Seven Dwarves Mine Train construction start date.


Well-Known Member
You lost me right there. It's one thing to love Disney, but to put on blinders and not be able to recognize excellence, even when it comes from the competition, is doing yourself a disservice.

Most hardcore Disney fanbois like Condor can't stand to admit that for once something that wasn't made by Disney in the theme park industry is getting near universal (no pun intended) acclaim.

The fact is that Disney hasn't done anything as grand as the scale and creativity of WWoHP in the last 10 years at least, when once upon a time they were quite capable of doing so.

Harry Potter fan or not, if you are not capable of seeing the work of art that is WWoHP for what it is, you are a hopelessly lost cause and a large contributor to the reason Disney has a lack of enthusiasm for innovation, show standards, and wow factors anymore.


Active Member
The fact is that Disney hasn't done anything as grand as the scale and creativity of WWoHP in the last 10 years at least, when once upon a time they were quite capable of doing so.

Thanks for making me laugh. I get a big kick out of Universal fanboys who actually come on Disney-oriented discussion boards and waste their time complaining about an amusement park. Ever wonder why a Disney lover would never do the same on a Uni board? Why beat a dead horse?

Last time I checked Disney has/is/will spend $7.5 billion on P&R between 2008 and 2015, on everything from two new cruise ships, to Shanghai DL, to DCA, to FLE, to Aulani, etc. What, are you crying pudding pie because they didn't refurb Ellen's Universe of Energy with a $200 million Tron Coaster? Boo, hoo. If Disney never invented or installed anything new ever again, they would still see greater annual attendance than Universal ever will. Don't fight it, don't argue against, stop being jealous and just accept the fact that Disney is #1.

If theme parks were like the movie "Twins," then Disney is Arnold Schwarzenegger, primed and poised to be the perfect ideal, whereas Universal is Danny Devito -- the run-off crap side-effect that wobbles like a weeble.

And one more thing: I want everyone to stop posing the loser question, "When will Disney respond to WWoHP? When will they build something to compete with all of its unparalleled glory?" Why don't you first answer these questions:

When will USO build a third and fourth park?

When will USO have over 1,000 rides, shows and attractions?

When will USO have over 24 resorts?

When will USO have over 60,000 employees?

When will USO bring in $18+ billion to the Florida economy?

When will... Oh, I'll stop embarrassing you right there.

The answer is NEVER. Universal will never do any of these things because they have neither the financial wherewithal nor the talent to pull it off.

As always, Disney wins. But I suspect you already knew that. :wave:

Here endeth the lesson.


Well-Known Member
Wow, sit down Condor. Guess what, people can be fans of both Disney and Universal. I know, a crazy concept right? :rolleyes:


Think for yourselfer
Thanks for making me laugh. I get a big kick out of Universal fanboys who actually come on Disney-oriented discussion boards and waste their time complaining about an amusement park. Ever wonder why a Disney lover would never do the same on a Uni board? Why beat a dead horse?

Last time I checked Disney has/is/will spend $7.5 billion on P&R between 2008 and 2015, on everything from two new cruise ships, to Shanghai DL, to DCA, to FLE, to Aulani, etc. What, are you crying pudding pie because they didn't refurb Ellen's Universe of Energy with a $200 million Tron Coaster? Boo, hoo. If Disney never invented or installed anything new ever again, they would still see greater annual attendance than Universal ever will. Don't fight it, don't argue against, stop being jealous and just accept the fact that Disney is #1.

If theme parks were like the movie "Twins," then Disney is Arnold Schwarzenegger, primed and poised to be the perfect ideal, whereas Universal is Danny Devito -- the run-off crap side-effect that wobbles like a weeble.

And one more thing: I want everyone to stop posing the loser question, "When will Disney respond to WWoHP? When will they build something to compete with all of its unparalleled glory?" Why don't you first answer these questions:

When will USO build a third and fourth park?

When will USO have over 1,000 rides, shows and attractions?

When will USO have over 24 resorts?

When will USO have over 60,000 employees?

When will USO bring in $18+ billion to the Florida economy?

When will... Oh, I'll stop embarrassing you right there.

The answer is NEVER. Universal will never do any of these things because they have neither the financial wherewithal nor the talent to pull it off.

As always, Disney wins. But I suspect you already knew that. :wave:

Here endeth the lesson.

Excellent job Condor. You have definitely proved Disney is the bigger company, that they make more money, and that you are incapable of reading comprehension.

The argument being made is not that Universal is going to outdraw Disney, or make more money then them. So your half page post was a long winded waste of bandwidth. WWoHP is very simply a better experience then anything Disney has come up with in over a decade. Forbidden Journey is the most cutting edge theme park ride in the world. This is what people are talking about. Not which company has a more robust bottom line.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for making me laugh. I get a big kick out of Universal fanboys who actually come on Disney-oriented discussion boards and waste their time complaining about an amusement park. Ever wonder why a Disney lover would never do the same on a Uni board? Why beat a dead horse?

