Send the country bears packing!

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Clever Name

Well-Known Member
Honestly, I would have no problem with it. There's nothing graphic or gratuitous in those things, they're a part of the rides' humour and they've existed for decades without any kind of controversy. You might not like it but that's a matter of personal taste and I really don't see anything racist in the design of the Country Bears. It's this kind of mentality that led to Disney replacing Alien Encounter with Stitch's Great Escape and you would be hard-pressed to find too many people who view that particular change positively.
The monster in Alien Encounter was racist? I just thought he hated everyone.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
show me where i said the bears where racist..and not where i said racist looking...and you are totally missing the direction of the racist looking comment. It wasnt that the bears were racist, its that whoever made the bears is racist against southerners. Not sure how much more misconstrued it's getting in here. And if you say you didn't think thats what i meant in the first place thats fine but im telling you now, i didnt mean the bears were racist..they look like someone racist against the south made them...and walt had nothing to do with the show other than liking the way the characters looked

You're right; "racist looking" is so much better. Still trolling....


New Member
First of all, I never said you did call anyone stupid. If you look back at my original post I quoted Joey NOT you!! I still stand by what I said and don't know how you and Joey couldn't get that joke. You don't have to know Bob Saget personally to know that he was joking jeez...
I don't follow Bob Saget know his personality. Therefore, I stand by what I said. Jeez!!! People today are always picking everything to pieces and looking for something to be wrong with everything. Oh my goodness someone is going to be offended no matter who or what does it. Thin skinnded people. Everything must be polticially correct. I am so tired of politicially correct til I could scream. Now jeez that!!!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult


Active Member
Original Poster
How does a bear look racist? :confused: The bears were created by Marc Davis, one of the Nine Old Men and a man responsible for some of the most iconic characters in Disney animation and some of the best-loved attractions Disney have ever created so they were not intended to look racist in any way.

Just like Uncle Remus in Song of the South was the happiest slave you ever met? Disney's past has some dark patches the current bunch is trying to fix some of those mistakes..and yes making a happy film about a slave that likes to sing and heel click after a day of working for the man is pretty obscene..even for a white boy like me. How they managed to edit that and turn it into a fun log ride is actually amazing!


Well-Known Member
The monster in Alien Encounter was racist? I just thought he hated everyone.

No, what I meant was that anything deemed to be even slightly unsuitable for a particular demographic gets removed. In some cases it's justified, in others, like AE, I think it's unecessary.


Well-Known Member
Just like Uncle Remus in Song of the South was the happiest slave you ever met? Disney's past has some dark patches the current bunch is trying to fix some of those mistakes..and yes making a happy film about a slave that likes to sing and heel click after a day of working for the man is pretty obscene..even for a white boy like me. How they managed to edit that and turn it into a fun log ride is actually amazing!

I've never met a slave but Song of the South is a different matter entirely, the controversy that surrounds the film has existed for a long time and is something the company have taken a firm stance over. I wouldn't disagree that Disney has "dark patches" as you put it but the Country Bear Jamboree isn't one of them. You're perfectly entitled to your opinion regarding the attraction but I just don't understand how the bears look like their racist; if that were the case, I'm sure they would have been purged a long time ago.


Active Member
I've never met a slave but Song of the South is a different matter entirely, the controversy that surrounds the film has existed for a long time and is something the company have taken a firm stance over. I wouldn't disagree that Disney has "dark patches" as you put it but the Country Bear Jamboree isn't one of them. You're perfectly entitled to your opinion regarding the attraction but I just don't understand how the bears look like their racist; if that were the case, I'm sure they would have been purged a long time ago.
I remember going to the movies when I was little to see Song of the South during it's re release in 1980 and loving the movie. Of course I was a little girl so I did not get any of the so called racial connotations. I can see now how it could be deemed as maybe not so politically correct. I have always been interested in Disney's stance on this so would you mind filling me in.


Well-Known Member
I remember going to the movies when I was little to see Song of the South during it's re release in 1980 and loving the movie. Of course I was a little girl so I did not get any of the so called racial connotations. I can see now how it could be deemed as maybe not so politically correct. I have always been interested in Disney's stance on this so would you mind filling me in.

At the moment, Bob Iger has said that the film will not be re-released on any kind of format because of the controversy that surrounds it. I love it too and was lucky enough to get a copy of it on sale here in the UK years ago when it was available. It used to be shown on TV over here too, I remember seeing it a couple of times on the BBC but the company have taken the stance that it will remain locked away. That might change if the next CEO took a different stance on the film but I really doubt that will happen.


Well-Known Member
Just like Uncle Remus in Song of the South was the happiest slave you ever met? Disney's past has some dark patches the current bunch is trying to fix some of those mistakes..and yes making a happy film about a slave that likes to sing and heel click after a day of working for the man is pretty obscene..even for a white boy like me. How they managed to edit that and turn it into a fun log ride is actually amazing!

The fun log ride that you are speaking of was taken from Brer Rabbit. Brer Rabbit started at Laura Plantation in Vachiere, La. Alcee Fortier recorded or wrote down the stories that the Senegal slaves told their children in french to teach them. So what Splash Mt. is about is really stories that the Africian slaves brought from their home land. Fortier collected the stories Compair Lapin and Compair Bouki, the clever rabbit and the stupid fool which evolved into Brer Rabbit. Splash Mt. is really about Africian slave stories. Checkout the following webdsite to find out more.


