am not agreeing or disagreeing with you. I don't hate or love SGE but I do miss AE greatly. What I am not fond of is the idea that any numbers are the real numbers. As a person with a background and career in science I find that whole concept to be a load of junk. The fact of the matter is, there will never be a good answer as to the AE vs SGE debate and whatever WDC feels is the best for ticket sales and offends the fewest guests is what will prevail in our beloved Tommrowland Convention Center.

On a side note: Here is hoping WDI would be seized agian (with or without XS!)
On yet another side note we just bumped this poll way to the top.


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
This poll is definitely skewed negative :lol:

52 voted hate and 59 are indifferent. Only 17 voted love it. That's a pretty big difference.

Remember Stitch does have a few hardcore fans too ;)
It's negative, but not as much as I thought. If you look at it from an analytical viewpoint, it's not that negative. You can't take "OK" as indifferent, but as "It's ok, but not the best".

Ok = 1 point
Love It = 2 points
Hate It = 2 points
Don't care = 0 points

93 positive points
104 negative points

Now, my hypothesis is that you'll see more "love its" and "ok" than "hate it" in the actual parks. Sure, a better stastical review would use 1 - 10 points, but I doubt the results would be as negative as they are around here or other 'fansites'.


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Now, my hypothesis is that you'll see more "love its" and "ok" than "hate it" in the actual parks. Sure, a better stastical review would use 1 - 10 points, but I doubt the results would be as negative as they are around here or other 'fansites'.

Possibly so. I think we would see more OK's from normal guests than anything else. But I think we would also see more hate it's than love it's too.

Yeah 1-10 would be better, but this isn't scientific here and that's ok :)


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
You can't take "OK" as indifferent, but as "It's ok, but not the best".

At a theme park, if you don't have strong feelings one way or another, I would pretty much say you are indifferent about it. Sort of like the reaction that I tended to see the most. Sort of like, yeah it was ok, but it was completely forgetable and it would probably be a one time visit. Like they don't care one way or another.


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
At a theme park, if you don't have strong feelings one way or another, I would pretty much say you are indifferent about it. Sort of like the reaction that I tended to see the most. Sort of like, yeah it was ok, but it was completely forgetable and it would probably be a one time visit. Like they don't care one way or another.
True, I can see that point. But as I said, the 1-10 scale would better define the "ok" surveys. *shrug*

Here's the way I see it... While I don't think SGE is that great, I also don't see how WDW would allow it to stay if guest reactions are as negative as some think. It's in their best interest to keep their guests happy. They have ZERO reasons to skew their guest survey results. If an attraction is actually getting a LOT of negative reaction, they would close it and get rid of it as quickly as possible. Bad customer reactions in addition to running and maintaining an attraction with bad reactions is much more costly than making a change.

Just my 2 cents. :D


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Here's the way I see it... While I don't think SGE is that great, I also don't see how WDW would allow it to stay if guest reactions are as negative as some think. It's in their best interest to keep their guests happy. They have ZERO reasons to skew their guest survey results. If an attraction is actually getting a LOT of negative reaction, they would close it and get rid of it as quickly as possible. Bad customer reactions in addition to running and maintaining an attraction with bad reactions is much more costly than making a change.

Well I can see them keeping it open even if the reactions were more negative than they really are. They want to have an outlet to sell Stitch merchandise. And they still want to show off the Stitch animatronic as well. There's not really anything cost effective they can do right now except leave the attraction, as is for a few more years.

I don't think any one here thinks SGE is at rock bottom among normal guests. But I think some of us do not believe it's doing above average either. Just opinons that could be totally wrong, but could also be totally right as well.


Well-Known Member
Good grief. Here's a realistic, objective take on SGE from someone who never saw AE and can only compare Guest complaints...

We receive a fair number of verbal Guest complaints about SGE; it is considered to be possibly the lousiest attraction in the MK, and Guests often advise other ones not to see it. Within the last four months, I have personally heard many parents complaining about how the "ride" wasn't very good (their little boys, however, tend to jump around making Stitch noises). Furthermore, the attraction does suffer from bad word of mouth in general public venues (unlike fanboy sites, General Public opinions are the ones that really matter to the PR folks!)

