Rumor Siemens is going to end their sponsorship with the parks - Spaceship Earth and IllumiNations


Resident Curmudgeon
Me too. If it is open Sept 9th, I will be there for one last ride.
To me, this is like Time Racers replacing SSE. This is a classic long-form dark ride. GMR is the thesis statement of the park, like Horizons. Even if replaced by an awesome 8 minute Mickey ride. How does the Mickey ride tie all of Hollywood together in a singular attraction? It doesn't. That's why it belongs in the Animation Courtyard.

Refreshing your defining ride with modern effects, and having TMC pay part of the bill would make people want to ride GMR again. When the ride starts with a broken down scene like Footlight Parade, guests are not impressed. I know Horizons got torn down because of a lack of a sponsor, but Disney said no to a TMC sponsor, just to replace this classic ride. It is sad that this is how TDO thinks of opening day attractions.

Some people may not like it in its current form, but with a few new scenes and updated effects and animatronics, GMR could be an E-ticket attraction for generations to come.

Yes it could, Stuff like this makes very sad, As today's management of the parks is the very antithesis of Walt and his Nine Old Men's vision for the Florida Project. The 'sharp pencil boys' have taken over and P.T. Barnum would be proud.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see them redo the ride...... sort of. Fix the newspaper boy, clean everything, make sure all the audio is clear have it 1983 fresh. Then fix the end... make it feel like you are in outer space (if I remember that's how it was when I was little) I doubt there is enough old enough audio for carl sagan.. but why not neil degrasse Tyson. This is where we have been.......... then the descent stars outerspace and talking about the future is ours as we hurtle through the dark space on our spaceship earth.......
Also tomorrow land and epcot should be sponsored by tesla, apple, SpaceX, replace ellen with al gore and make it half energy past and half we need to save the environment from what we have done and lets use clean energy.


Resident Curmudgeon
I would love to see them redo the ride...... sort of. Fix the newspaper boy, clean everything, make sure all the audio is clear have it 1983 fresh. Then fix the end... make it feel like you are in outer space (if I remember that's how it was when I was little) I doubt there is enough old enough audio for carl sagan.. but why not neil degrasse Tyson. This is where we have been.......... then the descent stars outerspace and talking about the future is ours as we hurtle through the dark space on our spaceship earth.......
Also tomorrow land and epcot should be sponsored by tesla, apple, SpaceX, replace ellen with al gore and make it half energy past and half we need to save the environment from what we have done and lets use clean energy.

I'd be equally happy with Neil DeGrasse Tyson, What you describe is where EPCOT should be NOW!,


Well-Known Member
I'd be equally happy with Neil DeGrasse Tyson, What you describe is where EPCOT should be NOW!,
You would really like what I put in Imagineering then

So old Epcot is still there.... well horizons and world of motion are dead.
Here is what I would like to see.
SSE Clean it.... fix the news paper boy, fix the effects, make the computers up to date fix the last few scenes to where they are modern but otherwise make it 1983 fresh... Bring back Walter Cronkite as the voice... then the descent begins... Neil De grasse Tyson (or if enough audio exists of carl sagan... show empty space with stars and a space ship like it used to be then say .... so where are we going... that's up to us as we travel through this dark universe on our space ship earth.

Bring back innoventions and give it to start up tech companies... add in apple, spacex NASA and tesla as the more established companies. And keep it changed up. Make it a true non Disney ran independent worlds fair.

The land.. clean it.. then clean it.... fix whats broken make sure the plants look livelier and make sure there are tons of fish in there. Update some of the visuals to HD. Then clean it.. leave it alone.

Imagination... new ride done cheap around Figment and dream finder (don't change the ride path or vehicles... just the sets and some AAs and audio) all about if you imagine it you can experience it.... even bring back the tunnel but you ride through it.. the preview building make that a really cool 4d inside out movie. (cheap)

Test track.... ID love to take out the first half and make it a few scenes about the horses-model t-50s-future car... then you get the tron experience you get now

Mission space-hopefully it fixes itself with the redo

the seas- use the aquariums for some kind of imagination.. id love it returned to what it was... but it wont and its ok.... maybe extend the ride and have nemo get caught in a six pack ring or something about pollution and make it a nemo ride about taking care of the oceans.

Energy- redo the video and give it to al gore make it history of energy then go to inconvenient truth about how we have damaged the earth and need to use clean energy ADD WALL-E

Reopen odyssey

At the front have ticker boards with the up to the second tech health and science news.. over by what used to be Kodak COMMUNICORE....

Then bring back the old gift shop centrorium.. two floors... half of it... non Disney non ip... but science toys .. cheap ones and super expensive ones.... and NASA toys.

Take Wonders of Life- redo it with baymax

Bring back the old logos


Well-Known Member
"Here we are in Spaceship Earth, the human journey through time. Come with me."
Man that would be awesome.
And then we can have this as we "warp" back in time.

Seriously, I'd be fine with Neil narrating it.


Well-Known Member
If or when there is a revamp my only hope that I don't look back and longgggg for the days of Judi Dench narrating. Do you remember when you learned your ABCs?

There are presently a couple of scene advancements that a better than the previous version but mostly ehhh. I wish the screens would go away. They will most likely show how your faces would look tanning at a DVC.

Just kidding. Please don't report me. Gulp.


Well-Known Member
If or when there is a revamp my only hope that I don't look back and longgggg for the days of Judi Dench narrating. Do you remember when you learned your ABCs?

There are presently a couple of scene advancements that a better than the previous version but mostly ehhh. I wish the screens would go away. They will most likely show how your faces would look tanning at a DVC.

Just kidding. Please don't report me. Gulp.
Two things... First, I long for the return of Walter Cronkite and Tomorrows Child.
Second: the screens, to me, are far more entertaining then the mish-mash of small scenes that once occupied the space and it's kinda cool to leave the ride and see your picture up on a huge screen as you leave the building.

And unsolicited, but, put out there anyway, just for the heck of it. Dame Dench said... "Do you remember how easy it was to learn your ABC's"?


Well-Known Member
How about if the screens stay onboard they actually change things in the vignettes based on what you press in real time? Interactive beyond the novelty of flash animation with your face on it.


Well-Known Member
ALL they need to do is make an incredible final act/descent & freshen everything else up. Leave this alone and continue to make it the shining beacon of this park. Without it, the park is completely lost.

I fully expect them to change the rest of the park so much that SSE won't make thematic sense precisely because it stands alone and there is no theme. Maybe that's a little over dramatic, but you get my drift. The old Epcot is already lost.


Well-Known Member
I fully expect them to change the rest of the park so much that SSE won't make thematic sense precisely because it stands alone and there is no theme. Maybe that's a little over dramatic, but you get my drift. The old Epcot is already lost.

As long as World Showcase exists, Spaceship Earth's message of global communication and connection/working together will be relevant, imho. I get what you are saying, but I think it can still survive.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
How about if the screens stay onboard they actually change things in the vignettes based on what you press in real time? Interactive beyond the novelty of flash animation with your face on it.

The screens had their day, I would prefer SSE be less gimickey.

I don't mind them but the novelty of 'choosing your future' has long worn off

"Choosing your future" was the only thematic link for Spaceship Earth The Ride with "Future World". Almost all the ride is devoted to a history lesson of the progress of human communication, but almost nothing about the "future" except something super abstract about the internet and then the screens.

Now, if FW is losing it's name and focus on the future, then the screens can be repurposed for something that more closely fits with the ride, or completely jettisoned since they don't have a reason to stay.

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