Shuttle Launch


New Member
Original Poster
On Dec. 7th, a 9:38pm flight of the space shuttle is sechuled. I would like to view this shot but will be with out a car. Does Pop Culture or any on site Disney areas have car rentals or some mode of transportation to get to the Cape? Thanks


Well-Known Member
A taxi is your best bet. Cape Canaveral is a good 60 miles or so away, so you won't find any free transporation to it.


Active Member
Dont leave the property. The view from there is better than up close IMO. I didnt think they were doing anymore night launches since they added all those cameras to film the launch so they could check for foam falling off.


New Member
On Dec. 7th, a 9:38pm flight of the space shuttle is sechuled. I would like to view this shot but will be with out a car. Does Pop Culture or any on site Disney areas have car rentals or some mode of transportation to get to the Cape? Thanks

Any of the front desks, such as the one at Pop CENTURY, can put you in touch with the rent-a-car facility on disney property. They have a branch of National/Alamo at the Car Care Center near Magic Kingdom.

Enterprise rent-a-car also advertises that they will pick you up and bring you back to their rental locations. I am not sure how close one of their offices is to WDW, but it would be worth a call.


New Member
Yeah, I was about to say, I don't think night launches are happening anymore.


The NASA page does show a 9.38 PM launch, interesting.

New mission, new rules. Given the data collected and on orbit inspection tests from the last three missions, night launches are again allowed. Recent test firings showed that the SRB's produce enough light that large objects would be visible to high magnification cameras.


Well-Known Member
I live in Orlando and though one of these days I would like to see a launch from the Space Center, I've had fantastic views from my own backyard. But the first launch I saw live was from Epcot, standing in the central walkway near the monorail track, looking over between Test Track and Mission:Space.


Well-Known Member
I was on the college program in spring of 2000 and there were 2 shuttle lift offs during my 5 months there. The first one I saw from my apartment and you really can get a good view from the Disney area if you know where to look. Also If you try to drive over to Cocoa Beach to see the launch you might be in for a big let down because it might get cancelled or postponed and I don't know if you'd want to spend the money on a shuttle or rental car for something that might not happen. Two days in a row a couple of my roommates and I drove over there to see a shuttle launch and both times the launch ended up being postponed.


We had a good view of the launch in September from the parking lot at DTD. We were at the far end near Cirque, and saw it come up over DisneyQuest.


I saw the shuttle launch from the quiet pool at SSR in July 2005. We'll be at MVMCP on Dec 7th, anyone know if you can see the launch from the Magic Kingdom?


If you get a chance, go to the Cape

Yes there is a risk it wont happen as it is currently scheduled, but if it doesn't mess up your trip, go; if it happens, you will never forget it. It is probably booked, but there is a Holiday Inn in Titusville that has a great view but you have to get a room.
We saw a night launch from Kennedy back in 1999 and it was spectacular. I am also going to be at WDW on the 7th but we are traveling with another family so wont make the journey this time but hope to again before the end of the shuttles in 2010.


The two times I went to the Orlando area for a WDW visit we saw a shuttle launch from where we were staying. The vapor trail behind the shuttle is awesome to see and knowing how far away it is from where you are at the time even at more to how big and powerful it is to see.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
I am going to be heading closer to the cape for the launch that night to.

Eh... if it doesnt happen that night... I'll be in FL for 10 days... I'll catch it sometime. :sohappy:


I saw the shuttle launch from the quiet pool at SSR in July 2005. We'll be at MVMCP on Dec 7th, anyone know if you can see the launch from the Magic Kingdom?

Stand on the Main Street side of the hub, right before the trolley tracks split to circle the hub, and look out over Tomorrowland. I had a Disney photographer take my picture with the shuttle rising in the background.

Yes, you can see a shuttle launch from as far away as Georgia. But not hearing the throaty deep rumble from those mighty engines makes it somewhat lacking. The riverfront in Titusville on US 1 is a great place to see and hear the launch, although the sound takes several seconds to reach you. Sometimes the sound reaches Orlando, but it is so disassociated with the sight of the launch it is almost meaningless.

I always tell our guests that you can't appreciate a launch until you have had a scrub. So take the chance and go. It is late so you can still have a fun day at the park. And the launch window is only a couple minutes long, so you're going home a 9:45 no matter what. But make sure to leave
early, as the Beachline fills up fast and many frustrated folks have seen the launch from its breakdown lane.


New Member
night launches you can see them from anywhere depending the weather conditions

tomorrowland is your best bet

the comptemperary resport is also good if they allow access to the resteraunt on the top floor

also nite launches can be viewed as far away as long island ny depending on the weather

I get to see it from 5 miles away has a launch ticket they go on sale at KSC or online 2 months prior launch


Well-Known Member
On Dec. 7th, a 9:38pm flight of the space shuttle is sechuled. I would like to view this shot but will be with out a car. Does Pop Culture or any on site Disney areas have car rentals or some mode of transportation to get to the Cape? Thanks

First... there's Alamo Car rental at the Car care center by Magic Kindgom. You should be able to rent a car from there.

Second, There's no tickets left for the NASA causeway. Those sell out almost "Day-of-sale"... especially for pretty things like this.

Third, You'll want to take 528 east until you get there. (Its a toll road) Just a straight shot. Traffic should be a tad nutty because its the first night launch in ages, so leave plenty of time. (Me, i have to be on NASA property by midafternoon for walkout and then bum a huge lens from Nikon.) 528 splits left and right about 35 miles-ish from Orlando, Right to Port Canavaral, Left to KSC. Stay left. When that ends, Left at the traffic light. Go 2 lights (if i recall) until you get to SR 50. Turn right and drive until it ends, there's a WalGreens at the intersection. It dead ends into US 1 and anywhere in there is just about as humanly close as you can get without being credentialed. Good luck finding parking.

As for night launches..... You can see them for a few hundred miles around. Night rocket launches are pretty impressive, some of the Delta-IV's out of CCAFS. From Disney Property, anywhere with an Easterly View. Tomorrowland.... Futureworld West, top of Contemporary... anywhere viewing east, etc.

So the launch is scheduled for 9:38. I need to talk a friend into Shooting Illuminations that night BECAUSE..... 9:38 is about the end of Illuminations where the globe section has ended. That's an awesome shot and you'd have to be in the UK or Canada to get it..... I will be on Astronaut Road unless i can talk my way to the top of the VAB) praying i can get to my remotes before midnight. Silly gas alarms kept going off on the launch pad last time and kept us back for an extra hour....

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