Shades Of Green


Well-Known Member
Just heard thet shades of green just reopened. Anyone been buy and taken any pictures of the addition/remodel? They also added wdws first parking garage! Wondering if there is any disney touches or if it is just a plain old mall garage.


New Member
There's at least one more member following this board! My husband is an E7, AGR (Active Guard Reserve). I appreciate all of your postings because we are making our first ever Disney trip in 35 days! (my husband was there as a teenager - but it's a first for the rest of the family). Anyway, we're slated to be at SOG starting on Apr 24, so I've been anxiously scanning the board for any updates and info. Also been checking the SOG photos updated daily and was thrilled to see the photos on allearsnet. Planning to use the Gold Leaf option for our stay. Although we have a basic idea of what we're doing and we have reservations for Chef Mickey's (breakfast) and the Hoop Dee Doo Revue, I welcome all suggestions.
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Well-Known Member
Hi njmom2boys! You have to take pictures for us! I really want to see the front of the hotel. I hope the contruction is done for you because it really is a wonderful hotel.

You will love Chef Mickey's. It is one of our favorites, we do it every trip. We did the Gold Leaf package our first trip to Shades of Green. The best part about it, is it forces you to go back to the hotel in the afternoon or evening for dinner. We probably would have worn ourselves out in the parks every day, but having to go back for dinner made us go back early afternoon to rest swim and relax before dinner. Then we could head back to the evening park activities well rested. The afternoons are the most crowded anyway. So I think you'll like that too!

The busses were very convenient but for going to and from the magic kingdom we often walked to the Polynesian and got on the monorail. That way you don't have to catch a monorail and a bus.

Are all the Gold Leaf package meals at the Garden Gallery? Now that they have another full service restaraunt, I didn't know if you could go to either one.

I'm so jealous! You're going to love it! Do you have the Unoffical Guide? It loves SOG. It ranks it #4 in Orlando. The rooms there are actually bigger then the Grand Floridian! And now they have refrigerators in the room!

Okay, probably more information then you wanted!:D
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Count 2 more in! My husband is a Bombardier in the Royal Canadian Artillery and I'm a drummer in the Royal Canadian Air Force Band. We met during a 21 gun salute on Veterans Day and over a year later we were married at WDW.

We are both interested in any and all military or Disney related discussions.

BTW - Does anyone know if SOG is open to servicemen from other countries or is it only for U.S. personnel?
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my guidelines are as follows?

1. check any ego at the door.

2. let your inner child out

3. make a plan, but dont rush through something or skip something to stay on schedule. be flexible

take advantage of the shades of green. you can save a bundle on food by eating there. we always leave the parks at lunchtime and go back to the hotel for lunch and a swim. the parks are too crowded during that time anyway.

use the shades of green busses. far less crowded.

you can use disneys package delivery. buy it and have it sent to the hotel so you dont have to carry it.

i have more, but i thought i would save some for disneyfalcon.
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we also just walk to the poly to catch the monorail.

i dont know about foreign military staying at the shades of green. you can go to and send them an email tho
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Well-Known Member
Good info ltbeach. I didn't know the new restaurant wasn't open yet.

You might double check, hoppypooh, but I believe SOG is only open to foreign military assigned to the US.

Here's the list of people eligible:

Here's the part I think pertains to you:
Military personnel of foreign nations and their family members when on orders from the U.S. Armed Forces, or in overseas areas when the major command commander grants privileges in the best interest of the U.S.

Welcome to the military thread meet Hoppypooh!
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Well-Known Member
uuummm Can I be an interested bystander?? I am not military but one of my friends is. I Am going to send him a link to the thread. I am still trying to convince him that Disney is a worth the time, effort and money for a trip!! Belle
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
i wouldnt worry too much about getting flamed in this thread. seems there is only two people reading this one anyway. I dont think there is much interest in a "military only hotel" on these boards.