Last time I checked Disney has/is/will spend $7.5 billion on P&R between 2008 and 2015, on everything from two new cruise ships, to Shanghai DL, to DCA, to FLE, to Aulani, etc. What, are you crying pudding pie because they didn't refurb Ellen's Universe of Energy with a $200 million Tron Coaster? Boo, hoo. If Disney never invented or installed anything new ever again, they would still see greater annual attendance than Universal ever will. Don't fight it, don't argue against, stop being jealous and just accept the fact that Disney is #1.

If theme parks were like the movie "Twins," then Disney is Arnold Schwarzenegger, primed and poised to be the perfect ideal, whereas Universal is Danny Devito -- the run-off crap side-effect that wobbles like a weeble.

And one more thing: I want everyone to stop posing the loser question, "When will Disney respond to WWoHP? When will they build something to compete with all of its unparalleled glory?" Why don't you first answer these questions:

When will USO build a third and fourth park?

When will USO have over 1,000 rides, shows and attractions?

When will USO have over 24 resorts?

When will USO have over 60,000 employees?

When will USO bring in $18+ billion to the Florida economy?

When will... Oh, I'll stop embarrassing you right there.

The answer is NEVER. Universal will never do any of these things because they have neither the financial wherewithal nor the talent to pull it off.

As always, Disney wins. But I suspect you already knew that. :wave:

Here endeth the lesson.
Whoa, I thought you just being sarcastic in your first post, but I see that's not the case.

Seriously, Universal is worth seeing for a day or two out of a Disney trip. I prefer and go to Central Florida primarily for Disney, but you're missing out on some good stuff if you just blindly dismiss Universal (especially Islands of Adventure): like Spider-Man, Dueling Dragons, Popeye, Poseidon's Fury, Mummy, Jaws, and Men in Black. Since my last trip, Universal has opened Rip, Ride, Rockit and Harry Potter, both of which I plan to see next time. Remember, some healthy competition for Disney is good for Disney fans, too.

That being said, I must respectfully disagree with those who say Soarin' is not bar-raising. The ride system is clever, the physical sensation is a delight, and both the sights and soundtrack are beautiful.


Active Member
What's even crazier is I work for Disney too...not Universal. :hammer:

That's not crazy, that's pathetic. That's like being an American citizen and selling out your patriotism to Wikileaks.

You stated Disney has not done anything innovative in ten years. Have you never been to Tokyo DisneySea? Don't answer. It's obvious you haven't. That opened in 2001, and I won't mention everything else TWDC has done or planned since then.

Once again, your minor league focus is on WDW and the notion that they don't spend the billions of dollars in your imagination's bank account there. So once again, allow me to ring the class bell: Disney is an international multimedia conglomerate. They have more parks than Universal. That means they do more around the world than your narrow-minded viewpoint allows you to see.

But all of sudden Universal puts up a half-baked WWoHP and it's the Second-Coming of amusement enterprises ever known to man? The only people who think HP is that phenomenal are 8 year-old boys and 38 year-old boys.

Just because you don't like the truth doesn't mean the truth is incorrect. :p

And yes, I said endeth.


Park History nut
Premium Member
You stated Disney has not done anything innovative in ten years. Have you never been to Tokyo DisneySea? Don't answer. It's obvious you haven't. That opened in 2001, and I won't mention everything else TWDC has done or planned since then.
Bad example since TOLC paid.

I love WDW. I love Universal Orlando. What does that make me?

Those who live by "Love WDW, hate USF" are missing out at their cost. There are plenty of things USF as a resort has done that I am embarrassed the Mouse hasn`t.

Or am I misunderstanding this argument?


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
That's not crazy, that's pathetic. That's like being an American citizen and selling out your patriotism to Wikileaks.

You stated Disney has not done anything innovative in ten years. Have you never been to Tokyo DisneySea? Don't answer. It's obvious you haven't. That opened in 2001, and I won't mention everything else TWDC has done or planned since then.

Once again, your minor league focus is on WDW and the notion that they don't spend the billions of dollars in your imagination's bank account there. So once again, allow me to ring the class bell: Disney is an international multimedia conglomerate. They have more parks than Universal. That means they do more around the world than your narrow-minded viewpoint allows you to see.

But all of sudden Universal puts up a half-baked WWoHP and it's the Second-Coming of amusement enterprises ever known to man? The only people who think HP is that phenomenal are 8 year-old boys and 38 year-old boys.

Just because you don't like the truth doesn't mean the truth is incorrect. :p

And yes, I said endeth.

Wow, do you really consider being a TRAITOR to your country equivalent to liking WWOHP? Youi really DO have your priorities in the wrong place.

He said endeth.

He said it again!


Well-Known Member
You stated Disney has not done anything innovative in ten years. Have you never been to Tokyo DisneySea? Don't answer. It's obvious you haven't. That opened in 2001, and I won't mention everything else TWDC has done or planned since then.

For your information, I minored in Japanese in college and spent summer of 2009 living in Tokyo where I visited the Tokyo Disney Resort and spent hundreds of dollars multiple times.

