Selfie sticks - is this a thing at WDW yet? Disney clarifies policy


Well-Known Member
My friend just returned from Disney and said that someone was trying to use one on Space Mountain in the initial tunnel. :banghead: CM's said nothing to the person which leads me to think that this will not always get caught even if a full ban is in place. That idiot could have been trying to take a picture in the dark part of the ride, hit something, lost control of the (now) weapon, and hit someone in the head. But oh no.... they're harmless. :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
My biggest wonder is that there are literally thousands of CMs that are happy to take your picture (whether you use a phone or DSLR), so why in the heck do you even need one? Please don't say that you don't want to "bother" a CM. It isn't any bother to the many, many CMs that we have asked to take ours, and they have ALL been pleased to do so for us. And the vast majority were not Photopass people, but regular CMs. We just set up the DSLR for them, and they snapped the picture. Easy peesy.

I don't bother asking regular CMs to take my picture anymore. The photos came back shaky and blurry 9/10 times. One time the CM told me they were scared of breaking my DSLR, while holding it.

Tasking someone who doesn't give a flip with taking your photo usually ends in a poor end result. Not saying selfie sticks are the answer but asking CMs isn't going to get everyone the perfect photo they want.


Well-Known Member
I've never had a problem with a CM taking our photos before. Of course I don't own a $10,000 DSLR. And I venture to say that even a shaky photo from a CM is just as good as a shaky photo on the end of a long pole. Especially one taken with a iPhone camera. If it was a Samsung with image stabilization then maybe it will be a little bit better. But that's a whole other argument. :D


Well-Known Member
Unless you're Michael J Fox you shouldn't have any issues taking a sharp photo on an iPhone.

I don't want any blurry photos, DSLR taken or otherwise. Which is why I don't rely on underpaid college students to take my photo. Photopass photogs are passable but not always much better when not using their kit.


Well-Known Member
Unless you're Michael J Fox you shouldn't have any issues taking a sharp photo on an iPhone.

I don't want any blurry photos, DSLR taken or otherwise. Which is why I don't rely on underpaid college students to take my photo. Photopass photogs are passable but not always much better when not using their kit.

Really? You're going to make a joke about Parkinson's? I promise you without a doubt and it with all certainty an iPhone photo is going to look like garbage if you move the phone while taking the picture. And that's also if you can live with a grainy picture even with a steady hand. Leave Parkinson's disease out of this.


Well-Known Member
Really? You're going to make a joke about Parkinson's? I promise you without a doubt and it with all certainty an iPhone photo is going to look like garbage if you move the phone while taking the picture. And that's also if you can live with a grainy picture even with a steady hand. Leave Parkinson's disease out of this.

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
I was in fl for two weeks this January and used a selfie stick during our stay. The only ride we used it on was the carousel in mk and all other photos were taken in photo spots ie Main Street. We never once came any where near contact with another person whilst using our xmas gift off a friend.

As for people suing disney, how??? It is the stick user you would sue not disney. If someone punched you at mk it's not Disneys fault.

So it appears a small minority ruins it for everyone

Welcome to America..where people can sue anyone, anytime, for any reason. That doesn't instantly make the suit condemning of the accused, but still costs money to them regardless (even with lawyers on staff).

I unfortunately have worked with lawyers for many years in the personal injury capacity, and if you only knew how liable a lot of private companies are to people on their property, you'd understand exactly why this can be a huge issue.

I point you to , in particular to the Guest Safety section. "The health, safety, and welfare of our guests and customers are of paramount importance to the company". I am pretty sure "Making sure they aren't assaulted, intentionally or otherwise, by a metal rod" falls into that category. You may think the word "Assaulted" is a bit harsh, but that is how it will be worded by a lawyer.

As someone who HAS gotten whacked in the face at Magic Kingdom by a less than careful guests wielding one of these (a fact all the supports of them using it seem to conveniently ignore while constantly proclaiming no one ever has gotten hurt by one), it is DANGEROUS. I was lucky to have it miss my eye, but it was less than 2 inches from making direct contact. Had I have gotten injured, you can bet that I would lawyer up, especially now with Disney officially acknowledging that these exist and can be harmful (the signs at the entrance of rides). Hate me all you want for saying it, but why should I be the one paying for others carelessness in a place that you are supposed to feel "safe".
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Well-Known Member
I don't bother asking regular CMs to take my picture anymore. The photos came back shaky and blurry 9/10 times. One time the CM told me they were scared of breaking my DSLR, while holding it.