Im still reading this thread also.Not military but interested in shades anyway.Still hoping for more pictures
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Thanks very much for the info about who is eligible for SOG.
Unfortunately, neither of us are (or have ever been) assigned to the U.S. - though we've done several tours with the U.N.

For the record, my dream retirement job at Disney would be to play in the fife & drum corps outside the American Adventure at Epcot... however I've still got about 40 years to go! :hammer:
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Well-Known Member
Hello to pinkrose and wannabebelle.:wave:

Wannabebelle you love Disney so much I'm sure you could convince someone else! Tell your military friend that Disney has great deals for military. If no extra specials are running SOG is benefit enough. Sandwiched between hotels that charge $300 dollars a night for smaller rooms, it's an incredible deal for around $100 dollars a night depending on your rank. They do fill up early (did you know they have the highest occupancy rate of any hotel in the US) so if you want to stay there you have to plan ahead. If they're full though, their overflow rates are often as good as the codes everyone else has to wait so patiently for.

If you can catch Disney during an armed forces salute the deals are incredible. Completely free 5 day tickets (same as Ulitmate park hoppers, they include disney quest and everything) and the military member can buy 5 more tickets at incredible prices. Last time it was five more 5 day passes for $99 each. Wow. We saved over $500 just on tickets. The hotel discounts for the Armed Forces Salutes are incredible too. 40-50% off!

Finally wannabebelle, you should know if you're really good friends with this person, you should go with them! Each military person, or their spouse, can sponsor 3 rooms at SOG or somewhere else with overflow rates! The guests can buy the discount military tickets and everything! We always take friends and family with us!

Woohoo for Disney!
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hello wannabebelle and pink rose.

just to add to disneyfalcons post, all you need is a military sponsor any military sponsor, open to a trip at anytime. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Well-Known Member
OK everyone, get ready for this one!!! I had told my buddy Steve, about the Military Salute program last year. You know he turned it down!!!! I have absolutely no idea as to why. He said time constraints etc, but I told him that was the biggest excuse I had ever heard!!! I have tried time and time again. Some people are just downright stubborn???? I am certainly not going to wait on him ( or anyone else for that matter!!) to go to Disney!! If I did I would probably be old and gray before i got there again!!! I appreciate the vote of confidence there ,Disney Falcon!!! I guess there are just some people you cant convince!!! Belle
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:brick: :brick: :hammer:

ya know, i had a hard time convincing alot of people that work in my section to take advantage of the offer. but those that did, came back and thanked me for insisting they go. i think the biggest problem for most military (and i can say it because I am military) is that they think its too kiddy and there is no way they could have fun at a kids park.
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Well-Known Member
:lol: I've had the same problem! We tried and tried to get some good military friends of ours to go during the armed forces salute and they never did. Finally, two weeks ago, they decided to go and left 4 days later. They were there last week and from everything I've read on these boards it was SUPER crowded! I haven't talked to them yet, I hope they weren't miserable! I hate to recommend it to someone over and over and then they don't love it like me!
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Well-Known Member
Well I did try actually. I work with another guy who I know is Military so I handed the offer to him so he could pass it along to any military personnel interested. I can only hope SOMEONE took advantage of this great offer!!!! I think it is awesome that Disney wants to thanks our fine Men and Women in the Military for doing such an great job. And I say if they want to, by all means, LET THEM!!!! I dont understand why people wouldnt want to take advantage of a VERY inexpensive vacation???? As you guys said though, I think they just dont get it!!! We can only lead the horse to the water I suppose!!! Belle
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Well-Known Member
WOW! Those are great pictures! :sohappy:

I just checked the SOG web pictures and the green construction walls are finally down! It looks awesome!

Okay, I'm still trying to picture it, if anyone knows...
On the SOG website where are those pictures taken from? One of them looks like the same angle as the first picture in the Sentinel. I'm guessing, if you're looking at the front entrance, that is off to the right? And you can't see the front entrance in those pics?

Wherever it is, it looks awesome!
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