OV 104
Premium Member
I think its finally time to hibernate the bears that have been putting guest to sleep for the last few decades. They are racist looking, creepy, stereotyped rednecks and not sure how they are still in business. I'm sure some of you like them, but thats more nostalgia than entertainment. Why not bring in a woody's roundup kind of show and give some love to jessie, and bullseye. I find that the western portion of the park is lacking and that would give it an a-list show. You could even get some use out of stinky pete..there is nowhere in any of the parks that i seen a show with woody or buzz unless im missing something.

I was raised and live in a southern state in a country area. I find your implied definition of redneck and racist in this post highly offensive. Perhaps you should be removed from the these boards.

Ironically I was going to comment that I don't get how anyone could "look" racist but I stand corrected with that lovely Photoshop job. I guess that would be what racist "looks like." Sheeze.

I don't like the OP because he/she is racist against Southern Americans and those from country areas that listen to bluegrass. THAT post is one that looks racist.

Better a blues guitarist like Lead Belly than the international music of the 21st century....

Exactly! I do not go to WDW to hear music that I can hear everytime I switch on a radio. Then again, I live in a southern state and listen to country so I must be racist. :cool:

Wow, glad to see people can take a light hearted forum that seriously...guess it means you care! If you like your hick bears playing washboards than by all means stick with them. To each his own..i don't like C.O.P. either, or the tiki birds and im sure some of you would chain yourself to the C.O.P. if they were tearing it down. But i will avoid there rides for the next 5 years and give them a chance again..maybe i've seen them too many times in the last 14 years

Can you make your prejudice anymore obvious? I am baffled by all this racism to a certain class so openly. Hick? Wow.

Just like Uncle Remus in Song of the South was the happiest slave you ever met? Disney's past has some dark patches the current bunch is trying to fix some of those mistakes..and yes making a happy film about a slave that likes to sing and heel click after a day of working for the man is pretty obscene..even for a white boy like me. How they managed to edit that and turn it into a fun log ride is actually amazing!

Now you are characterizing slaves as all miserable and never happy? I suggest you do an actual bit of history research and read through diaries of slaves (yes! several were taught to read and write). In a good number you will read about the jubilees that they held and wait for it... wait for it.... were singing and smiling. How much more prejudice will you get?


Well-Known Member
well i remember the pirates of the Caribbean being toned down a few years back because they were trying to catch the town's women and most likely do what pirates do...would you like to bring back that too cause pirates generally don't chase women for they do now.

They don't do that now. Instead the women are chasing them with weapons to get them away or defend themselves. Personally, I think changing that was an overreaction because they never caught them anyway. And I suppose all those Pirates "want the red head" because she reminds them of their elementary school teacher and they want to thank her for giving them the education they needed to be successful.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Just like Uncle Remus in Song of the South was the happiest slave you ever met? Disney's past has some dark patches the current bunch is trying to fix some of those mistakes..and yes making a happy film about a slave that likes to sing and heel click after a day of working for the man is pretty obscene..even for a white boy like me. How they managed to edit that and turn it into a fun log ride is actually amazing!

Wow. Someone failed to pay attention to Song of the South, or to their American history class.

I don't quote the bible often, this's all I have at this point.

"A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions." - Proverbs 18:2



One Little Spark...
Wow. Someone failed to pay attention to Song of the South, or to their American history class.

I don't quote the bible often, this's all I have at this point.

"A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions." - Proverbs 18:2

EDIT -- remus

Hahaha, I could not have responded any better myself. Kudos!

Bob Saget

Well-Known Member
For those of you just tuning in, here is an abbreviated version of what you've missed thus far. Hopefully this will clear up any confusion as to what we're talking about:
They are racist looking, creepy, stereotyped rednecks and not sure how they are still in business.
I think I saw a racist ghost in Haunted Mansion.
Ok so only some of the bears look racist...
for the record the horse commited murder not suicide
A few years ago there was a heated thread about the CBJ where this one woman swore up and down that the Blood on the Saddle song was about Aunt Flo.
Seriously?!??!?! At Disneyland the show is always packed and lively...
Oh lord, if the CBJ redneck racist argument wasn't enough, now someones turning it into a DL is better than WDW thread. :rolleyes:
i never said the bears were racist..
They don't have any black bears on stage.
They need to add Christopher Walken.
However, hip-hop is both a new and an old musical form.
Obama's the first black president. ever.
I accidently hit the like button on this post, but it doesnt mean I like it.
After some more thought on this matter, I think that switching to hip-hop is unreasonable.
I was for your post before I was against it.
Just because something is old doesn't make it a classic...i have a pair of socks with 3 holes in them from 98...
show me where i said the bears where racist
I, Pluto, never called anyone stupid.
The monster in Alien Encounter was racist?
Thin skinnded people. Everything must be polticially correct. I am so tired of politicially correct til I could scream.
I think those two Siamese cats are homophobic.
pirates generally don't chase women for they do now.
I feel like John Lennon when he said the beatles were bigger than Jesus.
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