Should the Marvel characters appear in WDW????

Should the Marvel characters appear in WDW????

  • No way! Marvel and Disney characters don't mix.

    Votes: 25 24.0%
  • As long as they stay in DHS, it's all good.

    Votes: 65 62.5%
  • Disney can put them wherever they want, fine by me.

    Votes: 11 10.6%
  • They should be in ALL 4 parks! Period.

    Votes: 3 2.9%

  • Total voters

Studios Fan

Active Member
DHS is the best choice for where to put them, when they can. When they are able to use them, I would say we will see merchandise in all four parks though.


New Member
Mark my words, this is not going to be headed to just a small chunk of DHS. This will most likely result in a whole new park or in the very least a massive expansion, along with themed hotel(s), superhero parades and events, child "be a superhero" events in the vein of pirates/princesses ect. and much more...

This is the current industry that is surpassing Disney's own characters, it is billions upon billions of dollars, and more importantly, it is something to rival Universal's (frankly awesome and well played) Harry Potter announcement.

This is going to result in some very large scale additions.


Well-Known Member
Disney and Marvel is kind of like Soda Pop and Tomato Juice; I like them both, but I would probably puke if someone tried to mix them together and serve them to me. :hurl:

One, possibly two, well done attractions in DHS, along the lines of the Narnia Attraction, or Star Tours, may be alright. But otherwise, Marvel characters have absolutely NO place in WDW. None. Period. I dread the day that I walk into the Magic Kingdom and see the Hulk signing autographs.

My best case scenario is that Universal is willing to keep the characters, and that Disney is willing to let them. Universal pays Disney licensing fees to use the Marvel Characters. Disney remains Disney and Marvel stays at Universal where it belongs and I can enjoy both places. Trying to integrate Marvel into WDW would be like mixing Soda and Tomato Juice.


Or... Disney is really about to take over operation of the Universal parks in Orlando, and voila! Instant 5th and 6th gate.

They do show the HP movie(s) on abc family (in the Disney group of networks).


And... For now, or until then, I love the Streets of America idea. DHS was my vote.


New Member
Disney and Marvel is kind of like Soda Pop and Tomato Juice; I like them both, but I would probably puke if someone tried to mix them together and serve them to me. :hurl:

One, possibly two, well done attractions in DHS, along the lines of the Narnia Attraction, or Star Tours, may be alright. But otherwise, Marvel characters have absolutely NO place in WDW. None. Period. I dread the day that I walk into the Magic Kingdom and see the Hulk signing autographs.

My best case scenario is that Universal is willing to keep the characters, and that Disney is willing to let them. Universal pays Disney licensing fees to use the Marvel Characters. Disney remains Disney and Marvel stays at Universal where it belongs and I can enjoy both places. Trying to integrate Marvel into WDW would be like mixing Soda and Tomato Juice.

I don't think some of you really understand the scale of the comic character universe right now. It makes billions more than Disney properties are currently pulling in, and is much more recognizable to kids and adults of various ages.

I think Disney is planning ahead. Anyone who truly thinks they spent that kind of money to simply put in an attraction or two is being a bit naive in my opinion.

Do I want to see Spiderman marching down Main Street? not really. Do I think a super hero themed park in itself is a good idea? It's a superb idea, and a brilliant marketing strategy.

It just takes time for things to feel at place, but I am quite sure they are not going to sit on Universal using the characters for very long. They did this for their own gains, and it was a great move.

Super Heroes aren't going anywhere any time soon.

Mr Toad

Well-Known Member
I don't think some of you really understand the scale of the comic character universe right now. It makes billions more than Disney properties are currently pulling in, and is much more recognizable to kids and adults of various ages.

I think Disney is planning ahead. Anyone who truly thinks they spent that kind of money to simply put in an attraction or two is being a bit naive in my opinion.

Do I want to see Spiderman marching down Main Street? not really. Do I think a super hero themed park in itself is a good idea? It's a superb idea, and a brilliant marketing strategy.

It just takes time for things to feel at place, but I am quite sure they are not going to sit on Universal using the characters for very long. They did this for their own gains, and it was a great move.

Super Heroes aren't going anywhere any time soon.
So very true...I guarantee a great majority of the people here do not understand how huge comics (both Marvel and DC) are. It will bring in new sources of revenue from the teen boys and young men demographics. These demographics are 2 that Disney are going after b/c they really have no product for them. Too this group...Disney doesn't exist, but comics (and related movies, cartoons, games, etc) do exist for them.