Tasking someone who doesn't give a flip with taking your photo usually ends in a poor end result. Not saying selfie sticks are the answer but asking CMs isn't going to get everyone the perfect photo they want.

The secret to getting decent photos from someone else shooting your camera is to make sure you have the camera set up right when you give it to them... Never hand it to them on auto or program mode, there is a good chance it will have a slower shutter speed than you expect and you get motion blur. The best option is to have it set on manual mode with the shutter fast enough that you wont get any blur. Then all you need to really do is hope they get you framed they way you want.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Oh geez, this thread is 46 pages long?! I created a monster. Aaasaahhhhhhh!!!

Anyway, I wanted to report that I just returned from 5 days at the world and maybe I just got very lucky but my concerns turned out to be totally silly. On the entire trip, I saw a total of two (2) of these sticks and both individuals were using them respectfully.

Now that I'm back in NYC however, it's another story. The tourists here are completely out of control with these things. Argh.


Well-Known Member
My friend just returned from Disney and said that someone was trying to use one on Space Mountain in the initial tunnel. :banghead: CM's said nothing to the person which leads me to think that this will not always get caught even if a full ban is in place. That idiot could have been trying to take a picture in the dark part of the ride, hit something, lost control of the (now) weapon, and hit someone in the head. But oh no.... they're harmless. :facepalm:
Hilarious, only for the person but not for the victim. Hope the stick and the phone got dropped.


Well-Known Member
The problem is not the stick but the casual manner in which people use them. Your arm is not braced to withstand a person bumping into it, or a ride twist and turn for example. It comes flying out of your hand and hits someone. Think of the small child who's standing 3 feet tall getting whacked on the head. If you don't injure the child, I guarantee you, you've ruined their day and their parents for having to console them.

I love selfie sticks, but I'm thinking in such close quarters, with unknown situations and surprises presenting themselves, it's not a great idea for WDW parks.


Well-Known Member
Haha, Bill Maher had a segment this week in "New Rules" about the Selfie Stick Ban @ WDW. Later on today when I have a moment I'll transcribe it - was so funny. It was especially so, because this is not the first time that it felt like a hot thread here ended up as a topic on Bill Maher - in the past, we have joked that it seems there is a writer on his show that visits this site. :)


Well-Known Member
Have someone take your picture like so many people do or just do the selfie without a stick. Does the extra 2 feet or so make the picture? Maybe it's me but I just don't get it.


Well-Known Member
My rule is always, if you don't want to be called something...don't act like one. :)

WDW is the last place in the world you need a selfie-stick. There are plenty of people, including CM's Disney pays just for the purpose of taking pictures, though any CM will do it for you, to assist you in your picture taking.

Everyone that does use them should be laughed at, because the entire concept of "selfie stick" was actually a joke, a "what the world may come to", and someone latched on to it and made it a real device. Every person who uses one is the victim of a joke making fun of people who cannot live their lives off camera.
Even the guy taking out the trash bag will readily help you with your picture taking needs at the World! Trust me I know, my brother wanted to get the best possible shot of the Tree of Life and the CM taking out a trashbag was right there and got it for him


Well-Known Member
Just got back from 2 days at the parks...and man they are everywhere with the south american tour groups! Groups of 25+ and they can;t have anyone take their picture for them? Oh..and how rude they are swinging them around while yelling for their friends to wait for them to take their selfie....ugh.

I've ranted a lot about this already, but it still surprises me how dangerous and obtrusive these things are.


Well-Known Member
Yes, not only was it them (I just got back on Tues), but it was others as well. And they don't pay attention to where they are swinging them around and if I had a dollar for every time I almost got hit with one on my 4 days in WDW I would be rich. And I just happened to say something in passing about almost getting hit by one on the phone with my DBF and the guy with the chick passing me wanted to fight about it, got really mouthy. I was like yes, they are stupid like you, now shut up or I'm tossing you and the selfie stick in the moat.

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