I was incredibly impressed with DisneySea to say the least. But it's easy to build something like that when you're a SEPARATE COMPANY THAT LICENSES THE DISNEY NAME. The only control TWDC has over TDR is from a creative standpoint. Oriental Land Co. handles all operational and expansion costs.

What's also sad was that Tokyo DisneySea was proposed LONG prior as a park on the SoCal coastline but was shelved because TWDC deemed investing in such a park "too expensive". Clearly then, like now, they lack the foresight to be able to see that creative innovation can and will give a solid return on investment.

Tokyo DisneySea and Disneyland are two of the most visited theme parks in the world and their upkeep is beyond compare. I walked into TDL and could have swore it was opening day it was so well maintained. Again, this is Oriental Land Company cherishing what TDO seems to ignore about it's cash cow.

Any other statements you'd like me to shoot down?


Well-Known Member
That's not crazy, that's pathetic. That's like being an American citizen and selling out your patriotism to Wikileaks.

You stated Disney has not done anything innovative in ten years. Have you never been to Tokyo DisneySea? Don't answer. It's obvious you haven't. That opened in 2001, and I won't mention everything else TWDC has done or planned since then.

Once again, your minor league focus is on WDW and the notion that they don't spend the billions of dollars in your imagination's bank account there. So once again, allow me to ring the class bell: Disney is an international multimedia conglomerate. They have more parks than Universal. That means they do more around the world than your narrow-minded viewpoint allows you to see.

But all of sudden Universal puts up a half-baked WWoHP and it's the Second-Coming of amusement enterprises ever known to man? The only people who think HP is that phenomenal are 8 year-old boys and 38 year-old boys.

Just because you don't like the truth doesn't mean the truth is incorrect. :p

And yes, I said endeth.

Um you realize that 2001 was TEN years ago...a DECADE. We asked what Disney has done in the LAST DECADE. And obviously this is a WDW fan community. We are going to be concerned far more about WDW than the other resorts around the world. WDW is the most attended resort...but has not done much in the past ten years to push the envelope in the theme park industry. Disney used to set the bar. Now they don't even try anymore.

Love 'em or hate 'em, regardless of how many people attend the parks, Universal is doing what Disney once did. Push the envelope. Create the most exciting immersive and cutting edge theme park attractions. Thanks for the Amazing Adventures of Spiderman, Universal! And now thanks again for the NEW #1 attraction...Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey!

I used to work for Disney, and have been a lifelong fan. But I also love Universal. They complement each other...without Universal throwing their hat in the game, I seriously doubt WDW would be as big as it is...and Universal would not spend the money on cutting edge attractions without Disney being down the road....competition is great for us fans!


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Wow, do you really consider being a TRAITOR to your country equivalent to liking WWOHP? Youi really DO have your priorities in the wrong place.

Didn't you know; you're either for Disney or against it. All malcontents and disbelievers will be drawn and quartered at dawn!

(Man, I have GOT to stop watching "Braveheart" before I sign on here.)


Active Member

PS - I guess this is the wrong time to say how much I also enjoy going to SeaWorld?:king:


Well-Known Member
As popular as it may be, Soarin' cannot be called bar raising. It`s too contrived, too full of basic errors and rose no bar on either cinematography or ride sysetm level.

Maybe it shows how easily pleased todays average guest is.

The Ride System was a significant step forward. It combined elements pretty effectively, but like every other attraction on the planet it does have its faults. Like Potter, my biggest beef is the film clarity.

Potter is the most impressive ride system in Orlando right now. I personally hate the book series (they're essentially contrived from better written material) and have no emotional attachment to the characters. The ride's "experience" is little more than a series of "Watch Out!" moments, much like everything else in Universal. But it's still the most advanced ride system in Orlando.

The combination of everything in that ride is done better than anything else to date. Those that are unwilling to accept that a delusional.

It will simply be an enjoyable coaster through some well developed show scenes. The sooner the online community accepts that fact, the less disappointed they'll be; and they can simply enjoy the ride for what it is.

Not everything has to be an E-ticket. :wave:

As a fan boy I can't accept that. Every ride needs to be revolutionary. That's the only reason to make new attractions. Every time a new ride opens up, every other attraction in existence should be made obsolete by comparison.

Products that are simply "high quality" but not revolutionary have no place in a Disney park.


Well-Known Member
The combination of everything in that ride is done better than anything else to date. Those that are unwilling to accept that a delusional.
That was my point; I may have expressed it incorrectly. What I meant was that even though I don't care for Potter and have no emotional attachment, I won't deny the ride is exceptional.

As a fan boy I can't accept that. Every ride needs to be revolutionary. That's the only reason to make new attractions. Every time a new ride opens up, every other attraction in existence should be made obsolete by comparison.

Products that are simply "high quality" but not revolutionary have no place in a Disney park.

Yes, but we weren't talking about how things should be; we were stating what things actually are. Every park at WDW needs one more E-ticket, and DHS and DAK need a few C and D attractions to fill their attraction rosters.

Theoretically, the attraction lineup at the MK would have been Mermaid (D+ or E-), Dwarfs (D), and Tron (E). But it seems Tron hit the end of its line.

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