I too think that Iron Man, Spidey and the like probably won't be strolling down MS USA anytime soon if at all.

At some point, Uni is gonna stop paying Disney for the rights at some point. It doesn't make good business sense to enable your competitors.

Just relax, I think a lot of people here are blowing this way out of proportion. Is this what people thought when Disney bought ABC, ESPN and absorbed Pixar?


Active Member
I agree with everyone on the DHS note.

Although most people seem to not want a land or too much of Marvel, but i think that would be a great idea. There are so many possibilities with these characters.

I was never into comics growing up and still not too much into Marvel or DC but have seen most of the movies and i am VERY excited about this.


Count me suprised by the result of the poll.

I didn't vote though, because I don't fit in with any of the options which seem to be either Yes or No.
I love Marvel, but for now they should be left alone, and integrated slowly into DHS or DTD, and used sparingly. This should also be said about ALL Disney resorts. So only when it is okay for something to move into WDW should any other resort do the same.

As I am coming to terms with the news though, I would be quite happy for Universal to keep the theme park rights and for Disney to keep Marvel seperate. All payments from the universal attractions should go straight to additional funding of the Marvel publishing business. So they can keep the comics I read running - they always seem to have dreadful sales and end up cancelled.


New Member
Im not that fond of marvel, and I think the only place suitable for anything to do with marvel would be at DHS, and i'm not really ok with that either. Why does everyone seem ok with letting non disney characters/themes into our parks? isn't that why there is a universal studios?

Matt and Kelly

Well-Known Member
I really don't have a strong opinion either way. I like the Marvel franchise and I think it's pretty cool that Disney bought it. In saying that, I selected the third option. Whatever Disney decides to do with the inclusion of these characters is fine by me.

Clearly they are a good fit for DHS, but I like the earlier suggestion of appearances at Downtown Disney as well.


Active Member
Another reason I think this could be great: new target audience.

I'm 21 and it's obviously hard to convince my friends to take a trip to WDW and that its fun. They think there aren't any fun rides and would rather just head over to IoA and Universal. Now if they begin to include Marvel characters they will reach interests of the teen-20's male crowd. Just my opinion but for example if Spiderman and a better themed Hulk coaster were in one of the parks i think you would see a lot more of that age group.


I don't see this as being park related, in the short term.

This move is more related to the film/TV divisions than anything.

Disney has recognized the need to better serve this demographic and bought some IP to help with that.

Exhibit A: DisneyXD.

I'm not saying the characters won't be in the parks, but I don't see anything major coming to the parks because of this purchase anytime soon.

And, as someone else mentioned, we already have the Power Rangers at DHS and I haven't heard anyone clamoring about their presence.


New Member
The idea that they don't belong in WDW because they are not Disney puzzles me. Are you guys aware of how many of the major properties that are displayed through merchandise, rides, and characters in Disney world were simply purchased by Disney, and were not Disney originally?

By your logic no Pixar stuff should be there even now, because how can what Pixar makes be a part of Disney since Disney didn't start Pixar? Does that even make any sense?

On the same note Disney can easily integrate Marvel. It is a part of Disney because they bought it. It is Disney property now and thus is proper to appear in their parks. I think you are fearing the idea of seeing Spiderman instead of Tinkerbell at Wishes, and that isn't going to happen. (although it does sound awesome ;) )

If Disney can buy other properties and make them a part of Disney World then they can buy Marvel and make it a part of Disney world. Spiderman and Iron Man are just as relevant and in many cases more relevant to kids today than Mickey Mouse and Stitch. The idea that they will just let Universal keep the rides and pay them may be what you wish would happen, but it is in no way in the realm of possibility and is not what WILL happen.

Wolverine's coming to Disney guys, hide your women.


New Member
I like most the responses from you guys! I agree that I don't really like them being in the parks because they are not a "Disney creation" But When I read about someone saying they wouldn't mind the Marvels in PI...I guess that wouldn't bother me so much...... ? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Actually, I am not so sure about the acquisition about Marvel, in how they can fit with Disney, but I guess I would best want them in DHS.

Certainly no EPCOT ideas! :dazzle:

Mr Toad

Well-Known Member
Bottom line...the powers that be are gonna stick them where ever they want. They aren't going to ask anyone, they are just gonna do it. Although it is fun to speculate.

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