BUT does SGE constantly send people into panic attacks? No. Does it send nearly every child in the audience into hysterics? No. Is the uncomfortable darkness that frightens some youngsters equivalent to the terrifying alien in AE? No. So although SGE doesn't have a stellar reputation, it's also not sending hoards of angry parents to GR to file real compaints (unlike AE). People might complain about SGE in conversation, but very few, if any, Guests are marching to City Hall and demanding that WDW provides a better attraction.

Furthermore, plenty of little boys try to sound like and emulate Stitch for the rest of their vacations at the MK, so the belching attraction has some fans. ;)

I don't work at GR, but I have aquaintances that do; and even though none of the GR CMs I know personally like SGE, they have to admit that it doesn't get nearly as many complaints "as it should." :lol: That doesn't make the attraction any better, but it does mean that Guests will file complaints about something that terrorizes their kids before they file complaints about a mediocre show.

Two tangent-related responses to posts I've seen:

(1) Yes, the show was changed because of negative feedback in post-show surveys.

(2) BUT no, Disney isn't going to make significant changes to try to improve this attraction any time soon.


Well-Known Member
One other thing...

According to people in Merch, the Stitch merchandise isn't selling that well. Even though many little boys love Stitch, parents control the spending; and Disney simply produced too much Stitch merchandise. Obviously, this doesn't mean that no one purchases Stitch stuff--people do--but the market appears to be oversaturated (e.g. he's plastered all over the 2006 items), so it looks like hardly anything is moving.


tirian said:
Good grief. Here's a realistic, objective take on SGE from someone who never saw AE and can only compare Guest complaints...

We receive a fair number of verbal Guest complaints about SGE; it is considered to be possibly the lousiest attraction in the MK, and Guests often advise other ones not to see it. Within the last four months, I have personally heard many parents complaining about how the "ride" wasn't very good (their little boys, however, tend to jump around making Stitch noises). Furthermore, the attraction does suffer from bad word of mouth in general public venues (unlike fanboy sites, General Public opinions are the ones that really matter to the PR folks!)

BUT does SGE constantly send people into panic attacks? No. Does it send nearly every child in the audience into hysterics? No. Is the uncomfortable darkness that frightens some youngsters equivalent to the terrifying alien in AE? No. So although SGE doesn't have a stellar reputation, it's also not sending hoards of angry parents to GR to file real compaints (unlike AE). People might complain about SGE in conversation, but very few, if any, Guests are marching to City Hall and demanding that WDW provides a better attraction.

Furthermore, plenty of little boys try to sound like and emulate Stitch for the rest of their vacations at the MK, so the belching attraction has some fans. ;)

I don't work at GR, but I have aquaintances that do; and even though none of the GR CMs I know personally like SGE, they have to admit that it doesn't get nearly as many complaints "as it should." :lol: That doesn't make the attraction any better, but it does mean that Guests will file complaints about something that terrorizes their kids before they file complaints about a mediocre show.

Two tangent-related responses to posts I've seen:

(1) Yes, the show was changed because of negative feedback in post-show surveys.

(2) BUT no, Disney isn't going to make significant changes to try to improve this attraction any time soon.

Exactly what I was trying to get at with the Blue Alien vs Scary Alien argument in relation to complaints. Thanks for making sense because reading my post from late last night now makes not a whole lot of sense anymore!:hammer:


Well-Known Member
I am very dissapointed with this attraction. I think Stitch is overused with the parks. He is really ugly and gives me nightmares from time to time.


Active Member
I love Stitch but NOT SGE. They could/ should have done something better with him. But we've all heard this a million times already. I can remember being all hyped when they stated how advanced the AA was, but basicly they just replaced the alien with stitch. Who was the genious behind that one? He needs to learn more about imagineering. Create, re-create, but don't just tone down rides that aren't doing when they are intended to do. :brick:


New Member
i was fed up with stitch when i was there.
i think hes a horrible nasty really non disney type character.
i didnt buy as much merchandise as i would have liked as the bloody blue thing was taking center stage all over it. even to the point of pushing mickey to one side!! god forbid!
stick him in a corner somewhere and let him suffer slowly

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