security of the rooms and integrity of the staff


I plan to take my laptop to offload my images daily from my camera. I know my laptop would be much safer staying in the room than with me in the park. Can I get feedback/opinions on the security of the rooms and integrity of the staff? I'm staying in POFQ.

I'll be on my flight in 47 hours......... :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
We just returned from a stay at POR and my stuff was never disturbed. I purposely will leave change on the table to see if any gets 'lost'. Not once in my countless times of staying on Disney property have I ever felt the need to nail anything down. If you feel your laptop would be a prized commodity; lock it in your suitcase with your dirty socks. Or put it on top of the armoir where you'd need a chair to get to it and it should be out of sight.
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Active Member
In 20 trips to on property resorts (POFQ, POR, DL, CS, CB, Poly, Cont, GF), we have left all kinds of stuff in the room from change to bills to cameras and nothing has been lost or otherwise disturbed.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
In countless stays at WDW resorts I have never had a problem with anything being taken. We even had one time when we left a tip for the housekeeping staff and forgot to put a note on it and it was still in the room when we got back. Just use common sense and keep your valuables out of sight that way you don't tempt an otherwise honest person.
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Original Poster
thanks guys. That's what I thought. i was just wondering if there was any horror stories out there. Moderator can close the thread so we don't beat a dead horse.


47.25 hours I'll be landing in mco! :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
To truly protect yourself you can choose to lock up your laptop in the room safe ( if it is pretty small) or you can lock it up with the Front Desk Staff. That having been said, I havent ever had any problem at all with anything being taken. That would include cash, some electronics etc Belle
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Account Suspended
True Story:

One time we left in a hurry in the morning and we left the room fairly messy - there was stuff all over my bed.

Come back, everything is where it was on the bed - but the bed has magicly been made underneath it.

Othertimes, i've taken naps in the room and the odd quarter or two escapes from my pocket (ends up in bed or on the floor) - whenever house keeping would clean up, i'd find it on the nightstand or the table of the room.
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New Member
One problem...

My mother had just over two hundred dollars stolen from her on our second trip. This was back in the early 90s... However, it was sort of her fault because she didn't use the safe. She had taken the money out of the ATM that morning and we were in a rush and she doesn't like that their safes use a key instead of like a computerized code. ANYWAY, she did get the money stolen, but she reported it to guest services and we were refunded the money plus a little extra. So, there you have it, the one bad story among the great. Otherwise, our luck has been fine! I always use the safe, but my boyfriend didn't on my trip in May '05 and he didn't lose anything...
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New Member
jpstajdl said:
I plan to take my laptop to offload my images daily from my camera. I know my laptop would be much safer staying in the room than with me in the park. Can I get feedback/opinions on the security of the rooms and integrity of the staff? I'm staying in POFQ.

I'll be on my flight in 47 hours......... :sohappy:

I've taken our laptop the last couple of years to WDW and Disneyland and never had a problem.

I just leave it plugged in on a table.
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I must say, that we take a small electronic store with us every time we go, and never had an issue. Though we do make sure the laptops are back in there cases, and camera are out of plan view. (CBR has windows to the outsite). The resort staff has been nothing less they perfect, we have even been known to leave cash out on the table, small change really, and never had an issue. When we leave a tip for the staff we typically label it as such so they do take it.

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New Member
just so you know, there are very, very heavily disciplinary actions for that type of behavior. therefore, even the slightest theft(a piece of pizza) is grounds for termination.... i have an idea all will be very, very safe :)
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Well-Known Member
We've taken our laptop to WDW a few times (along with other assorted electrical equipment and have never had anything touched. At first we used a security cable to lock the computer to the closet racks. Now we just put it in a bottom drawer in the dresser along with my camera dock and have not had a problem. We also leave change in a dish on the table when we clean our our pockets every night, never had that touched either. :wave:
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Active Member
I take my laptop all the time to disney and have never ever had a problem. I always put it in a dresser drawer during the day. Out of site out of mind. The safes at POR & FQ are not larger enough to fit it in, the only hotel that I know of offhand that has a safe large enough for them is Pop and that was because it was built last.
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Well-Known Member
I've taken my computer many times for uploading pics and connecting to the internet and usually I'll just leave it on the desk or table. Never had a problem with a missing computer.
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Active Member
cherrynegra said:
I've taken my computer many times for uploading pics and connecting to the internet and usually I'll just leave it on the desk or table. Never had a problem with a missing computer.
Ditto for DH and I. Last trip to POR, we over 10 pieces of electronic equipment with us (including two laptops). I left mine on the floor under the bed one morning (forgot to put it into a drawer). There it was, tucked neatly under the bedside table, still plugged in, when I got back.

It's nice to see that no one else has ever had any problems, either! :)
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Active Member
We've never had any problems, either, and have stayed at several of the resorts. One thing to remember, though, is to always make sure the door to your patio or balcony (if you have one) is locked, and that if you are at ground level, to make sure anything valuable like a laptop can't be viewed from the door or window.
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New Member
Debbie said:
We just returned from a stay at POR and my stuff was never disturbed. I purposely will leave change on the table to see if any gets 'lost'. Not once in my countless times of staying on Disney property have I ever felt the need to nail anything down. If you feel your laptop would be a prized commodity; lock it in your suitcase with your dirty socks. Or put it on top of the armoir where you'd need a chair to get to it and it should be out of sight.

I always stay at POR and last year, I've left dollar bills on the table, change...even my wallet in a pair of pants and it was never disturbed...

I dunno, I always feel safe in Disney...
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Well-Known Member
We've left laptops, cameras, etc. in the rooms and never had a problem. The only time we had a problem was several years ago when we thought the trunk of our car would be safer than leaving the laptop in the room (we were staying off property that trip). Well, the laptop ended up getting stolen from the trunk of our car (we're assuming that perhaps we accidentally hit the trunk button on the key remote as we were walking away so it was open slightly and someone decided to help themselves). Luckily, they decided to be "smart" and only take the computer and leave the case (so we wouldn't notice it right away). I had left my wallet in the case so they would have really hit the jackpot if they had taken the case and all. From that point on we've always stayed on property and just left everything in the room--with no problems.
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