Can I ask you guys' opinion on something?? My DH is being of NO help.
Ok, we are very lucky to be heading to WDW in April for a week, the 20-27th. (Monday-Monday) That is Abby's school vacation week, and the airlines are completely gouging people traveling then. That's why we arrive and leave on a Monday, because it was waaaay cheaper than the weekend. We are flying Southwest and our return flight time is horrible. We depart MCO at 8:10 pm and land in Manchester, NH at 11. :dazzle: If we are lucky we'll be home by midnight-12:30. I knew this when I booked the flight, but it was the cheapest one and my thought was the kids could sleep on the plane. Well, now that it is fast approaching I am kicking myself for booking such a late flight. There are no other ones (nonstop) that we could switch to that same day without paying an extra $350 or so. SW does not charge a change fee; that is just the fare difference. What we can do, is leave the next day instead. There is a flight for the same price on the 28th that leaves VERY early (as in 6:30 am) but we would be home by 9:30 am. We are staying at AKL, but I would prolly book a value for the extra night at the $64 passholder rate. I thought we could check out of AKL early on the 27th, go to the parks all day, have bell services move our luggage, then just return to the new hotel in the evening. Shower, go to bed early, and leave early in the am. :shrug: Is it worth it? So it wouldn't cost anything to change the flight, and the room would be $64. Ugh, I dunno. We'll probably just s u ck it up and take the late flight home on the 27th. Opinions welcome!! Thank you!